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Peter T

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About Peter T

  • Birthday 11/17/1956

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    CZBB B.C. Canada
  • Reg #
  • Model
    1993 M20J

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  1. Removing the lower cowl by yourself is not difficult. After removing the top cowl, secure a bungy cord through a camloc opening on each side of the lower cowl to the top of the engine. Undo all fasteners including cowl flaps. Slide a height adjustable office chair (no arm rests) under the cowl and loosen, then remove, the bungies, allowing the cowl to rest on the chair. Carefull to clear the prop etc, pull the chair and cowl out from under the airplane. Do this in the reverse order to re-install.
  2. My home drome, CZBB, Boundary Bay Airport, is under Vancouver international control zone. Just north of the American border. Has Customs clearance, good along runways, fuel, a restaurant, FBO, rental car.etc. from there I would follow the coast north to PAKT, Ketchikan International, to clear customs into Alaska. Enjoy your trip
  3. Thanks. I PM’d you
  4. Is the last letter in your pt no a ‘V’ not a ‘W’?
  5. I have been chasing a malfunctioning right fuel quantity gauge in my 93 M20J. It typically starts indicating correctly at the beginning of a flight, then after perhaps 15 minutes it will drop down to a lower indication and some minutes after that it will drop right off , as if all power was turned off for it. We have done some checking of electrical connections and ground etc. When I swap positions with the left fuel indicator gauge, the right gauge malfunctions the same way in that location, whereas the left gauge functions normally in the right hand slot as well as the left. This leads me to believe that the gauge itself is malfunctioning. Does anyone have a functioning used gauge that they would sell me? pt # 169BH-910-4LBW Left and right fuel gauges seem to be interchangeable, so I would consider using the left fuel quantity gauge part # 169-BH-910-3LBW and re-labeling it. Peter
  6. That is the post that I was looking for. Will check out wheel balance thoroughly. Thanks for the replies.
  7. I thought that someone had a client with a twin where one engine shuddered and it was finally remideed with a certain brand engine shock mounts.
  8. 93 J has a shudder right at lift off that lasts a second or 2. Produces full manifold pressure and RPM and runs smoothly in all other phases of operation. I seem to remember reading something about something similar here but cannot find it.
  9. I would think that a blow dryer would do it.
  10. Also worth talking to Fred at Port Aerospace at CYNJ.
  11. No,but I have a tight throttle cable, especially noticeable with colder weather..
  12. Not sure who you are insured with.I’m in B.C. And insured with Marsh Canada. Private Pilot, 800 hrs, IFR, 64 hrs old, insured for $150,000 CAD. Recent claim history, premium is $3000 CAD.
  13. It is not that difficult transition to the Mooney. I was 42 years old, trained in a Cessna 152, and then spent a bit of time in a piper archer. At 60 hours total time, I purchased and transitioned into my new to me M20J. You can too, with no problems.
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