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  1. Call up a service center to order the parts from Mooney. My guess is the three parts will be $4k ish. Or find the best local A&P that works a lot with fiberglass repairs and have him completely rebuild the parts AFTER the new engine and baffles are in place.
  2. We’ve been using the Honeywell 360 heaters for over 15 year. Set on low and turns on a few hours before flight. This allows all the avionics, seats, etc to get completely warm. Makes the flight more enjoyable for passengers and the pilot. Heater is cool to the touch and very stable. LINK
  3. I would call the shop that did the work and ask for a copy of the log entry or a list of services rendered/items installed.
  4. I’m going to agree with the previous replies and to go with the 10 inch display and gfc500 AP. If you want to save money keep the 330es and the 530/430 combo. The GDL 50r can give you adsb in for the g3x.
  5. @LANCECASPER already touched on this above but the ea100 does not have anything to do with your gps navigation source. It basically replaced your old ki256 attitude output information to your AP. Your current single display can easily receive navigation data from both sources. IIRC you can add a 1000 max mfd to have a backup pfd and put a switch on the ea100 to pull attitude data off the backup mfd display. A failed ea100 will take your AP down. However, this is no different than a failed gad29b or 275 that feeds the data to a gfc500 AP.
  6. This is coming from memory and I haven’t really looked into it for a few years… You need to buy a gad29b interface unless you already have one. The gad will connect via the 429 port to your old AP and the 175 gps. The SL30 will need to be directly connected to the G5 HSI vis the 232 port. You probably will need to remove the current 232 cable between the 175 and the g5 and replace it with an external gps for the g5.
  7. Stay positive, ownership is just getting started. Good news is you probably got over $30k for the insurance that you just started paying for. That’s a pretty hefty discount on overhauling a 20 year old engine. Also if you look back in your logs you might find the case or even the cylinders have over 6k hours on them, good parts to update as well. Keep you head up and stay alert from when the hangar opens until to put it to bed after the flight.
  8. He’s not interested in hull coverage, I get that on cheap planes. However, no liability insurance !?! It’s inexpensive and going another few months without to save a hundred dollars…with random cfi’s and check ride pilots…
  9. This is the way You’d be stupid to loan out equipment to a stranger for anything less than replacement value. It’s really easy, just use PayPal friends and family both ways. I had a Mooney pilot steal my damn checklist after he borrowed it to make a quick copy of it. He lied to my face that he lost it (in less than one hour) and I flew home without one…
  10. The GTN units, both the original and xi, have the data locked to the box. After you upload the card to the gps you can remove it and take it home. It will not work in any other GTN unit. With the GNS units, that date back to 1998ish, you have one write cycle for each card. The card is required to remain in the gps for all flights. The data stays with the card and can be theoretically moved to another GNS box. This allowed people to swap cards with other pilots or other GNS boxes in their panel if one month old data (free) was desired.
  11. You’ll need the 275 with third party AP adapter which should cost $5k plus install. I’m pretty sure it can be installed without displaying the speed tapes if you want. You will be able to remove both the primary and backup vacuum system. In your shoes I’d probably replace the HSI as well with another 275 to gain additional useful load, redundancy, and reliability to your plane.
  12. People are always going to recommend what they have in their plane, especially on this site. I personally believe everything beyond a 430w is icing on the cake. However, a large pfd/mfd is nothing more than a large iPad screen. Not to be confused with a primary navigator. Entering things, navigating through the menus, and being able to see all the details with enough fov to be efficient is all easier on the larger screens.
  13. If you’re itching to spend money you might consider just installing a 3 servo gfc500 and connecting it to your g5…
  14. I would absolutely put a new left panel in to modernize the layout. Normally Garmin is the obvious choice. However, I really do like my Aspen display almost as much as our big screen unit. It’s a joy to fly behind and is very helpful for instrument training/flight. The pricing on the Aspen is also very aggressive for the refurb units. The pfd/mfd combo (2000 system) with the old style battery at $5k is a surprisingly good deal. Long term support etc will favor the Garmin for sure.
  15. Parts list looks good to me. Personally I’d spend the extra for a new left panel during the upgrade. Moving instruments up, centering them, and grouping things (switches etc) goes a long way towards a nice looking finished project.
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