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Coachella Bravo

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    KUDD // KCMA
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    M20M Bravo
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  1. Does the lap position work for you reading Foreliight approach plates?
  2. Recently, my speed breaks, would intermittently only deploy on one side. Made for some interesting descents. Had to IRAN with Precise Flight. Work like a champ now. Not cheap, but "Quality is not Expensive, Its Priceless" ;-)
  3. And we wonder where the $$$ goes and why the debt is so very high. Death by a million paper cuts. Perhaps we're on the correct path finally.
  4. I live on an airpark and to date have not heard a peep from the local population re "lead poisoning" . There are 2 schools in close proximity to the departure end of the prevailing runway. Perhaps like almost all issues in this glorious country, ones acceptance of a green agenda overshadows logic. However, I flew into and out of Santa Monica for about 10 years and look what happened there.
  5. What an awe inspiring trip. I especially covet your ability to "decipher" the instructions from ATC. Congratulations! I can't wait to see the videos of your travels in AUS. Thanks Again for Sharing !
  6. I attended the Advanced Pilot Seminar held by them a few (7? maybe) years ago. I was totally impressed by their professionalism, attention to detail and the general warm mid-western hospitality that is evident at his facility and even to the coffee shops in Ada. The test stand was incredible, as was the class/seminar. My only wish was that we could have had the class last another day to further cover turbocharged aircraft. If they were to begin offering the seminar again I would seriously consider attending again as it is learning via firehose.
  7. @Pinecone, I'm afraid I can't blame my handwriting on the Pencil, screen or anything else. I picked up a I pad mini 6 about1.5 mo ago, hitch hike it off my i phone for service, as you mentioned, working great. My 3rd mini. I have it mounted on the yoke column, centered on the yoke.
  8. I'll second that... I also have to force feed H2o otherwise I'll feel dehydrated post flight. I also bring along backup O2.
  9. My hats off for Great research for 1980 Mooney !! ;-)
  10. I waited 12 mo ans spent $87K on an aF1B "Certified 0 Time" O/H. That was delivered Jan of this year. We had numerous supply issues, and it seems that not many people are choosing to go into the "hands on" vocations, ie mill operators, had to wayt quite a while to get my case line bored. Now I'm hearing of another Lycoming cylinder shortage, Not Good!!
  11. I've read that aviation / med O2 has a higher H20 content that industrial 02. Whether thats true or not I can not say.
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