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Greg_D last won the day on February 18 2017

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    Tomball, TX (KDWH)
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  1. Thanks Jake. Is that something you guys do in your shop? If not, where would you recommend I take it. It's getting more and more difficult getting techs to work on Bendix King stuff! BTW, the computer you overhauled is still working great!
  2. Did the entire servo, including the capstan have to come out? Or were you able to replace just the servo motor?
  3. I was just wondering if anyone here has any experience replacing a KS-178 roll servo located in the right wing of an Ovation. How difficult was it and how long did it take? If you used a shop, what was the labor cost?
  4. Do you have a link to what you found on Amazon?
  5. I finally found mine in the outboard section of the right wing near an inspection panel that was screwed in. Since your avionics guy was able to replace the servo in 15 minutes, I'm guessing that he was able to replace just the motor and didn't have to disconnect the capstan and rigging. Can you please confirm? Either way, 15 minutes seems amazing given how tightly fit everything is in there!
  6. Mine is the KFC-150. I haven't been out to the airport to check yet, but I will report back once I do.
  7. Where was the servo located?
  8. Thanks! Seems like a weird location. This servo controls both ailerons, correct?
  9. Where exactly is the autopilot roll servo located on a 94 Ovation?
  10. Thanks for the photo. Not going to fly with the other computer, just a ground check.
  11. Jake, thanks. Do you have anything that shows which pins are D and L? I have a friend with an Ovation very close to mine. His doesn't have a KI256 though. Would it be possible to drop his "computer" in my panel to rule that out as the problem? As I mentioned above, the servo does engage. Maybe the motor or transistors are bad in the servo. It looks like there are a bunch of them out there for sale at a reasonable price.
  12. Skip, thanks. I did the test on the ground. The servo is definitely grabbing something, because the yokes are firm. Edit: I can’t overpower the roll servo when it is engaged. And the heading bug does not turn the yokes. The flight director command bars do respond to the heading bug though. Overpowering the servos should kick the AP off, right? You think it may be an HSI or pin issue? Where are these contacts you mentioned? Are the in the back of the KC-192 tray?
  13. Just looking to gather some thoughts/recommendations. The plane is a 94 Ovation. Autopilot has worked rock solid since the KC-92 was repaired about two years ago, including a flight yesterday. It passes the preflight test just fine. Today, it won’t track the heading bug or capture a course. The servo is engaged as I can feel force holding the yokes when I try to turn them with the AP engaged. The flight director command bars move properly when the heading bug is turned. I’m thinking the roll servo may be shot or just bad enough that it will hold the everything steady, but won’t supply enough force to turn. When flying yesterday, I thought I may have smelled some smoke in the cockpit, but didn’t see any popped breakers and everything worked fine. I triple checked everything. Thoughts? And I’m scared to ask how much roll servos run these days.
  14. I'm glad to hear someone had a good experience with them. I purchased one of their original Stratus units. After owning it for less than a year, the micro usb power adapter broke off. They sent me a replacement which lasted about 6 months before the same problem occurred. Some online research showed this to be a common failure for the device. When I contacted them for a second replacement, I was told that the device was "no longer supported" and subsequently couldn't be repaired by their shop. I asked if I could get a reduced price on one of the newer models with a different power connector. They offered up one of the newer models for $100 off, which was exactly what the airshow promotion was at the time! Nothing extra for being a return customer....with an original faulty product. I passed on their generous offer and vowed never to put one of their products into my panel or flight bag again. Maybe they heard that story a few too many times and fixed things!
  15. Any traffic in the pattern, please advise?
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