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Everything posted by mooneygirl

  1. Michael Golden asked me to forward this: Jolie- Please forward this to all of our members: On behalf of the Lake in the Sky Airshow, and on my own behalf, thank you to all the members of the the Mooney Ambassadors for the dedication, time, resources and money we all put into making this year's airshow a spectacular event. Our members went to great lengths to put their planes on display, fly Young Eagles, volunteer on the airshow committee, assist in setting up the airshow, participate in the airshow itself, and ensure that the Lake in the Sky Airshow was a tremendous success. Our participation as a manufacturers group has become so popular that we had kids wanting to fly in my Mooney yesterday when we flew Young Eagles! The Mooney Ambassadors are one of the integral parts of this annual airshow, and the participants & patrons truly enjoy visiting with us. I received so many positive compliments from airshow committee members, participants and patrons regarding our Mooney Ambassador hospitality and friendship. Thank you to all for supporting this wonderful event. It is not only a benefit to us Mooney owners, but also to the Lake Tahoe community and Lake Tahoe Airport. We love to fly, fast! Michael Golden Mountain West Aviation P.O. Box 1695 Crystal Bay, Nevada 89402 530-582-1717 Direct Dial tahoelocal@ltol.com www.mountainwestaviation.com
  2. That does sound like the best lay over ever! Plus I think we need to support our flight museums. Although it isn't talked about much, they are another way to promote [for the most part] general aviation. It was just in the cards that you were supposed to go to the Air and Space museum! What fun
  3. Hi Nick Everyone is entitled to their opinion that is for sure. You might have been better off to post your reply in the Mooney Airplane Company Concerns thread. Here is what we have cooking for September. Wings Over Edenton, NC KEDE will happen again this year (weather permitting), on Saturday, September 24, 9-4ish, with wonderful old airplanes, old cars, old pilots, food, aerial demos. Plan to join us, and show off your Mooney! Better yet, plan to spend the weekend, and explore our lovely little historic waterfront town. Admission, parking, on-field camping, are all free. Hope to see some Mooneys here- mine's lonely. Point Person: Mimi Reiheld September 24th, EAA Fly-In, Mariposa/Yosemite, CA KMPI This is a classic community airport day. Static displays, raffle, pancake breakfast and fun for all. Mariposa is very close to Yosemite National Park. Point person: Ron McBride. 3rd Mooniacs Fly In on September 24th & 25th at Paris, France, with a diner at the Aéro Club de France on September 24th. We would be happy to be able to count on your presence. You will find in enclosure the program of the rejoicings. We need to get your answer as soon as possible, and before August 30th. Do not hesitate to contact us for any further information you would wish. Point Persons:Jacques CAILLIES, Gilles KHAÏAT Email: jcallies@aviation-pilote.com September 24th and 25th. Tehachapi, CA KTSP. Celebration of Flight is an annual commemoration of the Wright Brothers first flight in 1903. Originally held in 2003. The purpose of the event is to promote aviation to the general public, especially young people. This year we are planning numerous static displays from local and large business, flight demonstrations, balloon rides, food, and free EAA Young Eagles airplane rides for kids. This year's event will take place over two days. Both days will feature a pancake breakfast, a tri-tip lunch, and EAA Young Eagle airplane rides. Static displays include local Search and Rescue, Police and Fire Departments, and numerous military and civilian airplanes. New aircraft direct from the manufacturer will be displayed as well as various local aircraft. Free Camping on-field *BBQ / Wine Tasting Sat evening Movie / bonfire*pancake breakfast* Fuel Discount for those flying in. Point Person: David Marten ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To register for an event, shoot me an email with your details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you to the 24 Mooneys who attended Lake in the Sky at South Lake Tahoe, plus the 2 couples who had to drive to the event. This annual air show featured the Mooney Ambassadors. The attendance was over 10,000. We worked with children on making paper airplanes and understanding aerodynamics. As well, several owners opened their planes up for visitors. You all make us very proud! Commit to Inspire the Love of Flight, to Ensure Future Pilots! Mitch and Jolie
  4. The Mooney Ambassadors were very well represented. Fernando counted 24 Mooneys, and we had two Ambassador couples that had to drive. The kids activities were a big hit. At least four of the Mooneys were open. Kids and adults were allowed in, to check out the cockpit of our beautiful airplanes. Mooney is the only type that is specifically invited to Lake in the Sky. The air boss, flight line manager, and airport manager all thanked us, and asked us to please come back next year. We certainly met the Mooney Ambassador mission: 1) Support Mooney; 2) Promote G.A.; 3) Have someplace wonderful to fly. The weather was awesome. One of the highlights for me was participating in the air show. We had 204 kts on the fly-by and the whole process was just fun fun fun. Thanks to Dave for posting the photos. Awesome. Thursday and Friday were just perfect. Saturday started with a few showers. There were some thunderstorms forecast, but I certainly didn't experience that. Mitch and I left yesterday at 4:00 p.m. and flew to Portland. 2.5 hours 193 kts. Zoom. I personally wanted to thank all our participants for your efforts. If anyone would like more information about what the Mooney Ambassadors do, check out our website. We have been invited back to Tahoe next year, the 4th Saturday in August, for Lake in the Sky.
  5. Bill, if you aren't a member of the Mooney Ambassadors you might check it out. Here is what we do: Here is the write up for the Edenton Ambassador Event: Wings Over Edenton, NC KEDE will happen again this year (weather permitting), on Saturday, September 24, 9-4ish, with wonderful old airplanes, old cars, old pilots, food, aerial demos. Plan to join us, and show off your Mooney! Better yet, plan to spend the weekend, and explore our lovely little historic waterfront town. Admission, parking, on-field camping, are all free. Hope to see some Mooneys here- mine's lonely. Point Person: Mimi Reiheld We are all volunteer, have a heck of a lot of fun, and inspire the love of flight.
  6. Mitch and I and 25 of our closest Mooney Airplane friends are flying to South Lake Tahoe for Lake in the Sky this weekend 8/26 and 8/27. All are welcome to this great event. Friday night BBQ is complimentary and a salute to our active duty and veterans. We have 8 or 9 in the airshow on Saturday. The weather?? 82-87 degrees. Tempted yet??
  7. A little off topic, but perhaps this will help get the younger generation interested in flying Dave: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLyTzIslEQk
  8. Righto. I think the closest thing to you is MAPA Homecoming in October at Kerrville~ Bring your personal MOO-Jet down there!
  9. The photos from this annual event just look like a whole lot of fun! Both Jacques and Gilles are Mooney Ambassadors. 3rd MOONIACS Fly In on September 24th & 25th at Paris, France, with a diner at the Aéro Club de France on September 24th. We would be happy to be able to count on your presence. You will find in enclosure the program of the rejoicings. We need to get your answer as soon as possible, and before August 30th. Do not hesitate to contact us for any further information you would wish. Point Persons:Jacques CAILLIES, Gilles KHAÏAT Email: jcallies@aviation-pilote.com
  10. I am a member of all three. Plus I get the $39 AOPA legal coverage each year. For me MAPA is very important as they are our professional association and have such a legacy and collective memory about our brand. I am really looking forward to going to Kerrville for the MAPA Homecoming this year too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07sezQHxSaY
  11. Scott, I might suggest you send this little write up of yours to Trey Hughes at MAPA. It would make a great article with photos. You did a good thing today. Our presentation series for 2012 is : Inspire the Love of Flight, Ensure Future Pilots. You sure did that today. Kudos on a job well done. Come see us at Lake Taco next weekend!
  12. Hello All If you are interested in joining us at South Lake Tahoe next weekend for Lake in the Sky Air Show, please let me know. Right now we have 27 Mooneys on the roster and six of those are participating in the air show. We do have more ramp space for anyone who would like to come and do the Ambassador thing, and one spot in the air show [high speed passes]. Drop me a PM or email to: MooneyAmbassadors@charter.net The weather is looking good for next weekend!
  13. It is a little strange interpretation of a Mooney but I am ordering a few boxes!
  14. Just in case you are looking for fun places to fly your Mooney! Lake in the Sky Airshow, South Lake Tahoe KTVL: August 26-27, 2011 Join us at Lake Tahoe in 2011 for the 22nd year celebration of America's High Altitude Air Show. The Mooney Ambassadors are the only type club that has specifically been invited by the event administration for the past several years. We had 22 airplanes in 2009, 14 in 2010, how many are coming in 2011? Friday night dinner is a salute to Veterans who have served or are serving our country. Saturday is the big day, and we expect upwards of 11,000 visitors. Double Eagle II Airport, KAEG outside Albuquerque New Mexico Saturday August 27th an open house with some displays, plane rides, things like that. maybe we could get some Mooneys to fly in as well? Point Person: Chris Gibson. Wings Over Edenton, NC KEDE will happen again this year (weather permitting), on Saturday, September 24, 9-4ish, with wonderful old airplanes, old cars, old pilots, food, aerial demos. Plan to join us, and show off your Mooney! Better yet, plan to spend the weekend, and explore our lovely little historic waterfront town. Admission, parking, on-field camping, are all free. Hope to see some Mooneys here- mine's lonely. Point Person: Mimi Reiheld September 24th, EAA Fly-In, Mariposa/Yosemite, CA KMPI This is a classic community airport day. Static displays, raffle, pancake breakfast and fun for all. Mariposa is very close to Yosemite National Park. Point person: Ron McBride. Jolie Lucas N6619U http://www.MooneyAmbassadors.com
  15. Here are some photos of the fun event hosted by Vincent Dunn. The Ambassadors do have a few more events in the flying season. Lake in the Sky Airshow, South Lake Tahoe KTVL: August 26-27, 2011 Join us at Lake Tahoe in 2011 for the 22nd year celebration of America's High Altitude Air Show. The Mooney Ambassadors are the only type club that has specifically been invited by the event administration for the past several years. We had 22 airplanes in 2009, 14 in 2010, how many are coming in 2011? Friday night dinner is a salute to Veterans who have served or are serving our country. Saturday is the big day, and we expect upwards of 11,000 visitors. Double Eagle II Airport, KAEG outside Albuquerque New Mexico Saturday August 27th an open house with some displays, plane rides, things like that. maybe we could get some Mooneys to fly in as well? Point Person: Chris Gibson. Wings Over Edenton, NC KEDE will happen again this year (weather permitting), on Saturday, September 24, 9-4ish, with wonderful old airplanes, old cars, old pilots, food, aerial demos. Plan to join us, and show off your Mooney! Better yet, plan to spend the weekend, and explore our lovely little historic waterfront town. Admission, parking, on-field camping, are all free. Hope to see some Mooneys here- mine's lonely. Point Person: Mimi Reiheld Events We Encourage: In speaking with Trey, MAPA is continuing the "Mooney of the Month" in 2011 and will seek contributions from the membership. Photos should be color, JPG, high res. and portrait is preferred for a cover shot (see the Jan ’11 LOG for more about photos) and the article should include as much info. about the airplane, years of ownership, interesting flights etc. It sounds fun so put your story/photo together and submit to: mapa@sbcglobal.net. 2011 MAPA Safety Foundation PPP $795.00, schedule your class today. (Be proficient in your airplane) September 9-11 Pilot Proficiency Program, Atlantic City, NJ Oct. 7-9 Pilot Proficiency Program, Ownesboro, KY Tele: 210-525-8008 or email: mapa@sbcglobal.net MAPA Convention: 2011 MAPA CONVENTION UPDATE FROM TREY: Well folks it’s finally scheduled. This year we have decided to depart from our usual “once every three years” schedule of visiting Kerrville and return to the hometown of Mooney a year early. We do this so that if there is something new to report (no nothing important yet!) we will be nearby. October 20 – 23, 2011 we will occupy the YO Ranch Resort and Conference Center for the 37th consecutive meeting of the Mooney Aircraft Pilots Association. We are putting together another great list of speakers and are beginning to contact exhibitors so mark October on your calendars now so that you can take part in the oldest and largest gathering of the Mooney family in the world. We will follow the successful format used last year in Colorado Springs – Welcome Reception with Exhibitors on Thursday evening, breakfast with the Exhibitors Friday morning and then begin seminars that afternoon. Once again we will plan only one seminar at a time so that no one has to pick and choose. Friday night after dinner we will all meet for dessert at the traditional Ice Cream Social. Saturday we will have seminars throughout the morning into early afternoon and the banquet will complete activities Saturday night. Watch future issues of the LOG and our website for more information. But mark your calendars now – October 20 through 23 at the YO in Kerrville. We will see you there! Tele: 210-525-8008 or email: mapa@sbcglobal.net Check out the promotional video for MAPA Homecoming 2011: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07sezQHxSaY
  16. I am a Mac Girl too. From waaayyyy back. I love, as you probably know, IMovie and making fun videos.
  17. Hey Job, nice paint job. Stop bragging about how fast you fly! HA. Thank you for your service.
  18. I have to admit I love that they put in our photo and description. http://www.lakeintheskyairshow.com/performers_static.html This is a great annual event that draws upwards of 11,000 http://www.lakeintheskyairshow.com/airshow_schedule.html Lake in the Sky Airshow, South Lake Tahoe KTVL: August 26-27, 2011 Join us at Lake Tahoe in 2011 for the 22nd year celebration of America's High Altitude Air Show. The Mooney Ambassadors are the only type club that has specifically been invited by the event administration for the past several years. We had 22 airplanes in 2009, 14 in 2010, how many are coming in 2011? Friday night dinner [free] is a salute to Veterans who have served or are serving our country. Saturday is the big day, and we expect upwards of 11,000 visitors. Ramp space is limited so let me know if you are coming!
  19. Need some options for the upcoming weeks? Here are some offerings for Mooney drivers... Wings Over Whitecourt Annual Airshow (Canada). Wings over Whitecourt is Thursday Aug. 4th. Appearances confirmed by the Canadian Military Snowbirds, P51 Mustangs, Classic cars etc. Point Person: Russ Anderson. Hot August Flights, Saturday August 6, 2001 in Salem Oregon (SLE) A Fly-in & car show. Come on Northwest flyers, come and enjoy Salem! Fly-In/Cruise-In Breakfast 7:30am-10am (portion of proceeds to benefit Civil Air Patrol) Outdoor BBQ, indoor full lunch menu Airplane Show & Displays Classic Car Show & Displays Airplane Rides by Graham Aviation Services Helicopter Rides Raffle for Lightspeed Zulu Headset (portion of proceeds to benefit Civil Air Patrol) Free Admission & Parking Point person: Vincent Dunn Lake in the Sky Airshow, South Lake Tahoe KTVL: August 26-27, 2011 Join us at Lake Tahoe in 2011 for the 22nd year celebration of America's High Altitude Air Show. The Mooney Ambassadors are the only type club that has specifically been invited by the event administration for the past several years. We had 22 airplanes in 2009, 14 in 2010, how many are coming in 2011? Friday night dinner is a salute to Veterans who have served or are serving our country. Saturday is the big day, and we expect upwards of 11,000 visitors. Double Eagle II Airport, KAEG outside Albuquerque New Mexico Saturday August 27th an open house with some displays, plane rides, things like that. maybe we could get some Mooneys to fly in as well? Point Person: Chris Gibson. Wings Over Edenton, NC KEDE will happen again this year (weather permitting), on Saturday, September 24, 9-4ish, with wonderful old airplanes, old cars, old pilots, food, aerial demos. Plan to join us, and show off your Mooney! Better yet, plan to spend the weekend, and explore our lovely little historic waterfront town. Admission, parking, on-field camping, are all free. Hope to see some Mooneys here- mine's lonely. Point Person: Mimi Reiheld Wanna see what we do? Safe skies Jolie N6619U--currently in paint at ArtCraft, SMX
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