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  1. Of course there is never a simple answer but I will try to ask again - does the prop pitch control work if the engine has failed or has been turned off I guess from your description maybe or maybe not. My point being if it wont work without engine power and or oil pressure who cares what is done to control it. It is going to do what it is going to do correct?
  2. I have seen this a few times before but the discussion seems to degrade into xyz and there is never a conclusion. So... does the prop pitch control work if the engine has failed or has been turned off? If it doesn't work then this seems like a moot point.
  3. Ok .... everyone pump the breaks a bit. Pick a platform - j, ovation, bravo - what do you think a factory certification should contain and what would you pay for it?
  4. Hi Don - do you think there is a market for "certified" aircraft with updated electronics such as yours? It seems like mooney's competition is all of the existing airframes out there - really why would you buy a new one when you can get very close for 50% less.
  5. Does anyone have a high level P&l for mooney now?
  6. What is the current asking price for this business?
  7. Not sure what this means but there is a financial component as well that is significant. for a laugh google Florida Man and your birth date
  8. There are many threads on this.
  9. you might want to check into @mike_elliot
  10. Great to see the progress you are making. Do you have an idea where you will finish up cost wise now that you are close to being back together?
  11. Some good background reading on the tc vs tn comments above - https://taturbo.com/tnvtc.html
  12. Just paid 500 for a change on my 991.2 so the prices you are quoting seem ok.
  13. Terrible. Was there an instructor onboard the 152 too? I see some mention of that on bt.
  14. Ask my girlfriend. I have some great days and some bad days.
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