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67 m20F chump

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Everything posted by 67 m20F chump

  1. My neighbor has a 56’ Bonanza with a E225 engine. It’s old and if the last overhaul was as resent as the 80’s I would be surprised. I had a IO-470 with a mid time factory overhaul in the late 90’s and spalled lifters. I think the source of the metal has changed. Even car manufactures are having lifter problems while my old boats and tractors just sit for extended time and still not fail me. I would blame it on the oil if it wasn’t for the old stuff not failing.
  2. That it fires when you let off the switch makes me think you have another problem. Are you able to hear the shower of sparks buzzing?
  3. I have used his products on all 3 planes I have owned. Always excellent quality and by aviation standards great prices too.
  4. I will add a N number story from my past. I went to collage at Embry-Riddle back in the 90’s. They would reserve blocks of ER numbers for new aircraft. Say they were contracting 50 planes they would block out a series of N numbers ending with ER. I can’t remember if it was on a piper or Cessna but the school blocked out one hundred series numbers and that was great until 166 showed up on the ramp. It was promptly changed! For the record I didn’t get it either because I saw a registration not a word. I have seen some of the schools old planes over the years and they will change one of the letters when they sell an old plane and the school keeps the ER tag. That was 30 years ago. The time slips away.
  5. More speed is always the right answer! I was thinking flying higher with O2 would be a good option to have. I found a POH in the download section and looked it over. I think the 231 would be nice but I’m better off staying with the plane I have for what I normally fly.
  6. I find the Mooney to not be the best on the grass as well. They will get it done but it rides like an ox cart. Thanks for the PIREP. I found a 231 POH to download and get good numbers from. I think my F is probably a good match for what I mostly do. A turbo would be nice but not a must have for where I play.
  7. How much of that 2700’ are you using? I’m at 800’ FE in the deep south. I use less than half my runway to get in the air or land. The non turbo F is a good short field performer because they are low weight. Maybe I should be looking at how much more the turbo’s weigh. Are they more nose heavy so that you wouldn’t want them on grass? Any chance you have POH copies of TO/LND charts?
  8. I’m not the kind of guy to file a lawsuit. I figured the best I could do is a refund of my pre purchase inspection and I didn’t even try for that. I now know where not to have work done. The plane wasn’t expensive and I knew it needed work. It would have been nice if they looked at the plane better but then again I could have too. It’s flying now and it’s a nice one. The time and money to get one back in shape is huge. That’s what I’m trying to say. Don’t underestimate what it takes.
  9. I fly a 67’ M20F from a 2500’ grass runway that is in good shape. I have always had the wondering eye for a turbo so I could fly over class B airspace and on top of summer clouds. A plane that would be great in the low teens. Any of you flying turbo’s from grass and how short is to damn short for a runway? I have never flown a turbo Mooney but have lots of time in F and J models.
  10. This is the truth. I paid a reputable Mooney shop in Georgia to do a pre purchase of my airplane and bought it based on that recommendation. They missed the corrosion in the spar cap when doing the 208 inspection (Ray Charles could have seen it)! I replaced the wing with A&P supervision and upgraded the avionics. I would consider myself lucky to get out what I have put into my plane. It’s not worth the effort to bring them back. Only do it as a labor of love knowing it’s a money pit. My plan B was to take my engine and prop and build a RV something. Unfortunately for my bank account I always wanted a Mooney. Now I have a nice one.
  11. Years ago when I had a 60’ Debonair I needed a trim cable that ran front to back. Nobody made the part. We removed it from the plane and shipped it to MacFarlane. They made one and my IA was happy with the part. My point is you can send them the old cable and they will make you a new one.
  12. I wanted to put some more numbers on this thread. I have a 67’F. I did 3 way runs at 5500 and 7500 yesterday and was using 22.5”/2600. The speed was 151kts@5500 and 155kts @7500. I have all mods except the J cowl. 2 blade prop. I think I could find a couple more KTS at 8500’ but ran out of time. It’s not a V35 but it is also much less expensive.
  13. And just like that the garmin autopilot became the affordable option! Bonus it’s already stc’d for my plane.
  14. I’m sure this is a dumb question but will a garmin G5 drive this autopilot? IE do you have to put in everything Dynon to use this autopilot?
  15. Would it be possible to get used ones shipped?
  16. Would it be better (faster) to get the parts for a Johnson bar? I don’t know if the conversion is possible but I would think parts would be available.
  17. I’m turning 54 and no accident history.
  18. Just got my renewal for insurance. It was $2000 for 45k hull 1mil liability. I know my hull is way under insured so I need to up that. I’m an ATP with thousands of hours and several hundred in Mooney aircraft. My Mooney insurance is now more than what I was paying for my B55 only 5 years ago. Is this the new normal for insurance?
  19. I found a wing for my M20F from a Mooney service center in New Jersey. I can’t imagine what shipping would be to the UK. I put it on under supervision and it took a ton of time add in fuel bladders and paint too.. I wonder if your plane is worth more as parts IE the cost to repair isn’t worth it. I know in my case I probably would have been ahead and build a RV-8 but I always wanted a Mooney.
  20. What a great outcome. I hope you enjoy your vacation!
  21. I live on a runway. My house was one of the later builds. I looked at everyone’s hangar to see what I liked and what didn’t work. You can’t build big enough. Make the door taller and wider than you think you would ever need. I now have a camper in my hangar and it fits under the door by 4”. Don’t go short on concrete. Make sure you have a large spot to park in front of your hangar. I live in the south so I used bubble insulation under the roof but not on the wall. Maybe I should have put some on the wall facing the sun. I got a high fold door and have been happy with it. The hangar is a pole barn. Good luck!
  22. I was in the mighty C172. 1000 hours at 1000’. This was early 90’s. Back when Walt Starling was doing it. 5 cessna 172’s and whatever Montgomery county was flying.
  23. Flying around the DC area used to be so easy. I used to be one of the traffic pilots flying the beltway at 1000’. It was fun and I was young. The DC area has become such a PIA to fly in that I just go around.
  24. I have talked to a MSC and the factory. Nobody will touch it. I’m on the fence about grabbing any available parts needed as they become available because it ain’t cheap, getting a 337 approved is a challenge, and nobody wants to do the job. I feel like I’m pissing in the wind here. I bought a nice cowl already but so far that is it.
  25. It’s the engine baffles and oil cooler ducting, intake, cowl flap handle from inside the plane to where it attaches at the flap, tail pipe and hangar, spinner and backing plate, and the cowl. The parts where the cowl attaches are listed as shim in the manual. I think I should let this idea die but I still want to do it. You would also need a 337 and possibly a DER to sign off on it. I’m trying to get a FAA guy to give me a thumbs up on a 337. I ordered the records from the FAA on a couple of aircraft that had the swap done. On top of that I can’t find any A&P willing to take the job on. I think I should sell the Mooney and buy a Vans. Allen has a 80’s J that he is parting out but the engine and baffles are already gone. I could pick some parts from him but I want to be sure about getting a 337 before I sink more money into this black hole.
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