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Everything posted by PeteMc

  1. Yes.... There's a LOT more about where to connect earlier on in this discussion. And we're fully aware that the G1000 would need an optional Flight Stream to add BT. And the original question is all about connecting a phone and tablet.
  2. I can control basic functions of my panel mounted GTX (non R) through the GTN or on the front panel. If I want to go into more functions/menus I have to use the UI on the GTX. As for the BT... The BT is totally disabled, not just the UI in the GTX. At least in my installation and others I've talked to. When I asked the shop about it, he said he didn't have a choice per Garmin's installation instructions. And then there's the stupidity of not adding BT to the GTN when they came out with the Xi version, but to not allow you to use BT in the GTX is just mind boggling. I didn't really think about it when I was doing my installation, I just got the FS510 because everyone said that's what you do. But now I see that the G1000 can use the GTX BT, SOOO.... What's up Garmin?! I'm guessing a lot of people with a GTN put in a GTX345, so why not just let them use the BT and add a little code if you're connected to a GTN, you can do Flight Plan Xfer, etc.
  3. Still love the car! Asked my friend if he had any pics of his T-Bird.... He said back then he never thought about it. It was an incredible car!!
  4. From what he said, no GTN. I asked if there was a GTN and he said no, G1000...
  5. Hmm... I disagree. Or, at least I'm not sure... The way I read his message you could easily believe that is exactly what he was implying.... Which is why I asked the question. And I view G100UL as v01 of where we eventually need to be. But you have to start someplace.
  6. Correct. But if you have a GTN and GTX combination, the BT is turned OFF in the GTX. I've heard why, but don't remember the exact reason, so won't speculate. I know for a fact the BT in my GTX is OFF and I needed a FlightStream to connect FF to the GTN. Others have said GTX BT can be left on when connected to a G1000.
  7. I just took a look at the manual. Just like the GTN, they talk about the optional Flight Stream. Do you still do all the connection to the GTX345R via the G1000?
  8. Very true. But in this case the issue is if you connect to the Remote GTX, which I do not believe you can in a lot of installations. (Sure there are some where you do connect directly to the GTX.)
  9. I don't have a G1000, but I believe it is similar to the GTN as far as Garmin's Connext goes. So try to connect via the G1000 and see what happens.
  10. If it is a GTX345*R* I'm going to assume it is connected to maybe a GTN7/650? When the GTX is installed with a GTN, the Bluetooth is disabled in the GTX. So you should still be connecting to the GTN, which should not have changed. Now if you're connecting, but not getting the ADS-B info (Wx, Traffic, etc.) you should be getting, then the shop didn't configure the new GTX correctly.
  11. I'm assuming most people by now have seen the AVweb article on AOPA's Baron leaking bladder. And how the bladder was supposed to be replaced before the G100UL test came around, but they couldn't get one. https://www.avweb.com/aviation-news/aopa-baron-wing-stain-traced-to-leaking-bladder-patch/?MailingID=FLY240805003&utm_campaign=avwebflash&utm_medium=newsletter&oly_enc_id=6466I3042634F3A
  12. I've done some basic formation flying with another friend and a mega hour CFII (ATP, bla, bla, bla) guy doing the teaching. And I think I got pretty good at it. However... I would NEVER join any kind of large formation flying group going into OSH (or anywhere else). Sorry, I know a lot of guys get excited about it and the group doing it thinks they're doing the needed training and are covering their bases..... But with that many GA pilots of varying skills, the potential for something happening is VERY high. I'm somewhere around 2,600 hours and I still don't think I have the skills to partake in something like that. I'm not a military pilot and I don't fly formation mega hours a year. Just trying to fly into OSH single file and getting instructions causes many a pilot to blow it. Then you put them in a situation where they may not be able to turn left, right or either way.
  13. Doesn't look like there has been that much activity at all in recent years.
  14. Very true! And if you fly there a lot, then you can get yourself in trouble in other areas because they seem to do what works for both you and their traffic. I was doing a X-US flight a while ago and was going into KBJC in the DEN area on a short hop VFR from our last fuel stop. I was watching all the KDEN traffic doing their N/S arrivals and departures and *assumed* I'd get shot right over KDEN and then down into KBJC. Big empty canyon with very little traffic. Was I ever wrong and was the Controller REALLY LATE in telling me that wasn't the plan even though I had made a comment about it when I first checked in. Ended up with a crash dive under the CBA past KCFO and then further to the south to turn up in between KAPA and KBKF while both were pretty busy. Then back up the west side under the CBA. Granted I'm not a controller, but after seeing the ADS-B "big picture" and flying in the NY CBA area for years, it was one of the worst plans by a controller I had ever seen. Sure I could have said "good by" since I was VFR, but just not worth it to not talk to them in busy airspace.... But this was pushed me to the limit of staying with them.
  15. I had my plane painted at Prestige Aircraft. They're located at Franklin Co, VT (KFSO) http://www.paintaircraft.com/ Years earlier I had some cosmetic work done to the wings at Ed's Aircraft Refinishing but he seems to always be busy, so start talking to them now if you want to get on their list. They're located on LI at Brookhaven (KHWV) http://edsaircraftrefinishing.com
  16. No, the same video was posted on the end of the discussion about the original idiot. So both are discussed in the same thread.
  17. Yes he made it down. And this is a duplicate post, there's more of a discussion at the end of this longer/older thread: Another Just sorry he was in a Mooney - can't fly IFR because iPad died
  18. No, at one point he made the reference that the Panel GPS was sending him the wrong way. And the only "other GPS" he had was in his iPad. Now as far as the rest of the inability to fly the VOR Approach... Did his training just gloss over VORs and he only knew enough to do the one or two VOR Approach in his area that the DPE *might* ask him to do??? Then quickly forgot everything about VORs.
  19. If it's day to day operations and you're just screwing up the NY Controllers will eat you alive. They just don't have the time and I'm guessing the tone of some of the earlier transmissions were not so nice. But as soon as that changes from just some idiot that can't listen to wait a sec, this guys having problems. Those Controllers are the best!! Nothing that bad, but I've heard them calm down and bail out a few student or low time pilot where you can tell they were out of their element in the greater NYC area.
  20. Why not upgrade to LED?
  21. Bet his insurance company would love that. Though technically.... Although he may have limitations on his insurance that only a Certificated Pilot (including himself as owner) may fly the plane and no instruction. But if I remember correctly, you ARE a Private Pilot when you take your Checkride, assuming you don't fail. And the DPE is NOT instructing.
  22. As @Marc_B mentioned, at this time I don't think Continental or Lycoming have come out and Approved or Disapproved G100UL. And that's part of the problem. As a result, Cirrus has said you can't run it in their planes because it is not an "Approved" fuel, so if someone destroys their engine using G100, the engine warranty is invalid. Even if they prove the reason for the failure was totally an manufacturing issue, Continental may claim unapproved fuel and stick Cirrus with the bill.
  23. Totally agree. That's why I was asking if I had missed something that I (we) should all take note of. So far, there has been no "fact based" counter.
  24. I get that, but are there any other contenders now? I have to admit I don't scour the aviation news for the latest stories or have back channel contacts to know about other options. But last I had heard, the other players, at least for the time being, have stepped away. Did I miss read or miss some other announcement of a strong competitor to G100UL?
  25. There are various reasons you can get the Mismatch DB. Mine was because when it came out of the shop the Standby and Current DBs were not the same in all my units. Garmin told me to use a USB Drive to do the next update to my GI275 to see if it would resolve the issue. So rather than just do the USB update for the GI275, I also made specific SD Cards for my GTN and GNC (not a Sync update) and that seemed to fix it.
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