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    M20J 205

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  1. Thanks all for the suggestions. So SCS is quite flexible, which is nice to hear. I will ask them what can be done if I send them the dimensions/photos of my interior. Because I live in Belgium, sending samples back and forth is not convenient.
  2. Hi, The carpets in my M20J 205 Special Edition (ser. 24-3076) are worn. I've looked at a few companies that sell M20J kits, especially SCS. SCS were kind enough to send my drawings of their carpet kits but alas, none of them seem to match my interior. Is there anyone here that has experience with a M20J 205 SE interior or knows about existing carpet kits that would fit? Best, Joris Struyve
  3. Thanks all for the nice comments. I'll look into that mag switch. Seems like a nice solution.
  4. Hi, After waiting almost a year longer than anticipated because of the bankruptcy of ASP Avionics in Belgium, my panel is finally done. Very happy with the result. Only, moving the magneto key up, above the USB, was not a good idea. The bulge in the side-plastic makes it a bit hard to reach.
  5. I had the same problem with an ETA switch. Judging from the photo yours broke off in the same way as mine. The little plastic 'brace' in the inside of the cover has broken. I managed to repair mine. I 3D printed just the little brace (somewhat thicker and more robust) that broke off and super-glued that back in. I also tried to 3D printing the complete switch cover. While that worked, the cover was very rough and hard to label.
  6. @StevenL757 Thanks for the thoughts. May I ask what the USB-charger/clock brand and model is you have in the picture?
  7. Thanks all for the insights. I would like to have a backup GPS if my GNS530W dies. In the GNC355, can I load an ILS procedure just for situational awareness? As for the G5 of GI275 and autopilot interfacing, my shop told me that is is not legal for a backup device to drive the autopilot. Although I found no reference for that statement. My budget does not allow to replace the autopilot. So I'm keeping the KAP150 (and ADF and GNS530) for now. I thus understand that a G500Txi is the better option. /J
  8. Thanks Marc and Steven for your insights. My avionics shop would agree, more or less. They say "The GI275 is a fantastic device packed with features, but all that information is crammed on a very small display. Having a G500Txi, then a G5 as backup is all you need".
  9. @carusoam Found my way to this thread, thanks. A GI275 costs twice as much as a G5. So I was wondering what benefits or features would a GI275 give me as a standby instrument for a G500Txi.
  10. Hi, I'm looking to renew my panel. Currently I have all the classic stuff with some new things added over the past years. In short, the main stuff is a KAP150 autopilot, old King radio and ADF, GNS530W, GMA345 and a JPI930. I was quoted roughly 50K euro for a complete new, laser engraved, panel with a re-wiring of all the existing electric stuff and removal of the vacuum system. The 50K includes all the work plus this hardware: G500Txi (with ahars and GAD43e), GNC355A, G5 backup and a GSB15. Surely that all looks nice but I still have these questions: Do I need the GAD43e? Isn't a simple GAD43 enough to remove the vacuum and provide an attitude source for the KAP150? I will lose some features, sure, but those come at a 2500 euro price. Is there an advantage to use a GI275 as a standby (quote now includes a G5) And why not a G3X touch? Will that drive my KAP150 and provide an attitude source so I can remove the vacuum? As most approaches in Europe are now RNP, I think a GNC355A is enough (I keep the GNS530W for the occasional ILS). Would you nonetheless install a GTN650xi? Thanks for your thoughts
  11. @pt20j I believe so. I asked Mooney for the calibration numbers for a tach with part no: 880035-507.
  12. I've mailed Mooney some time ago asking for the "Hobbs calibration" for a M20J 205 tach counter. They've replied with the image below.
  13. @MATTS875 I'm also looking at replacing all my lights with LEDs. Wingtip and tail strobes are like yours (ORION™ 500 and ORION™ 650E), but for the belly flashing beacon, I can't decide what I need. What I don"t want is a round beacon. I now have a oval, low-profile red beacon. From the Whelen website It looks like I have two choices, the 90350 or 90724 SERIES. The 90724 seems a good option, but it's nearly 2K euros! For the 90724, I'cant find any reference to a Mooney installation. Are you going with a round beacon? Does anyone have here have any advice on replacing the oval belly beacon? /J
  14. Well, I applied "CarPro - C.Quartz CQ.UK 3.0" on my windscreen. Sure, water runs off the windscreen like it's a duck. But I hoped it would help removing insect-splats. But that's not the case. What made my windscreen look nicer is machine polishing it with a finish compound.
  15. Joris


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