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Everything posted by mooneygirl

  1. I would recommend flying into KBFI. We used AeroFlight as the FBO if memory serves. They had a shuttle to the Museum of Flight, no ramp fees, and I seem to remember getting complimentary tickets to the museum. We were staying with family, so I don't have a recommendation on lodging. The controllers [seattle Approach] are used to folks asking to take the "scenic" route. As you can imagine it is busy airspace, but I felt comfortable and the sights were just spectacular. Have a fun time!
  2. Learn how to protect your airport by promoting it Mitch and I are happy to be part of the panel for an upcoming AOPA Webinar. Tired of explaining over and over that your local airport isn't a playground for the rich boys or that local government supporting transportation infrastructure is not a “subsidy”? Join AOPA in the Webinar “Protecting Your Airport by Promoting It” for tips and techniques to get your community positively engaged at your local airport, deal with local government officials, and ensure the airport’s story is resonating with your neighbors. AOPA Manager of Airport Policy John Collins will moderate a discussion with general aviation airport advocates during two sessions on June 29 at 3 and 9 p.m. Eastern time. Registration Required: June 29, 2011 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT - https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/941696217 June 29, 2011 9:00 pm - 10:00 pm EDT - https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/679865305 Please join us, and tell your friends. Jolie Lucas
  3. Please join Mitch Latting and Jolie Lucas for the presentation: PGA Squared: Promote General Aviation, Protect G.A. Airports on Thursday July 28th at 10:00 a.m. at the EAA Museum's Vette Theatre. Attendees will gain an understanding of promoting General Aviation to the flying and non-flying public, which in turn protects our General Aviation airports.This fast-paced and lively presentation is sure to give ideas, encouragement and motivation to let others know about the benefits of General Aviation. We hope to see many of our friends in the audience. Please share this announcement with those who might be interested. See you at AirVenture! Mitch and Jolie
  4. Where are you flying this weekend? Here are some Mooney Ambassador happenings.... Here are some fun ideas for Father's Day weekend flying. If you would like to attend just email us with your particulars. To all those fathers out there...Happy Father's Day! Father's Day Fly-In, Columbia CA O22, June 17-19, 2011: The Ambassadors attended the 2010 annual Father's Day Fly-In in beautiful Columbia California. Nestled in the foothills of the Sierras, Columbia offers two runways, one asphalt and one grass, as well as a lovely campground. 13 Ambassadors came through over the two-day event and helped spread the word about Mooney Airplane Company, and promoted General Aviation. Come Join Us June 17-19, 2011 Father's Day Fly-In, Summer Solstace /Cooking Lake Airport (Canada), June 17-19, 2011. This is Ambassador Russ Anderson's annual party. If you are in Canada or headed up to the great white north, check out this great airport and fun party. Anybody planning on attending the Cooking Lake party on June 18th can RSVP to Russ at russkar@lara.on.ca He will provide shuttle from airport to my acreage ( about a 3 minute ride) for the main party. Pickup can be arranged by email in advance if have the ETA or by calling 780-922-6017 upon arrival. June 18-19, 2011 Quad-City Airshow, [KDVN] Davenport, IA. Over 200 ground exhibits, Fat Albert and more! See WWII aircraft and displays, plus our Mooney Ambassadors.“ Special 25th Air Show Silver Spectacular Flyover starting at 1100 – you do not want to miss this opening” We have , including the Dr. Pepper Kidspace. Point Person: Rebecca Meeke. Event website: http://www.quadcityairshow.com/2011/ Fly safe, and have fun. Mitch and Jolie
  5. I just did my landing pucks. It wasn't $1000. They were $87 each from LASAR, plus shippin times 12. Plus installation. I have to say that the difference is very dramatic. From taxi to landing, smooth.
  6. That would be nice, another friend is selling a cool Mite. 1958 C model, so he can buy an A model.
  7. Bob and his wife were able to join us at the Porterville [KPVT] Ambassador event. He is selling his beautiful J. M20J/201, 1977, Very good to excellent condition-----------for sale. Home Base Fresno Chandler (KFCH), CA. Robert Richardson robertrichardsonphd@unwiredbb.com Mitch picked up a few of the handouts on this airplane which is fully IFR. Bob isn't flying enough these days he says. If you are interested email Bob directly at the email above.
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