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About lithium366

  • Birthday 07/26/1984

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    Santa Clarita, California
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  1. Thanks, this fixed my problem, switch was sticking
  2. Do we know dimensions? I can create a cad file if dimensions known
  3. Anyone know where to source parts in 2024? Lazar is out of stock but when they do these washers are $120 each
  4. @prillayo03 is a scammer. Gave me a “seller gmail” in DM and insisted on friends and family payment even when I offered to cover purchase fees. 0 posts, closed all “recent activity” statuses and recently joined and stolen paypal account. All red flags
  5. To clean gear limit switches with electrical cleaner do I try to spray inside from the button end or I have to somehow disassemble switch?
  6. Reviving old thread: does anyone want to sell a used M20-144 kit for a reasonable price?
  7. For reference my oil temp today was 228 in climb, 215-220 in cruise and got down to 196 at shutdown and 208 in the pattern. 100 degrees OAT. I try to lean very aggressively for taxi and during descent
  8. How much down? Mine are still in 210-ish. To me it sounds like if your oil temps affected by an airflow while descending at increased airspeeds then oil cooler is doing it’s job well
  9. I have the same oil cooler and was convienced that in high pressure systems such as oil lines and oil cooler - there are different physics in play and air getting purged on it’s own (apparently oil vigorously entering an oil cooler is kinda foaming and carrying bubbles of air away). You can buy an IR camera for your phone on Amazon and walk with it around an airplane, look at the oil cooler and lines - very useful
  10. Yep so you see that flat area at 185 - this is due to vernatherm opening and colder oil from hoses and oil cooler mix with hot oil, delaying further oil temp raise. When you have issues with vernatherm, hoses or oil cooer (like I do) that flat area is non existent or very small for me it looks like your vernatherm is functioning well and problem is something else
  11. Oh I see, thanks for pointing out, I double checked and I have correct one
  12. Can you clarify what is the pressure housing gasket and how it relates to oil temp?
  13. Both vernatherms I have Lycoming and Superior stamped 85 C. That’s 185F and that’s about the temperature they “mostly” closed. They continue to expand at a much slower rate until water boiling temp. It’s interesting Lycoming mentions other temps I sent oil cooler to overhaul during engine overhaul, it’s hot to touch after flight but perharps vernatherm only partially open allowing temps to go up
  14. Cyl temps are normal, I checked inter-cylinder baffling. I am convinced the issue is vernatherm / seating - you can see a light going thru the seat. That should be fully closed?
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