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Pinecone last won the day on March 12

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  1. You are looking for the Local Priority plan. That is a single country, up to 350 MPH and 50 GB of data per month. If you go over your data block, it lowers your speed to 1 MBS.
  2. I have most of those setup on the top of the 750. G3X data fields are set to data to the next waypoint, 750 to destination. Right side has a 7" G3X, so she has PFD and MFD and can check whatever she wants. Last trip, got her to start changing the frequencies and altimeter settings. Soon, I will be able to sleep while she and the autopilot take care of things.
  3. When my shop went to reset my gain settings back to the STC settings, they found that those settings had changed from what they had originally set. Just going by what they told me. But the settings that are in it now do not pitch oscillate and do not have random AP disconnects.
  4. I would not use hot glue for anything except holding some parts in position while making a proper repair. ABS is so easy to work with. You can buy ABS paste/putty or make your own. Just dissolve some ABS in MEK (paint section at hardware or box store). To reinforce, I would use 3/4 ounce fiber glass cloth. Apply with MEK with a small amount of ABS dissolved in it. Then once that dries, add another application of MEK with more ABS dissolved in it.
  5. They finished the job in late May, so it would have been that Rev. But it was redone in September, IIRC. They pull the latest from Garmin dealer website each time.
  6. No idea. How can I find it? We redid the gain in September or so. It was fine in October going to/from the TX PPP.
  7. Again, this is a NEW plan and their website is not yet updated.
  8. Long thread on BT. @LANCECASPER posted the meat of the new plans. They are supposed to start next month. The Local plan allows up to 350 MPH and the Global plan is good for 550 MPH. Walmart supposedly has a few StarLink Minis for $350 - 370.
  9. I loved the Flight guide also. BTW, StarLink is coming out with new plans, so inflight internet access will be $65 per month for up to 50GB of data.
  10. They are available to Garmin dealers. My dealer may give them to ME, but I would not distribute them
  11. You have to fly the airplane. But while doing so, you can also hit the AP disconnect. That is why it is on the yoke and easy to get to. If you van maintain control, I would still land. If I am fighting it and deviating, I may go missed, but do you really want to fight it for a whole approach. CB and master and such are only if you are under control and have time.
  12. I think the idea is, don't automatically do an overhaul if an IRAN will work. Work with your prop shop.
  13. The downside of having your prop overhauled is that they MUST grind the blades to reprofile. Do that a few times and your blades will be too thin and need to be replaced. Or you get a new prop.
  14. Very true. Yeah, the basic idea works great. But the markups need to be tweaked.
  15. And if you are doing a major panel job, replace the yoke balls. Easy when everything is apart.
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