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Sue Bon

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Sue Bon last won the day on November 23 2023

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    1977 M20J
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  1. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-34324772 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen_emissions_scandal
  2. Oh, wow. Yikes. Yeah, that is bad. When I was talking about the landing fees I get, those come from the airports themselves, not a company that happens to be at the airport. Totally different animals. Those Vector Airport guys are jerks.
  3. Yeah... sorry... I do realise those guys are completely out of line. I was just wondering if they are providing a service or something, or if it's a rip-off scheme.
  4. As someone accustomed to paying landing fees at every airport (including my home airport), are these fees you should be paying anyways? I get bills in the mail or via email from airports all the time.
  5. True, but not always. Several times I've had to request clearance or other information in English. One time I flew to Reims (IFR) and didn't do my homework enough to see that radio calls are only in French from 1200-1330 LT. I was so very lucky to land at 1155!
  6. Are they? Flying in France is no cakewalk. It freaks me out every time I'm the only one speaking English on the frequency. I think I will go to Montpellier next year for a month of intensive French with private lessons focusing on aviation. I saw that Rouen has an excellent school for intensive learning, but your weather in November is not much better than ours, so the sunshine of Montpellier is attractive.
  7. https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/5045984-fbi-warning-mystery-drones-planes-lasers/
  8. Yes, and yes
  9. It was assigned by the Radiotelegraph Treaty of Washington in 1934. They replaced CH with HB, H for Helvitica and the B was just random, I guess. I'm not sure why they made the change. No other country has CH.
  10. Love that plane. Love that name!
  11. I've had to wait a couple of times for parts to be found and then shipped from the US. It's a minor inconvenience, but well worth having a Mooney.
  12. I absolutely love this photo. It should be something... A movie poster? Our banner? I don't know, but this photo is... just... captivating...
  13. I don't know about you, but for me the photos always look so much more benign than when you're actually up there... manoeuvring around them... Were you VFR?
  14. I had this problem for a while, but with banking to the left. My maintainer fixed it by trimming the rudder.
  15. I flew to Biarritz, then north to Deauville - Normadie, east to Saarbrücken and then home with basically the same view Hours and hours for three days of nothing but high fog to the horizon in every direction. It was eerie...
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