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  1. Hey! Sorry for delay. The airspeed switch did fix this issue. I am out of town but can get you P/N when I get home this week!
  2. I have a 69E, live in STL, and can take you up any time. Josh
  3. Do you know for sure it is adjustable?
  4. Did you end up replacing your dukes?
  5. What are odds you guys know if the ASSS is normally open or normally closed switch?
  6. Thats a fair point. The MSC I use is a 2 hour flight, so I just had them buy the part to avoid multiple trips. I figure the part is 50 years old. Wont hurt to replace it.
  7. Thanks, guys. New switch is on the way. Will let you know what comes of it. Josh
  8. If ASSS is the same thing as an airspeed pressure switch then yes. Here is a picture
  9. I agree, but it does not make sense that it will not retract until 110 on take off but will retract at lower airpeeds at altitude?
  10. Hey, guys. Hoping to get your thoughts on an issue I've had over the last couple days. I took my 1969 M20E in for a pitot/static test two days ago and on the way home my gear initially failed to retract. I hit 110 MPH and they retracted. I flew home and gear extended no problem. We put the plane on jacks yesterday and the gear are retracting at 110 MPH. I flew with mechanic today and they once again failed to retract until 110 MPH. We were pretty much certain it was the airspeed pressure switch at this point until we did some retractions/extensions in the air at 3000 ft. The gear would retract just fine at 90 MPH while at altitude. We came back and landed, departed again, and the gear would not retract until about 110 MPH. We are still pretty set on the airspeed limit switch considering it happened immediately after the pitot/static test but the fact that the gear will retract at lower air speeds at altitude does not make sense. Do you guys have any thoughts? I have no squat switch or bypass mechanism. Thanks. Josh
  11. I definitely will give you some updates as i progress. My checkride is september 19th.
  12. I am currently transitioning from an M20E to eclipse jet. Just commit to putting in several training hours( maybe even hundreds) with an instructor until you both feel safe and it is not going to be an issue.
  13. I vote for bose A20s. However, a cheaper alternative if you don't want to drop 1k is to buy the quiet comfort bose head phones and then add the UFlyMike. I have two of each and honestly the A20s are only marginally better IMHO.
  14. I think the one thing that hasn't been mentioned is the skill level of the pilot because we all know there are very different skill levels when it comes to aviation. I have meet many >1000 hour pilots who I would never let any of my family members fly with and have met some 300 hour pilots who are phenomenal. This is the same thing in any profession really. As a surgeon I can assure you we come in many different flavors. Again, I have worked with surgeons who have been practicing for 50 years who I would not let remove a skin tag. On the other hand I am currently working with a cardiac surgeon who has been practicing for 5 years who I would let operate on anyone of my family members. Sure, hours spent honing your skillset definitely matter, but they are definitely not everything.
  15. Alright, guys. Sorry it took so long but we finally fixed the problem We first balanced the prop. It was at 0.5 IPS and we got it down to 0.02 IPS which made a big difference in the ride but did not fix the issue I also had a small static leak of 250 ft/min. This was fixed but did not correct the problem Finally we replaced shock mounts which did the trick. A few confounding factors, but finally got to the bottom of it. Thanks for all your help.
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