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Everything posted by redrider54

  1. Do you happen to have this Part Number or where you got it? I'm having similar issues and was trying to find the upgraded PN in SB M20-129 PN 950161 for the upgraded switch.
  2. bump, still available. Accepting offers.
  3. Stock exhaust is ready to go if anyone is looking for one. It came off my 66 M20C. Was repaired 427.8 hrs ago. $1200 obo shipped to Lower 48. I'm at KAEG for local pick up or can ship it in the powerflow box. Can send more pictures or video chat.
  4. Donation sent. Looking to unlock the classifieds section to post. Thanks!
  5. Yes and just completed the installation on it to!
  6. Would this somehow work with JPI 700 or tie into my G5's?
  7. received yesterday in great condition! Thanks again for an easy sale and quick shipping!
  8. I too tried to go that route when I bought my Mooney 2 months ago but it was about double too. I settled with Avemco and it was a killer deal compared to all others. For reference I bought my Mooney with 270 ASEL with IR, HP and 18hr Complex. Maybe upon renewal they will be close or less but also Avemco will over a discount on renewal.
  9. congratulations! Huge accomplishment!!!!
  10. Thanks, which one did you upgrade to?
  11. I have a working GMA340 what are the details on a possible trade?
  12. Slightly off topic. I plan to do the same or similar upgrade to get BT built in. How do you like the new unit? Significant improvement in audio quality?
  13. New to all this. If mine doesn't have have hybrid weights. Can I just fill out post card and send back or do I need an A&P or IA to sign it and send in?
  14. Update to the situation! I will NOT have to go to AK this time around. Good news as I just got the plane, hangar and I'm pretty involved locally with our EAA Chapter and other things. Pretty happy about that.
  15. It is. I'm too OCD for that I would hate that and it's 3-4 years potentially.
  16. Yeah totally agree. Just sucks that of course 2 weeks after I get everything all situated here I get hit with this info. It puts me in a bind if I can't get the orders canceled. I wouldn't want to turn around and try to sell it now. ughhh lol
  17. Yeah it would be a 3-4 year accompanied. I'm honestly trying to get it canceled. We have always talked about getting an assignment there but the timing on this one is sooo poor that myself and my leadership are trying to get it turned off. I know Elmendorf has an Aero club but Eielson doesn't. I highly doubt they would let a personal plane hangar on base since they don't allow GA on the airfield there. Yeah been searching though here seeing what people have had to say. I know it's not the ideal plane to be there but would make quick trips from Fairbanks to Anchorage and back.
  18. There is a slight possibility that I may be moving to Fairbanks, AK now ( military and just found out Friday afternoon) so I'm kind of freaking out about what to do with the plane. This is such an unfortunate turn of events after I was just getting settled, within a few years of retirement and hoping I was done moving! Anyone with Mooney experience in AK? Worth the hassle for me to bring it up there if I can't get my orders canceled?
  19. Thanks! LOL ouch man that hurts!!!! LOL HAHAHAHA Awesome!! HAHAHA lol it's okay, I had one on order before buying this car.
  20. Thank you! I don't have an autopilot and have been briefly been looking at the BK Aerocruz 100 but haven't looking too much into it. Not sure what my cost would be. It has a very basic engine monitor but I do want one where I can swap out the primary gauges too. It does have that, why do you say that though? Hopefully, I need to find a CFI local that is comfortable in a Mooney.
  21. So far so good. Full bags I was easily getting 5-700fpm. Where the 140 I normally fly was barley getting 300fpm
  22. Not sure your hrs vs mine. But was 280hr ASEL with IR and 18hrs RG.
  23. Way cool!! They are beast on the track, it's like it's on rails! Thanks, I am so far! Heyyyy thanks! Close tail # that's cool
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