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Everything posted by MBDiagMan

  1. I don't have time to do what I will suggest, but if we had a poll to determine the locations of those interested in attending, then use that to determine a general central location. Just an idea from an anal, retired engineer that is accustomed to analyzing data.
  2. I am not saying I won't try it. I am just saying that from my previous experience in loose formation, I am not sure it is something for me. I wiill, however, pledge to ride with someone and see what I think.
  3. I understand your situation perfectly. I have dealt with it for years and it is VERY frustrating. I have been on hangar lists for over 6 years, trying to move my planes closer, with very little movement. All that said, I hate to see planes outside. There is just no way to keep them from deteriorating. Covers and such things help, but the plane still deteriorate in the weather, even mild weather. Again, all that said, I understand that you have no choice. When I bought Joyce, the same broker had another C model that had a fresh engine and other amenities for a lot less money. It was lightly hail damaged and had faded paint. I had no interest in the plane, but the broker brought up a valid point. With the fresh engine and good structural integrity, it would be a good plane for someone that had no choice besides tying it down outside. It is a shame to see a beautiful, corrosion free example not stored in a hangar. Enjoy your new (to you) Mooney.
  4. I have been disappointed with speed of Joyce. That said I have yet to get to do much testing. I am enjoying vacation, but looking forward to some more flying and testing.
  5. Congratulations! Even in California weather, you should go to all lengths to find a hangar. Pull out all the stops. It is the only way to keep a pristine example of a Mooney pristine. Hangars are tough to get where I am at too. I hangar 2 airplanes 45 minutes from home at two different airports in opposite directions. It is a pain, but I am working on getting them both close to home. Enjoy your new baby.
  6. Cameron works for me as long as the schedule and weather works for the date elected. I share Don's disdain for posting only identifiers. If I post KADS OR KGPM, I expect that Don and others in my area would know exactly where I am talking about. If OTOH I say Addison or Grand Prairie, Texas, I am not sending people to Foreflght or somewhere to look up where I am talking about. Like Don, I need to do better at this too.
  7. If interest extends beyond Texas, maybe Redbirds IS a good choice.
  8. I am up for anywhere selected if the date and weather cooperate. Don has a good suggestion with Redbirds (Dallas Executive.). I have flown over with midfield crossing permission to get to Grand Prairi many times, but haven't landed there in 25 years. I have heard good things about the restaurant and as Don says, it is easy to get to underneath the Bravo.
  9. Fredericksburg is good. Sandy has a daughter not far away at Dripping Springs, so I fully expect she would be up for that. San Marcos is good too since Mooneys converge there anyway.
  10. I am not real keen on formation flying either, but since Mooneys gather at KHYI anyway, maybe it makes sense to add us formation phobia flyers to the group of Mooneys at the airport. If they do it regularly, maybe we could make a regular event of it. just a thought to keep the idea alive.
  11. Without looking at calander, I think any Saturday after Mother's Day works for us. As far as location goes, it should be central Texas, but by that I mean centrally located based on who might attend. Maybe somewhere like Taylor although I have yet to fly there. If you get into North Texas there are many possibilities. Seems like there are members in Dallas, Austin and houston. Maybe folks who are interested will chime in with date and location suggestions.
  12. Thanks Mooniac! Now all I have to do is remember to check it before I fly when I get home. I am enjoying the vacation, but I am REALLY anxious to roll the Mooney out and go fly. I don't think I will overlook a thorough preflight though.
  13. Thanks Paul. Can you tell me where I can find out about this/these events? Edit: Never mind. Google is my friend. We would have loved being there with all the mooniac a, but I am not sure I am ready for formation flying. I flew in loose formation to Tennessee a few years ago and from that I can't imagine keeping a plane a few feet from another. I wI'll watch the video when I get back to the states though and maybe they give information that will help me warm up to the idea.
  14. Paul, Can you tell about the caravan clinic?
  15. I use Laura at Nolan Avionics just over the river in Durant at KDUA. A short Mooney flight to a very nice airport with a runway like a pool table.
  16. I am new to my mooney and haven't had time to develop my own. I found one online that I modified as a stop gap until I build one from an Excel template that I built my Cessna checklist from. Not hard to use a spreadsheet, print and have laminated.
  17. Yeah, I have my IPad while on vacation. The video doesn't like Safari.
  18. The first thing I want to do after vacation is find out how to deal with the gascolator on my '63 model. I haven't found it. It has no ring on the selector. I hope I don't have to remove the cowl to deal with it.
  19. I am not seeing MKTurbo's video link. I am only seeing a big white square.
  20. Reminds me of what my Dad would say when, as a teenager, I would describe a problem with my car. His response often was "sounds like a loose nut on the steering wheel."
  21. I am also new to my Mooney and was worried, being a tailwheel putt-putt driver. When I started asking questions on this forum, there were a few people here that attempted to equate landing a Mooney to advanced brain surgery. I was very pleased to learn that it is just another airplane with a few things you need to know. I am no instructor, but I believe that a poor landing is very often preceded by a poor approach. If you have the proper speed stabilized on final, the likelihood of a bad landing is very low.
  22. Yep! I am retired from a career in Automation Engineering and the cure can often cause more trouble than the original problem! KISS! Keep It Simple, Stupid! The simplicity of the early Mooney gear and flaps is one of the things that drew me to a Mooney.
  23. Can't wait for a Mooney fly in. Let me know when and where. We will do our best. Sandy can't wait for some Mooney flying once we are back in the states.
  24. A few annuals ago on my Cessna 140 I needed a tire. I bought an Air Hawk. At the next annual, the mechanic saw a crack in the tread so wide that it was hard to imagine how it had not blown. I bought two new Condors and they have been great.
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