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  1. From Bob Kromer- "After engine start, I leaned the mixture out aggressively for smooth and clean engine operation on the ground. You should do this with any Mooney. Most engines are set up too rich at or near idle. Aggressive leaning will make the engine run smoother and will keep the spark plugs much cleaner. Most spark plug fouling occurs during ground operations with a too rich mixture. You can remedy this by simply leaning the mixture after engine start for all ground operations. We always wanted to put this procedure in the POH while I was flying engineering flight test at the factory, but we were concerned that too many pilots would forget to enrichen the mixture before rolling onto the runway for takeoff. But do it anyway - your engine will run much smoother and cleaner on the ground. Just don’t forget to enrichen prior to takeoff."
  2. Typo...Vfe should be 125 not 105. Nice clean list. May borrow.
  3. Update-- TailBeacon from Sporty's received and installed (also had to replace the top mounting screw as it was stripped). Test flight same day went well and Public ADS-B Performance Report (PAPR) & GA Incentive Rebate Status (GAIRS) Report came back clean with an incentive code. Used all this to file the rebate online but about a week later received this message with an additional unpublished step requiring a bill of sale, packing slip or copy of Form 337 before they will approve my "successfully claimed" rebate. Maybe they are worried I used a loaner beacon to make the claim or used the non TSO version? +++ Our records indicate that you have successfully claimed your rebate. Please email us the documentation showing that you have installed certified uAvionix skyBeacon UAV-1001856-002, or the TSO’d version of the TailBeacon. We will not be able to approve your rebate claim without the documentation. Please send us a jpeg file if possible and make sure it does not exceed 5 mb. We will need evidence of new ADS-B avionics installation with following methods: 1.Clearly visible bill of sale indicating the owner’s name, equipment and part number, serial number and date of purchase or uAvionix packing slip or 2. A copy of the FAA Form 337 that includes the above information. Documentation should be submitted to ADSBRebateHelp@faa.gov. ADS-B Rebate Program Office, +++
  4. From #6 - May be grounded via the mounting screws but recommended to connect the black wire to the battery ground. Maybe try with just the screws then run a a wire if needed?
  5. It was like 3 or 4 minutes after 1 when i got the form. Took ~30 seconds to complete and submit.
  6. Thanks for the info. I'll probably do that in the morning. On the rebate, I setup two browsers and after 1:00 Eastern kept refreshing. Took several tries but eventually a form appeared. Answered everything as fast as possible and clicked submit because it doesn't lock in the reservation until the form is done and you are probably competing with lots of others. Mostly it was just good luck I'd guess.
  7. Ordered mine direct from uAvionix on 9/16 but only saw the 4-6 weeks estimate on shipping...no updates yet. Should have gone to Sporty's. I was able to reserve one of the FAA rebates they release on Wednesdays though. Really wanted the Stratus ESG but was quoted $2000 for the install by the one shop that had time. The $3000 saved by doing the tail beacon will buy a lot of avgas.
  8. Also, there are 4 extra screws to remove on the brace on the one under the wing walk....be sure you pull those before going at it with the knife and hammer.
  9. I used this place in Las Curces NM for seats, carpets and plastics recovers and was happy with the results. Exclusive Aircraft Interiors, 480-238-2335
  10. Just got one from Spruce with no delay. Oil temps still high but the old one was in bad shape so good to replace. Going to look at vernatherm and temp probe next.
  11. Was there a Rajay revision that allows 2600 rpm continuous? the latest I have for my M20F is 27 x 2500 max continuous between 3500 and 20000 (From Feb 1985)
  12. Thanks for the information. I need to have my mechanic verify everything is per the STC after the hoses arrive.
  13. Looks like the air hose was flattened out on this one to fit where it was routed. I ordered a new set of hoses from Tom to eliminate the 5year AD but don’t know if the heater will be included or just oil. Hope this helps.
  14. Just ordered mine....$129 Thanks for the heads up and code!
  15. For my 76 F. POH-1976 M20F.pdf
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