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  1. None need it, but it sure is nice!
  2. If my yaw damper failed today, I'd be making arrangements to have it fixed immediately. It's wonderful.
  3. So is yaw damper.....regardless of what those who don't have it say.
  4. That's a pretty good summary. Basically it's a cheap VFR system.
  5. And a jack...1"pipe...pliers...adjustable wrench...2 ratchets w/extensions and 7/16 sockets...valve core removal tool...bead breaker...tire talc...and a way to air it up.
  6. Here's the other issue.....finding a tube and or tire that's available. Most don't warehouse that kind of stuff, but you might get lucky....hopefully. The last one I changed was back ordered for a while.
  7. Like kpaul... mine was also installed by Garmin....and tested and certified by Garmin. As per Garmin representatives, YD after takeoff during climb was normal OP. Each to their own, but mine works flawlessly.
  8. Exactly
  9. I roll down the runway...rotate...raise the gear...raise flaps...push YD...drive the bus.
  10. I have an M20E with GFC500....trim and yaw. If the yaw malfunctioned today, I'd be on the phone tomorrow to schedule repair.
  11. If these options don't work out, I have a KY 97A com with the tray that isn't being used. If interested, let me know.
  12. The issue with some early models isn't a Garmin issue....as everyone likes to point at the other guy....it's actually a Mooney issue. Mooney actually used 2 different push/pull tube configurations on the early short bodys... pre 64. If you dig deep enough you will see what what the deal is. Garmin had no way of knowing this until they were made aware of the issue. A new part was made to solve the issue and is being tested. They are still leaps and bounds ahead of the other guys...in all catagories.
  13. I also have a cluster gauge out of a '66E if anybody is still in need of one. 250.00
  14. If it's the original prestolite starter, the bendix gets gummed up. Sea Foam makes a lubricant that also cleans....works well. The best solution is to replace it with a sky tech lightweight starter.
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