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  1. Prepping my Mooney for the mechanic and I have misplaced my diagram of which underwing panels come off for the inspection. Does anyone have a diagram that they can share? TIA.
  2. Get in touch with Zephyr, They are always accommodating and willing to help. It would be interesting to know their thoughts on what created these marks. How often do you fly? Has the engine been idle for long periods of time? Do any of the other cylinders have marks?
  3. @Z00miethis is from a wing tip strobe. I’m not sure if it will work, but you are welcome to it.
  4. @Z00mie Let me check the hangar, I might have a couple laying around. Give me a day or two.
  5. I usually fly in to I19, Mac Air and Uber to town. (Be sure to pet the FBO cat). There is a Comfort Suites across the street from the museum that is safe, clean and has a friendly and helpful staff. Colonel Glenn Highway and Fairfield Rd have all the usual name brand restaurants. Be sure to check out Graeters if you like icecream. Yellow Springs has an eclectic downtown area with great local restaurants. If you have time and like to hike, don’t miss Glen Helen nature preserve. Pies and Pints is a fun time and great food, located at The Green. The museum is amazing. I spent two hours just at the Memphis Belle exhibit. Depending on your level of interest, it could be a multi day affair. Have fun!
  6. Keith rebuilt a BFG WX 900 for me. It now has a backlight and works great.
  7. I don't know if man has had any impact on the CO2 increase. I honestly don't care. What I really want to know is, how do you define a woman?
  8. Engine Failure after take-off. Mooney burned. https://www.northwestgeorgianews.com/calhoun_times/news/local/pilots-survive-crash-landing-at-calhoun-airport/article_7b031a94-9f71-11ed-9d45-8bdf2a57bfe4.html
  9. For those depending on their external hard drives and Cloud for back up, you might want to do a little research about ransomware attacks.
  10. If the rears are reclining seats you will have the lever (see red circle). The fronts are adjustable with this knob. Credit: Bryan G for the pics.
  11. The Mooney inventory on Controller has doubled since summer. The housing market seems to be in the same boat. There will probably be some bargains to be had in the short term. In the long term, the effects of the hyperactive government printing presses are probably going to drive prices higher on all commodities as the dollar weakens.
  12. Yes DOA, no more thread. Please, no Marauder girls.
  13. You won’t receive a check. You’re just the employee doing the work to allow the hospital to receive the funds. I guess they don’t clue you in on the how the system works. I’m not a fan of fact-check.org as they try their best to twist the facts but enlighten yourself here: https://www.factcheck.org/2020/04/hospital-payments-and-the-covid-19-death-count/
  14. Same here, uncle with pancreatic cancer died after a whipple procedure. Another family member died of COPD, both listed as Covid deaths so the hospital could collect $$$. Also, mother-in-law has permanent debilitating vax injury. Father in laws best friend died suddenly after second jab.
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