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Everything posted by TonyK

  1. Hello all. TonyK here from Vermont. I joined the forum a few weeks back to gain some insight and knowledge. I am now ready to announce that as of today I have welcomed a new member into our family. Ladies and Gentleman I would like to introduce Victoria.
  2. Ordered. Thank you for setting up the discount. I've done the CO thing in a vehicle and the thought of it in the air makes me shiver.
  3. I looked at that airplane and was actually going between that one and another until I heard it was off the market. The logs looked pretty good and I though it was reasonable $. I ended up going with another but it looked like a okay deal.
  4. I cannot speak to real world experience since I haven't taken delivery of my M20F yet but I do have a POH for it. It does have it listed in the Preflight.
  5. Hello, I know that I am absolutely brand new to this forum but I am a moderator on a different non aviation related forum that has +/- 75,000 members. We have a Politics and Religion section on it and I probably spend 90% of my time cleaning up the mess from that section. IMHO you are asking for trouble.
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