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  1. I had an issue like this after a cylinder replacement and after some troubleshooting found that there was no dry tappet clearance at all on the exhaust side.
  2. I didn't mean to say a non A&P IA painter should try to do the annual but I think we are on the same page that the paint shop may not be the best place to get an annual inspection.
  3. I am in the camp of getting the annual done before it is painted so it never goes out of annual. That is less risky. However, painting is much more invasive than an annual so you could argue that if you trust them to paint it, you should trust them to annual it. I just find that hard to do given some of the paint shops I have visited and worked with.
  4. I guess I was misled..
  5. Height is not so much an issue for the pilot because they can just move the seat back. It may be an issue for the passenger behind them. This will be less of an issue in a mid or long body. I am 6' and have 2 inch extensions. They were installed before I purchased the plane. If you are looking for a mid or long body, it would probably be best you find one of those to check out, but if you are near Philadelphia, I am happy to show you my C at PNE. I am also supportive of a tri state area Mooney meetup for lunch. As for locations, I am supportive of 44N (Sky Acres), N40 (Sky Manor), 1N7 (Blairstown) , or GED (Georgetown). Maybe you can try on a few... Chris
  6. I have an Accutrak B-12 and Accuflite B-11. The B-12 is connected to a BI-818 unit. When I use only the B-12, it allows the heading to be deflected 30 degrees before it corrects and then it overshoots the heading by 30 degrees in the other direction. If I also turn on the Accuflite without turning the NAV side, it still hunts for the heading but not as badly. Should the Accutrak B-12 be able to be used by itself? I want to troubleshoot this but wanted to make that I understand how it is supposed to work. Also, what does the Accuflite do if you don't turn on the B-12 and don't turn on NAV? Is it only for the manual turn function?
  7. My Dukes pump is pretty loud. It started leaking and I had it overhauled at Aeromotors. It is equally loud afterwards. Can you post a recording of the sound?
  8. It would be nice if articles about this had more information. For example, listing what was measured and the measurements over time for 100LL and 94UL. I read the article and am not sure what to think.
  9. It is hard to believe that someone would have left it like that, but here we are...
  10. It is supposed to be cleaned every year, 100 hours, and potentially after flight in rain. I have the K&N Challenger and it was ruined when I flew in moderate rain for a few hours. I replaced it once, but next time I am switching to a filter that does not have problems in the rain. Last year the mechanic cleaned it but did not re-oil it. I have the kit so I oiled it myself. I have attached the ICAs. ChallengerAirFilterCleaningdoc4003.pdf
  11. When reinstalling, be careful how the hose is routed. Mine were changed and got pinched by the gear when it was lowered. Applied the brakes after landing and the one brake hung up causing the aircraft to veer to the side of the runway. Fortunately, it stayed on the runway.
  12. Given that this issue is caused by dissimilar metal corrosion between the insert and the lead weight, is there any thought about corrosion between weight and the steel rivets used to hold the weight in place?
  13. I agree that it is a good idea to check the balance weights and I did that when the SB came out. However, it is heavy handed to require that we fly our aircraft to a maintenance shop with 2 weeks notice and have an inspection performed on the elevator. If the inspection was required at the next annual, it would be much less of an issue.
  14. There are a few issues I have with this AD process: 1.) It is overly broad. It applies to models (CDE) where the problematic part number was not installed at the factory. It is true the parts could have been replaced, but if that is the standard, many more ADs need to be issued. Someone might have some ECI Cylinders on their Lycoming; better issue an AD for all Lycoming Engines giving them 2 weeks to be inspected. 2.) It was issued with insufficient notice and the remedy for failure to comply grounds aircraft. I find this especially problematic in light of item 1. 3.) It was issued without the opportunity to comment on it before it goes into effect bypassing the normal rulemaking process.
  15. I don't think so. You have until Feb 13th to take your aircraft to a duly certificated mechanic to confirm that your original elevator has not be besmirched by the installation of the parts from an M20F. If you don't like that, you have until March 13th to submit comments. Go FAA!
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