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  1. Glad you're zeroing in on the problem. Good Luck!!
  2. A while ago there was an AD that modified the priming for the TSIO360, so you can now easily over prime. Originally you would use the Primer and the fuel went into one cylinder. Now when you use the Primer or Elec Fuel Pump (same thing now) you're putting fuel in all the cylinders. So you can easily over prime, so on a warm day, maybe only 3 seconds is all it takes. I think the manual says 3-4 seconds and I used to give it a little extra with the old primming method. Now you need to find the right amount for your plane. Also, where the throttle is makes a BIG difference. I used to do 3 turns, mechanic lubricated and adjusted the throttle cable a few years back. Took me a while to realize that now 4 twists is were I need to be.
  3. I think it was a random selection. I don't think all of their users did or will get the email.
  4. Yea, sorry but I don't mean to rag on you either, BUT... The engine won't start HOW??? You say you have gas... is it good 100LL? Does the prop spin? If so, at a similar speed to other K starting up? Does it partially start and then quit? What steps has the mechanic gone through so far? Did the plane get towed to the mechanic on your filed or did you fly it there for some sort of maintenance? If it was working and taken to the mechanic, what did they do? So many many more potential questions and we don't have a base line to start from. I'll make the assumption that your mechanic is pretty good. But for years my guys (in tech not engines) would give me a face when I asked "is it plugged in" which meant "did you already trace ALL the cabling and connections?" More then half the time it was something really stupid that fell into the "is it plugged in" category.
  5. FF is always updating their Logbook. But I don't know of any major change that would make it "new" in the past year or so. Do you remember where you read/heard this?
  6. I guess I'm one of the ones flying in from out of state. I missed VT because of an alternator issue, so they let me switch over to TX.
  7. Down side is that those airports that ARE going to charge landing fees will do it without ADS-B if it is not an option. And when they push through the need to do it (if they have to go to any governing body), they will just up the fees to include the employee hours to do it. So instead of what could have been a $2or $3 charge for the Airport to make money, it will be a $10 charge for the staffing.
  8. Wouldn't it be wonderful if Primary "learners" had some exercise to show how that worked. Maybe we should create some practice maneuver where they went and, I don't know, maybe kept turning around one point on the earth?
  9. I need to follow up with them, I haven't heard back if I transferred over when I couldn't make it to BTV. And I guess if you just sent in your check it isn't full.
  10. Get a K in? Or out? I've been into shorter runways, but I don't know what the surrounding trees and mountain issues are for climbing out. Obviously how hot it is and how loaded (or UNloaded) you are makes a huge difference.
  11. I'd get whatever issue you have with your PayPal Account corrected before anything else. Obviously change the Password before you do anything else in case that "corruption" was actually something else. And although I haven't had to reach out to them in years, back when I had a minor issue the Support Team was very responsive.
  12. Are you sure your engine is putting out what it should. You said you were WOT, so the MP gauge isn't the issue. but what about your Tach? Were you really at the required RPMs to get that 70.1% power you thought you were flying at? And I'm sure the engine folks here have other checks (compression, etc.) to confirm if you're really operating at the Power you think you are.
  13. Yea, but I was originally going to VT... So I guess distance isn't really a consideration. But then let's see... If I go to Cheyenne I could knock Leadville off my list. Decisions, decisions...
  14. I'd almost call that Central US, similar to the TX one in Oct. Is the spring PPP going to be in SoCal again?
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