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Jesse Saint

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About Jesse Saint

  • Birthday 08/27/1978

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    Marion County, FL X35
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  1. @LANCECASPER a panel like this would be about $77,000 out the door from us. That includes everything you see in his panel brand new with new harnesses. A 3 servo autopilot, IFD440, PMA8000G (newer version of his audio panel), Dynon EMS, Dynon COM, Dynon transponder, ADS-B in/out, 2x 10" HDX screens, D30 backup EFIS, and a new panel with complimentary engraving. Dynon has some prefab harnesses, but that doesn't go very far with a proper install.
  2. The Sun-N-Fun fly-in is next week, Tuesday through Sunday. I will be spending most of the week at the Dynon Avionics booth in southwest corner of Hangar B. Please feel free to stop by for a demo of the Dynon equipment and a quote on a panel upgrade.
  3. I am Jesse Saint. Anybody else who claims to be me is not.
  4. I have a Garmin GNS530W in good condition. I am selling with a new RAMI antenna and a new tray and connector kit. Outright - $6,500 Trade for GNS430W - $2,000 (if in good condition) I prefer contacts via email at Jesse at saintaviation dot com.
  5. I have a Garmin GNS530W in good condition. I am selling without an antenna, but with a new tray and connector kit. Outright - $6,500 (add $300 for antenna) Trade for GNS430W - $2,000 (if in good condition) I prefer contacts via email at Jesse at saintaviation dot com.
  6. I don’t doubt this, but another twin may open up the system to a blanket AML for light twins. The Baron project was started out-of-house long ago, and was brought in-house to get across the finish line. That may also give them the needed time to finish the Mooney development, which has likely been delayed due to reworking the last few approvals after changes in approval requirements.
  7. The next approval is for the 58 Baron, then the Mooneys.
  8. Boeing, the distributor, doesn't charge you for parts until they ship.
  9. But getting a response from BK on the actual status is impossible. I have equipment ordered from Nov 12 and it is saying online that it will ship Feb 13, 2023.
  10. They received approval for the modified screen, Bonanza 36 auto pilot and the trim amp. The new 16.0.8 software was approved as well. They shipped me 6 screens on Tuesday.
  11. They are on the verge of releasing the Mooney version.
  12. All of the other TruTrak installations use arms and pushrods except the roll servo on the PA-32’s, which uses a capstan. I would expect arms and pushrods to cable clamps, but have no inside knowledge.
  13. I agree with this. Your annual should be done at least fairly locally to you. You want someone who can help with maintenance year-round. The Avionics install is not the same way, and while it may save some time doing the annual and avionics installations at the same time, it is not a significant savings. We have done Dynon installations on dozens of certified planes, including Mooneys. We do annual inspections too, but not on Mooneys and I would still recommend you get that done locally.
  14. Yes, but all government jobs were cut down to minimum required personnel, so they don't consider auto pilot approval to be required, I guess.
  15. In their defense, I believe they have been waiting on the FAA for the better part of a year now. The transition to B/K surely added some delay to the approval, then COVID added more.
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