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Simpson Bennett

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Everything posted by Simpson Bennett

  1. Hi Paul, A cord should have been included with your keyboard, let me know if it wasn't and I can get you one. This is what the usb to mini usb looks like https://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-USB-2-0-Cable-Male/dp/B00NH13S44/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1513002524&sr=8-4&keywords=usb+to+mini+usb
  2. Just an FYI, we are offering a trade-in program to upgrade to an IFD from a 430. The IFDs are WAAS/ADS-B approved position source (with a number of transponders) and have the ability to monitor a standby frequency when wired to the audio panel. The IFDs also have the ability to display terrain information and have FLTA as well as Terrain Awareness. More details here: GNS to IFD Trade-In and More Information about the IFDs
  3. The SkyTrax100 provides ADS-B weather and traffic to the IFDs. The IFDs will Wifi out the ASD-B weather and traffic to any device that supports it. The IFD100 iPad app will display weather and traffic received from the IFD4XX or 5XX. I believe the current ForeFlight version does not support the weather and traffic received from the IFD. Foreflight does support the two-way flight plan communication and receiving GPS position from the IFDs.
  4. Here's an update: We have been in contact with 8 customers who are reporting this issue. We've had a series of test flights with our test aircraft after updating to the latest G500 software. Unfortunately, we couldn't get our G500 to replicate the issue in our test bed aircraft but were able to replicate it in our lab. We do have a good understanding of what might causing the issue. After a few more tests and eliminating any other theories, we will be testing the fix. This issue is still the driving force behind Release 10.2.1 timeline. The plan is to still have this update approved/released in the September/October timeframe.
  5. FMS page > Route Tab > cursor over the "Current Route" and press CLR.
  6. Jeppesen has the IFD440 listed here: http://jeppdirect.jeppesen.com/legal/charts/ads-avidyne.jsp#matrix and here http://jeppdirect.jeppesen.com/main/store/legal/flitepak/avidyne-ifd540/flitepak-plus-ifr.jsp but I don't have visibility into what the ordering side looks like so I can't be much help there. Thanks for the feedback on our website, I will pass it along to the person that handles updating it.
  7. This is a separate case from the issue experienced on the ground. At the end of May I had requested that you have your installer contact our Tech Support team directly to cover some troubleshooting items, were you able to do that? The satellite constellation in Europe is different than the one that covers the US. The G500 takes GPS data to aid its AHARS computations. Since your reported issue occurs in conjunction with a GPS lock loss on the IFD and in a steep turn (where GPS RF strength can change), it leads us to believe that something obscures the antenna view from the satellites. It could be the wing, it could be the T-tail, it could be a number of components. In regards to the issue that @thinwing and some other G500 users were experiencing, we are in the process of testing a fix. The fix to this issue is the primary driving force behind our next release (Release 10.2.1). I will update everyone once we are closer to releasing the software.
  8. Yes, we do. We also have one in our lab and our CEOs airplane so there is no shortage of Aspens.
  9. Let's clear a few things up here. I don't think we ever solely blamed Garmin for this issue. In an earlier post, I even said we are not playing the blame game. What I recommended, is that the user of the G500 check their software update and verify they had the same one that we had in one of our test bed aircraft since it was recently flown with zero issues. We have customers out there with the G500/600 who have a later than 6.21 software and the Release 10.2 with no issues. So, you can see that this has a few layers of complexity in troubleshooting and identifying the single cause. In all cases of the issue, it only exists when taxiing on the ground, in no circumstance has this been reported in the air. We feel like we have a good idea of where the problem lies but won't know until the conclusion of the ongoing tests. This issue is the main driving factor in our next release, 10.2.1 and it has our full attention. To answer an earlier question on a timeline for the next release, our goal is to have it out as soon as possible. With a minor release like this one, it has a more streamlined approval process with its primary focus not introducing new features that impact TSOs. I invite anyone that suggests we don't test our software rigorously before it is sent to our customers or the FAA for approval to come to either our Concord, MA or Melbourne, FL for a visit with our engineers or our manufacturing facility. We will be more than happy to give you a glimpse at what all of our releases go through both on the hardware and software side. @thinwing PM me your full contact information, we will be happy to work out the warranty claim with your shop so that you or your shop aren't burdened by all this. Additionally, I believe you said your shop, Executive Autopilots, had been working with our Tech Support team on this issue? We have a tech support rep that has taken the lead on this issue, TJ Sutton. Can you verify that they are working with him?
  10. Noted, I will add it to the feature list.
  11. I think before you do that, we will want to know what software levels your G500 is on. Our C182 test bed has a G500 in it with the following software levels: GDU v6.21, GDC v3.09, GMU v2.01. We flew it yesterday paired to two 10.2 IFDs with no issues. We've updated a separate G500 in our lab to the latest software levels, which came out in the last 6 months or so and found the that connected to a 10.1.3 or a 10.2 unit the issue surfaced. Since the lab unit is static, the next step is to update the test aircraft with the latest G500 software levels and replicate what we see in the lab while taxing around. That should further confirm we know what the exact issue is so we can correct it in 10.2.1 and give the green light to update the G500 to the latest software. An official SIL is in the works and will be posted.
  12. There was conflicting data from the initial reporters of the issue, it wasn't clear what the issue was until we could get further information from lab test, flight tests and customer reports. Development and internal testing of 10.2 ended months before 10.2 was FAA approved. At some point we have to lock down the release for any further changes. It's possible their release came out during that time.
  13. Actually, it's the contrary, so far it's looking like a G500 update has broken the connection between the IFD and G500. It's not a blame game here, we will found out what happen and make a fix in the next release.
  14. I believe 9.1 just supports the flight plan transferring. A subsequent release will hopefully take advantage of the ADS-B output for any customers with a SkyTrax hooked up to their IFD.
  15. The connection is via WiFi and doesn't require a Stratus since the WiFi is coming from the IFDs.
  16. Much appreciated and I will pass it along. I think we have the issue narrowed down but are waiting to confirm it and test it before making the final call on it. We extensively tested the G500 Integration with each release, we are looking into if there is a correlation between G500 software level and the issue.
  17. We are investigating this as well at the moment. We are narrowing down what software levels of the G500 and the IFD 10.2 cause this issue. Right now, it is only an issue when the aircraft is taxiing, as soon as the groundspeed is picked up the red X goes away. We will have further/official guidance on this shortly.
  18. Nope, you do not need to convince them of anything, it should be pretty seamless.
  19. Like Ken said, call or email our Tech Support team (888-723-7592 or techsupp(at)avidyne.com). Let them know you need your WiFi and BT turned on, they will need your IFD serial number, tail number and email address to send you a .dsf file to correct the issue.
  20. I think this is the first we've heard an Avidyne installer call the update difficult. The update literally runs itself, it really isn't complicated. Yes, we warn the installer many times that if they don't follow the directions it will cause issues. They are probably right, Garmin updates are probably quicker than ours but are they bringing over 70 new features and improvements to their units?
  21. The direct link to the IFD100 can be found here: https://appsto.re/us/m4Eqbb.i
  22. Unfortunately, we saw a dramatic increase in tech support tickets from end users attempting to do the update and have an approving body sign off on it. This caused an unnecessary strain on the tech support team. You are correct that the 10.2 update is not nearly as complicated as the 10.1 update (given that the Service Bulletin is followed).
  23. Unless you operate in the experimental category or have signoff authority for an update like this, you can not perform the update and we will not send you the update. The update is available to dealers free of charge via our dealer portal. The $150 charge for the FOB is to discourage unnecessarily ordering it since we make it available on the website. If every dealer were to order a FOB it would cause a shipping log jam and we wanted to avoid that.
  24. Sorry for not posting here sooner, as you can imagine it's been a busy past few days and I am also on the road. Anyways, back to the topics: Both the PC and iPad simulator have been updated to the 10.2 software The IFD100 iPad app is going through the Apple Store approval and should be available shortly 10.2 is available through your Avidyne dealer There have been reports of a box or two being "bricked" however, it was because they did not follow the Service Bulletin instructions We recommend updating one IFD at a time, however, it is possible to update multiple IFDs at once. The update can take anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes depending on what software level the IFD is at. We are very excited to finally have 10.2 in our customers hands and are very confident you will be happy (even after the wait)
  25. We should have a more concrete update on Release 10.2 next week. We are awaiting some feedback from the FAA after submitting some data and conducting a few flights.
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