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Everything posted by PeteMc

  1. Anyone in the Spokane, WA area (KSFF) going to the Pilot/Controller Mtg Wednesday night (11/15)? Also, anyone have a pulse on what Hanger Rentals (37x39' Square, not T) are going for at Felts? Details: 7:00pm Darcy's Restaurant 10502 E Sprague Ave (near University Rd) @Ragsf15e @nationwide
  2. Crazy how the littlest change can through something else off. I'm wondering if when you let go there's enough flex to move some wires and causing the grounding or connection issue that @DonMuncy is talking about. I had kind of a "heart beat" in my cluster gauges (K) which we all knew had to be a grounding issue. Mechanic just moved the ground when it was in for the last Annual and everything cleared up. And personally I go by the JPI and the in-wing gauges for accuracy. Never trusted the ones in the panel.
  3. Bet the first thing they do is trace out the wires and find they basically go nowhere and are tied off someplace behind the panel.
  4. I guess this is the time for MP/FF or FP gauges to fail. Someone else (guess on FB) was just asking. Mine failed recently and I could not find a replacement or parts anywhere. Someone told me about Aerospace Logic. They have MP/FP (also MP/FF) gauges. A couple of gotchas to be aware of: Transducer: The device can only be installed with THEIR transducer, so if you have a JPI or any other device with Fuel Flow you CANNOT piggyback on their transducer. My mechanic put in an extra log piece of fuel line and put my old transducer inline and did some fuel flow tests and signed off on it. Long line was to make sure there were no flow issues to mess up the other transducer. Dimmer: The unit was originally certified for DAY VFR so they never installed a photocell or any dimming capability. And it is VERY bright. So if you do go with them, be sure to get their optional Dimming Package for a few extra bucks. https://www.aerospacelogic.com/engine-instruments/fuel-and-manifold-pressure/
  5. Not having a G3X, so for those that do... They want to use the G3X as the Primary EFB connection? No speed gain or leg activation advantages in connecting directly to the GTN (FS510/210)?
  6. Do you have the old W&B info? Maybe you can find the old device that way?
  7. I've been to a few with the Rwy entrance at one end or more often in the middle. Some VERY busy places like Block Island (KBID) have taxiways that go about 3/4 down the runway and you still have to taxi back. What I've found is even if there is a gap in landing traffic, ALWAYS announce the "Back Taxiing" and if someone new comes on Freq, announce it again (they may be trying to sneak in front of the other guy with a Straight In). If it is really busy, ask! "Hey #1 Cherokee and #2 Mooney, can you extend a bit so I can Back Taxi and Depart?" Most will obviously say yes. You get an A**H****, well not much you can do. Oh, also be sure there's a spot to pull out of the way at the end of the Taxiway. Some small Apts that require the Taxi Back also don't have a place to get out of the way. So you need to know you can get from the ramp all the way back to the Departure end without blocking anyone or being in the middle of the Rwy because you didn't think of how long it would take you. And some Runup Pads are on the OTHER SIDE of the Rwy. So you taxi down and cross the Rwy to get out of the way of the landing traffic to be able to taxi off the Rwy. I'd always do my Runup on the Ramp. So if you do have to cross and wait, you're ready to Back Taxi the second the landing traffic passes you.
  8. Only BT I see in there would be your iPad (ForeFlight, G Pilot, etc.) talking to the FS 210. All the Traffic, Wx, Flight Plan transfers, etc. should happen over the Garmin Network. EDIT: Dang, left last night in a hurry and didn't think I had posted this partial reply. OOPS! So my partial answer to #1 above is because I do not have a G3x, but I'd still lean towards connecting to the FS210/GTN. This way there is direct transfer of the FP into the Nav device, then it can send it to the G3x after you've confirmed it and activated the correct leg if necessary. (If you can do *everything* on the G3x, then I guess it's a toss up.) On the GTX345, on some installations the Bluetooth is disabled as part of the STC. No clue why and for what installations, but I had this conversation with my installer. So just an FYI if you try to connect for any reason and you can't get the BT to work. But there's no reason to connect to the GTX since all the data SHOULD be coming from your FS210/GTN if installed correctly. #2 Music... The iPad does allow you to connect to a second Audio Source, so this would be doable. But I'm a purest and just wouldn't want to be running music off my primary Aviation iPad. YES, lots of people do it, but I'd go for running the music off my Backup iPad or your phone. The GMA auto muting will be a big help. #3 FlightStream... If people that have G3x confirm you can do everything through it and you never need to go to the GTN, then in theory you could get rid of it. But (thinking failure mode) if the G3x fails, you'd have to reconnect in flight to the FS210, so why not just go that route. Sure the GTN can fail, but then it doesn't matter how you're connected. And the FS210 could fail, but they're pretty simple and usually pretty stable. Also, does the G3x feed AHRS to the iPad? The FS210 does.
  9. Is there more to the story? Was Dave there at the time? And I'm guessing (hopefully) they fixed it? I've never had an issue and neither have two other friends with Mooneys. And not sure what to say except you possibly are that outlier that every business has where they mess up big time. But over the years I've chatted with other pilots picking up or dropping off their planes, all with good things to say.
  10. EDITED: Okay, was thinking of a different message I had just read when I then read this one... So I'm changing my comment. Odds are the spring is broken or weak. So it just barely keeps the cowl flaps closed in flight and the landing "bump" is enough to pop them open. ORIGINAL (oops): Must be a mod he had installed. I've got a 1980 K and it is a two step lever you pull. Options are (approx.) half or full open. With the button push does he have infinite open positions or do the cowl flaps go to preset open positions like mine do?
  11. The first thing I used to say to my guys when they came to me with a problem was "is it plugged in?" That holds true with avionics. Though unlikely, if the connector(s) did make their way loose over the years, there was going to be that one day that it just wouldn't turn on. And if the display or unit has bit the dust, JPI is still maintaining them. So you can opt to upgrade or just get the 700 fixed.
  12. That's the way I was taught from day one of flying my 231.
  13. Hopefully it all ultimately worked out okay!!! And with lots of great flights in the future the agony of the ordeal with start to fade away. If you care to share any of the final details, it might be a good learning experience for the rest of us. (But get you may not want to revisit it yet again...)
  14. Is there a Max Pressure setting? Maybe when you turn the Boost Pump on it exceeds whatever is set in there as Max. Though I guess it would/should show a Max, not an X. I wonder if the pump causes some sort of turbulence so the transducer doesn't give an accurate reading? (But purely a guess on fluids, no clue on the actual setup.)
  15. One other note... I would assume it's true for ACR, but I know you can add your inReach info to your ICAO Flight Plan.
  16. I got a confirmation from a Rocket Owner... Space is for the #6 Rocker Cover. Assuming it's the angle of the engine, but forgot to ask that.
  17. When my MP/FF gauge died I could not find a replacement and no one had the parts to rebuild mine. So I ultimately found Aerospace Logic (from a comment from someone here). They also have a MP/FP that you are looking for, but I don't know which of the ones on this page would be for your plane... https://www.aerospacelogic.com/engine-instruments/fuel-and-manifold-pressure/ BIG NOTE!!!! One big down side of Aerospace Logic is that for what ever reason they did not get their device certified with anything other than THEIR Transducer AND it can only be connected to their device (really dumb). So if you have a JPI or any other Fuel Monitor/Calculator this installation will require you to pull out the Transducer you've been been using and initially disable your fuel monitor. My mechanic added a big piece of fuel line to make sure there were no Fuel Flow issues and then did whatever test he needed to do to sign it off. So I got my JPI FF back, though the two don't match exactly. Need to fly from one Apt enough so that I can fuel the plane in the same level or unlevel spot to accurately measure how much fuel I'm burning. They're real close, but want to tweak them in even closer.
  18. I may try and make Santa Maria. Or if we do a X-US flight next year, maybe I'll time it with Burlington. The plane was painted right by Burlington @ Prestige Aircraft (KFSO), so I could always get a touch-up while I'm there.
  19. Is this a new installation and have you flown an Approach with it yet. It is quite possible someone reversed the wires.
  20. Rocket specific. I thought it was to fit the engine in there, but then I would have thought you or your mechanic would have seen a bulge on the side of the engine that matched with the cowling. So now I'm curious why the bulge is on all Rockets.
  21. I would agree if @ASMech66 is expecting to train in it to get his PPC. Besides just trying to get the basics down in a High Performance plane, the Insurance would be obscene! But as a "first plane" to purchase... My K was/is my first plane.
  22. You can use the knob to enter a LOT of info into the GTN. And I've never really had a problem with the Touch Screen in turbulence. Sure, sometimes it takes an extra touch, but I've also had trouble hanging on to the knob with the old Kings.
  23. Does it work well? I should have realized by now there would be USB fans (Duh!) and just did a quick search and found a lot of them. In the past it hasn't been an issue, but since I've moved this has got me thinking. ALSO... They're great in the summer to just get a little air moving in the cabin while on the ground.
  24. You let them breath?! There's your first problem I never let people breath in my K if the windows start to fog up! But I totally agree with you that it can be a big issue. Luckily I haven't done too many flights were the inside fogs up before we get going. I saw one guy that had a Cig Lighter Clip Fan that he clipped to the glare shield and pointed at the window during taxi and then just got rid of it when he was cleared for TO. Apparently worked well and might be easier than adding a defrost blower to the K.
  25. Well... I'm not totally disagreeing in some cases. What do you think it cost them to re-engineer both the GTN Xi and the GNX375/GNC355/GPS175 lines so they now all can talk to each other vs. designing them to do that in the beginning??? I know what you're saying, but so many times companies have had to spend SO much more because of short sightedness. The 500 vs 600 autopilot also have some of the same issues with approaches that they're now having to correct.
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