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Pinecone last won the day on September 10

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  1. It is not hard to fly cross cockpit instruments. Instructors do it all the time. It would be a good idea to practice this. But I put my back up G-5 right next to the main display and up high. I see a lot of panels with them down low.
  2. Actually there are different LHS models and even the C model can be installed with the wire to the gear switch. Early models or newer ones without installing the wire, it says Check Gear a few times regardless. But the current version, installed properly, acts as you said, it only says something if the Gear is not down at 200 feet.
  3. One thing I have found helps in avoiding too much heads down is to put a dedicated screen to Traffic. That way I ONLY see the traffic close by (normal set to 2/6 miles) and +/- 2000 feet. With speed/distance vectors shown, it is a quick glance to see if there is an issue, then eyes out to visually acquire the traffic.
  4. And those 16 year olds are the ones who turn off the stability control, because "it keeps interfering with their driving." Not realizing that it is saving their butt. Saw it a lot in the BMW world, and the same people would be back on the forum with a few weeks with a tale of how the car is totaled because "the car lost control."
  5. It helps if you tag him using the @ sign @AH-1 Cobra Pilot This sends to message to him about your post.
  6. Yeah, so many trips it does not make sense to fly commercial. I was looking at using an expiring DL companion ticket. So thought, maybe a weekend in ATL.. But even non-stop, it is 45 minutes to the airport, be there 2 hours ahead of time. Two hours gate to gate, then get to baggage claim and get Uber. So close to 6.5 hours door to door. Versus 7 minutes to hangar. 30 minutes to pre-flight, load, put car in hangar, pee brake. 3+25 to KPDK. 10 minutes to unload. Get Uber. So less than 4.5 hours. Add in a layover, and it gets worse for commercial.
  7. In my G3X/GTN course, almost every pilot there had their plane in the shop doing the avionics upgrade. So they were getting a leg up.
  8. If your first try doesn't find the leak, skip messing around and get some of the UV dye to put into the oil. Clean the engine, add the dye, run about 2 - 3 minutes, POW, oil leak is clear. Yes, a leaking pushrod tube will put oil on the top of the turbo. BT, DT.
  9. I would hit this now. TKS fluid turns acidic over time. Get it cleaned up and the leak fixed.
  10. If those are the ones with the plastic overlay, the plastic breaks off and then you MIGHT have a bit of colored plastic in one of the holes. I learned the hard way. I use something like these now. I got them from the local lock shop, so I did not buy 40. https://www.amazon.com/Covers-Plastic-Identifiers-Colored-Identifier/dp/B0C1YBBLYZ/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.LKDLnZRBR8ITsSl4lAPzQhVDZoz_Yl7GoZgEj8yDNDbSYCouoHwtBhZNX8KW960U-H_uw8SLcJ0uaw5pkh__0oYhvrsJ_BraqLO7ql0rku98G5rRkF9wrIiXC1FCY_S-DBY-CNpGbGHCYYJHFEFX3EKIcVLt9G6GiRAx8OjlIi51lPPhHLsT8CtLa9L63V93FUNdli0Fhbgh59Qc2dBNH7ctSgzRCIMnSht_1FkA7ys3Zp4D7Pgt92a_wWwkTcmtxL4qf3nTriX4VH8DqAQSiaBJJ8dLRJUZyv1D6hlqprQ.D0SmqM7CvCsnbh3BkVNzAbL-R57yrzl_OtA2G-j-pgI&dib_tag=se&keywords=key+caps+colored&qid=1732111864&s=office-products&sr=1-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1
  11. I used @jetdriven as a guide/mentor to my purchase. He found things on a couple of planes that were deal killers. He also found a plane for me (but the owner backed out from selling). I sent him logs electronically to review. And he is not that far away from ATL to be considered for doing the prebuy. But there are closer ones.
  12. Needing to adjust the low pitch stop may also indicate that your engine is not producing full rated power. Like a static RPM check with a fixed pitch prop. So I might get a prop shop involved to see if it is set to what it should be.
  13. This is SO true. You didn't know what you didn't know. ADSB is a tool. And like any tool, it can be used properly and be a great benefit. Or, it can be misused and cause trouble. All in the operator. IMO, it is a very useful tool for MY situational awareness and helpful in dealing with traffic. It is not the ONLY tool to do so.
  14. Well, sort of. Done properly, they could decrease separation while increasing safety.
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