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Everything posted by NickG

  1. Likely will be relocating to the Conroe area over the summer. Does anyone know if there are available hangar rentals at KCXO? Need a place for the Ovation.....
  2. Me neither!
  3. How much was the new filter?
  4. Thanks Don! Keep us posted!
  5. My rudder trim indicator light is getting hard to see (1994 Ovation). Is this a PITA to fix or something relatively easy?
  6. If I remember correctly, it was around 6-7k per tank for my Ovation but obviously give them a call to quote the aircraft you have.
  7. My understanding is that Don Maxwell is doing complete tank reseals and providing a 7-year warranty. They now own the Monroy LRT STC so they are doing a fair amount of tank work. Price around the same as the other shops. I spoke with them a couple of months ago.
  8. Gonna fly the same way and with the same features regardless of which airframe it’s attached to.
  9. I can't speak to how it works in a Mooney because my Ovation has a GFC-500 but I had an Aerocruz 100 in my former Cherokee 235. Worked as advertised. Certified versions have no auto trim feature which is a PIA as it is constantly asking for retrim (you'll figure out how to deal with that after a while). It's OK, not great in moderate turbulence - making sure your ball in centered helps a lot. Even though it's not cetified for coupled approaches, it flies them just fine. Please note, this AP will only work on GPS (internal), GPSS (external) Track Mode (which uses its internal GPS for ground track) or heading more (provided its connected to G5 or similar). It will not fly ILS, LOC etc. GPSS roll steering works well. If you're installing an EFIS that it supports (make sure that its supported..) then you will need to add an A-B switch for input so you can fly heading mode and also use the Efis Baro setting, otherwise the only way to set Baro in the unit is to manually dial in you altitude, which can be challenging in turbulence and a PIA if you are getting a lot of Baro changes. Here are a couple of review videos that are helpful:
  10. Mine doesn’t have factory O2 or AC. It does have TKS.
  11. I live in the southwest. 11k-16k is in my opinion the O3 sweet spot. Sure, can scream at lower altitudes but not as efficient.
  12. Nice!!!
  13. From everything I've heard and comparing similarly configured birds, I think my TKS panels cost about 5 Kts
  14. Sadly, you'll be waiting a long time!
  15. Ed, I like to negotiate a fixed price for the inspection, oil change and routine stuff. Obviously repair items not in the negotiated bucket that arise out of the inspection are extra.
  16. W 310 HP STC and TKS. NO Factory O2 (I use portable) or AC.
  17. My Ovation (310HP) has an 1100#UL. w/TKS. All glass, no factory O2 or AC. No Vacuum systems at all.
  18. This is true, basically everything is in the G3x minus the flight plan, which should be modified directly on the 750. I usually set baro on the G5 which of course is synced to the G3 X etc. can do on the G3X as well. I don’t really use my iPad while in flight (although I prefer the iPad to look at charts etc) but it does receive all of the flight data which gets automatically uploaded to the garmin site and can then be used in FlySto or any other analysis program.
  19. Yes… it’s very orderly
  20. Thank you for this. I only knew Seuk through conversations on FB but he was a terrific guy.
  21. Congratulations!!!! I’m 100% sure you will make the plane perfect and have many hundreds of happy, safe flying hours in it!!!
  22. I Hope the price you paid reflected the owners neglect.....
  23. Those are all great questions I wish we had the answer to
  24. This is the worst possible news. I know him through the Mooney Pilots FB group. A super nice guy who loved to fly dog rescues. He just gave me some great tips on getting my dogs aboard my Ovation... RIP.
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