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Everything posted by mooneygirl

  1. What a lovely person Patrick was. We were just talking about where to stay in Fredrickberg for the MAPA convention. He was a guest in our home and just such a bright light and very kind person. I met him at MAPA in Kerrville, what a loss for his family and our Mooney family. Tail winds Patrick. High Flight Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings; Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth Of sun-split clouds...and done a hundred things You have not dreamed of...wheeled and soared and swung High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there, I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung My eager craft through footless halls of air. Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue I've topped the windswept heights with easy grace Where never lark, or even eagle flew. And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod The high untrespassed sanctity of space Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.
  2. The last two times we saw Bill at Kerrville, he was having problems with his computer. As a matter of fact he told us he typed in some big history of Mooney only to have the computer go tango uniform. See you Friday/Saturday Dave.
  3. It's is embarrassing to Mitch but I still use the re-formatted paint stirrer from my father's C model. Can't bring myself to get a new one though mine has duct tape on it and all. Memories of Maggie 1
  4. For me posting photos is hit and miss. At one point I thought they had to be super small in size to post. Then later I was able to post a full sized jpeg. To post a link that is clickable first copy the link into your text, then click the button that looks like a chain. Copy it into the link URL and hit insert. http://www.FriendsofOceanoAirport.com
  5. I am glad you are okay Patrick.
  6. What a great use of the airport to host an American Cancer Society breakfast. Wonderful. If it is an annual event, maybe we can advertise a bit next year on the Ambassador site and here and get some more Mooneys. Have fun
  7. The Friday Night Burger Fry and Dance should be a blast. The weather looks very nice. The temperature will dip down to the 50s at night, so bring your jacket. We will have the fire pits going, but you will be at the beach so you can do the math. Family fun for all. Door prize and sneak peak at the Silent Auction. Smores and popcorn for the kids and young at heart. $10 for adults, $5 for kids. San Luis Jazz Band will be performing great dance music, heck it will be dark so no one will see you! Ha Ramp space is limited, we are implementing Snuggle Up parking! Bring chocks and tie downs if you like [we might be parking some in the grass]. Pacific Plaza Resort is booked for Friday, but we do have camping for $10 per night. They do have two rooms for Saturday available.
  8. John I am very surprised that Flying doesn't give you many copies of the issue since you are a contributor. AOPA has sent me 5-10 issues each of the issues that my articles were published in. That is very odd. I look forward to reading it. Thanks for the heads up.
  9. If your tail is on the "right way" per Al Mooney and coming to L52 Celebration let me know. Snuggle up parking in effect. http://youtu.be/iOX0Rry0IRk
  10. My kids are 26, 25 and 12. The older ones enjoyed me flying them to college and home. Gabriel is our Future Mooney Pilot. He is now sitting right seat more and more and is doing well at holding headings and altitudes, pulling the prop and mixture back and descents. One time he asked me what happened if I "fell asleep" or something in the airplane. That was when he was 10. So I decided to start teaching him the basics. The other day while he was flying 1 of the 1.5 hour flight what he would need to do if something happened to me and he said "mayday mayday mayday on the radio and he would look at the GPS for location". I also told him to be able to look outside the window too! The Mooney is our station wagon. Gabriel has never gotten a choice as to whether he goes or not. It is just "get in the plane". Sorry if that sounds harsh but I am never going to get into power struggles with a little kid. We joke that he will be flying Mitch and I around when we are too old. He says he likes to fly the E more than the Ovation. [i have to agree! Sorry Mitch]
  11. Shery Loewen asked that I post this for her: PRESS RELEASE, 5-3-12 Lake Aero Styling & Repair “LASAR,” a Mooney Service Center, located in Lakeport, California for the past 36 years, is pleased to introduce our new Service Manager, Michael Riter. Michael has been with LASAR for two years, moving from Washington State. Michael received his A&P license from South Seattle Community College in 1999, and also has his IA (Inspection Authorization). Michael was the lead mechanic at Pro-Flight Aviation in Renton, Washington for 11 years, and also was a part time instructor at South Seattle Community College. He taught beginning and advanced airframe, beginning engine, and general aviation basics. Michael has worked on all series of single and twin engine Cessnas, and on Beech, Piper, Bellanca, Mooney, and Grumman. His turbine experience includes King Air, Gulf Stream, Citation and Aero Commander, and he has worked on all Lycoming and Continental engines, P&W R985, PT6, and Allison 250 engines. Michael relocated to our area when his wife was hired as a sign language interpreter for a local school district, and according to him, “was lucky enough to find LASAR was in need of an A&P mechanic.” LASAR feels very lucky to have him, too!
  12. This is a cabin door fixture it puts the skin on the drop hammer door pan.
  13. I think one of the difficulties with this piece is that the order says "use of force" and CBS translates into the extreme "Shoot to Kill" to get viewers/readers.
  14. I put the following comment on their facebook page [having no delusion that they will read it]: Your "Shoot to Kill" title is irresponsible. The public has a difficult enough time understanding what General Aviation is, and with sensationalism like yours, the problem worsens. Pilots are made aware of flight restrictions and the consequences. Your story is poor journalism and is akin to yelling "fire" in a crowded theater. Shame on you!
  15. Well I never said I knew! HA What is super fun is that the factory workers from Mooney are getting involved and having some fun. That makes me feel happy too. Problem is there are two correct answers. One that is technically true and the other is the commonly used term.
  16. Mitch and I have been back to the factory a few times in the past months to shoot a video legacy project. I thought it might be fun to see if you can identify some items from the Mooney factory. Here is the first submission.
  17. Seth, great photos! I added the story on the Mooney Ambassador facebook group. Looks like a fun time even though Mother Nature was not happy!
  18. Under your circumstances, I too recommend an escrow service.
  19. Eddy I put the word out to about a dozen Mooney Ambassadors in the Bay Area. We will see what we can come up with.
  20. Thanks for the ideas. Ron, I will take a look at your solution at Oceano Celebration on May 11-12th. In the Ovation, no problem, adjustable seat. In the E model, we are a little more sparse!
  21. I need some help here. Our 12 year old FMP needs some sort of boost up to see over the glare shield. [Although he is learning instrument flying this way!]. I have used folded towels, and pillows [sometimes a challenge with the J-bar] Anybody else using a booster-type device. I thought of perhaps a boating chair that was small enough to fit in the seat. Ideas appreciated. I am thrilled he is learning to fly. He flew one of the one and a half hour flight yesterday. My Dad used to call me the old chinese pilot "One Winglow". For Gabriel I would call him "One NoseHigh." Good times for sure.
  22. The movie is Always is showing. Holly Hunter and Richard Dryfuss. Aviation theme. Sounds like maybe 5-6 Mooneys come and join the fun....
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