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    Vancouver, WA
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    '80 M20J
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  1. Yes, IO360-A1B6, -A1B6D, -A3B6, -A3B6D, IO-390-A3A6. Continental IO-550 if you consider a Missile still a J.
  2. I've been plotting to do a more..."anatomically correct" one to live in infamy across the internet.
  3. No Mooneys had TSIO-520. That's like a Turbo 210 engine. Bravos have the Lycoming TIO-540, and the Acclaim has the Continental TSIO-550.
  4. When I had an issue with cylinder wall/ring interaction and high oil consumption, oil dripped out of the exhaust on shut down and the belly was saturated all the way back. I still find oil under belly panels.
  5. Well, I feel pretty stupid. All of the wiring chasing I did, I decided to finally test voltage at the cigarette lighter plug with the engine running...14.18V, while the EIS showed 13.5V. So, seems like the charging system is working fine, but my voltage drop is somewhere either in the avionics bus or in front of the EIS...
  6. Yeah, I think so too and I've gone around in circles without finding a smoking gun so far, but happy to have the confidence from others that what I'm seeing is low and to keep troubleshooting...
  7. I've seen this before...is this supposed to be the maximum output? Or the float setting? If I pull every CB I can get the bus volts to show 14.0 but that's about it. I have a Zeftronics R15300 non-adjustable VR.
  8. Which model PP VR did you install? I don't see the J listed on the R1224 eligibility list.
  9. Spin off from the other thread, where does your bus voltage float during cruise flight? I've been troubleshooting electrical gremlins on my 14v J, I managed to clean up some light corrosion, but can only get my bus to show 13.4 after start, and floats at 13.3 max during cruise. Am I chasing my tail?
  10. I'm fairly certain the -3 means 3 amps. A 20TC2-BG-10 would be 10 amps, etc.
  11. GI-275 EIS has a normalization function in the manual, is it not in the software?
  12. I think this is the same product I saw for sale at OSH but I can't remember the vendor.
  13. Something isn't right if you can't hold it back for run up. I can do full power static takeoffs and the airplane doesn't budge.
  14. The small magenta carrot shown on the HSI should be your GPS ground track. Figure 16 in this image.
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