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alextstone last won the day on December 8 2022

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    Hattiesburg MS
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  1. Yes I do. The GTN 750 feeds both the GI275's (not G5's) AND the Aspen.
  2. It's connected to both nav sources, so in that sense it is not truly redundant. I misspoke. It does however have its own emergency gps, battery and most importantly, magnetometer.
  3. Actually, I have my panel configured such that the GI275 is primary with another GI275 as backup. The Aspen is a completely redundant secondary backup on the copilots side. My wife is also a pilot and she's a lot shorter so the rudder pedal extensions are installed on that side. Interesting fact: She's never flown the Bravo from the pilots side.
  4. That's a nice looking one! It seems like a fair price too, good luck with a smooth sale!
  5. CAV Aerospace
  6. My WAG is $5 - 8 AMU'S. One of the difficulties will be the buyer finding a shop that will agree to install it. the recalibration of the unit for the aircraft and the autopilot in the same is necessary. Alex
  7. Luke Shaya Saba NOLA Emeril's Antoine's Mother's Mr B's
  8. I've been there dozens of times. Flight line first is by far the best choice. Also, Messina's Runway Cafe in the old Art Deco terminal Bldg is a great place to eat lunch. I have other dining suggestions if you're interested... Alex
  9. There is a safety wire that needs to be cut...
  10. I think it's reasonable for you to be concerned. Also, your insurance company might push back if there was a claim for wind damage of normal predictions are not taken. It sounds like this is a grassy area from the way you described putting cement blocks in, correct? Alex Bravo N1084U
  11. I have one our of my 1995 Bravo... Alex
  12. Perhaps this would contain what you need: Amazon Spring Kit https://a.co/d/7Ywp9XF
  13. @Patrick Horan, Where are you located?
  14. Roughly $1600 if purchased by an entity that has a business account with them.
  15. Then Spring of 2026 it is then.
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