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    Lehigh Valley
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    1988 M20J

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  1. does anyone know where I can locate a cable for my analog tach, part number 446156–043, 940040–507, or 446642–040. My mechanic is having a little bit of a problem locating the part. Thanks.
  2. Can anyone explain, Garmin are you listening, why I've had my 4th servo failure in the GFC 500. The pitch servo was replaced in Feb 2023 when the software upgrade was done. Today departing MTN, I had a pitch trim servo failure, communication error 232. I am not pleased.
  3. tgstackho@gmail.com
  4. I had 500 hours in a PA 28 when I bought my J. I lived in NJ and was lucky to meet John Pallante at a Moooney Pilot Proficiency Clinic. John has remained my CFI for 30 years. He is an excellent instructor and routinely helps new pilots transition. Feel free to email me if you want details.
  5. My avionics blower is slowly going tango uniform. On startup, it will screech. Flicking the avionics master off/on will stop the noise. I've attached a photo. I am looking for a replacement. I am told they are hard to come by.
  6. This accident provoked a reality check about my training for managing an engine failure in IMC. There has been extensive conversation on Beechtalk concerning the best way to land and survive. On the Crashtalk forum someone mentioned an book, "Engine Out: Survival Tactics" by Nate Jaros. There is a personal account by Matt Anker, a GA pilot who experienced almost the exact scenario as the pilot in the HPN accident. The critical difference is that Anker landed with a ceiling of 600' (not 300' and not in the dark). I highly recommend the book, it's available on Kindle. I have no conflict of interest concerning the book. The book provides detailed advice on surviving engine-out situations.
  7. https://archive.liveatc.net/klga/NY-LGA ... -2200Z.mp3 This is the recording from LiveATC. Exchange with ATC begins at or about 16:52. I recommend listening.
  8. I am 6' 4" and quite comfortable in my J.Full disclaimer is that I am just about normal weight for my height. Endomorphs may have issues with cabin width.
  9. I recently upgraded my second nav/com to an SL 30. I sent the KX155 to Bevan for repair. I have attached the invoice detailing the work done. I am asking for $2000, including shipping.
  10. I learned to fly my J at N73 which is 2880' x 50'. Threshold was displaced for 23 so as I recall length was 2500ish. Shortest runway for me was 12N (Aeroflex-Andover) which is 1981' x 50' with ponds at both ends. I could get the airplane stopped by 1500'. These days, after flying from my home base Class C. Those little runways seem even shorter.
  11. I have the GFC 500. No yaw damper. May not know what I am missing but I am very happy with this autopilot and my two G5s.
  12. My aerodrome is in Class C airspace so I'm always talking to ATC. The PA/NY/NJ sky is crazy busy wiith military, cargo, commercial and general aviation aircraft. My flying is either done IFR for long trips or with flight following for local missions. I've been listening to the "Opposing Bases" podcast which does a great job of demystifying ATC.
  13. I would agree with the above advice. As a sidebar, I don't know anything about the density of air traffic in Texas, but here in the East Coast I regularly get flight following. For me it's cheap insurance.
  14. "Some people have a way with words, and other people...oh, uh, not have way.” ― Steve Martin
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