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Everything posted by toto

  1. Yeah that's what it says when it's been deleted
  2. You’ve got to think bigger than that A first-gen PA-46 isn’t really much more expensive than the options we’re discussing in this thread, and you get pressurization and six seats. If I win the lottery, I’m getting a TBM just to commute to the private airport where I keep the fun planes.
  3. I guess if you took a Malibu and pulled it back to like 50% you might get close
  4. I’ve gone back and forth on that. I really like that the PSE folks seem to have amazing customer service, and participate/respond to questions on MooneySpace probably better than any other vendor. My biggest hesitation with the PS unit is the soft keys. I think I prefer the real, dedicated buttons to the soft keys with the LCD. Seems easier to deal with when bouncing around, and I don’t mind needing to crack open the manual for the occasional device pairing or whatever. But I could certainly be convinced otherwise. What do you love about the PS unit over the Garmin unit?
  5. I’ve read a bunch of threads about slide-in audio panel replacement, but I’m hoping for something less dense and more idiot-proof.. I have a perfectly functional GMA340 with stereo wiring to all seats. I’ve been thinking about swapping it for a GMA345 or a PMA450 really just to get Bluetooth and a USB-C jack. I'm only really interested in this if I can remove two screws, slide out the old one, and slide in the new one. Is that all there is to this? I mean, aside from the logbook entry? Or is it more complicated than that?
  6. I always use the exhaust. This is all news to me.
  7. To be fair, plenty of pilots have also forgotten the gear with bells and whistles and flashing lights screaming at them all the way down the final approach.
  8. I like that little funnel too, but how does it help you check the oil level?
  9. You mean just like a seat cushion?
  10. I wasn’t kidding when I said I think it was the best headset I ever had. The DC was a very nice passive headset, and the ANC from Headsets Inc. was excellent. I do like the Bose, but I think the DC is a better set. And I definitely like having a more robust headset that isn’t so heavily dependent on electronics for noise canceling. I keep thinking about doing another conversion myself and keeping my two Bose headsets for passengers
  11. Many people who want a budget option will purchase a kit from Airtex and then either do a lot of work themselves (which is probably a $5k interior) or they hire an automotive interior company to do the seats and coverings that can be removed from the aircraft (which is still likely under $10k all in). There used to be a company in Pennsylvania that regularly offered a full $10k interior refurbishment on eBay, but their prices seem to have increased post-covid. ETA: https://www.ebay.com/itm/300334424661
  12. I had only ever heard TIS until TIS-B came around. I interpreted Lance’s TIS-A reference above as “the thing before TIS-B.”
  13. Apropos of nothing, the best headset I ever had was a David Clark H10-13S that I converted to ANC with a Headsets, Inc. kit. I fly with a Bose every day, but if I’m honest that DC was actually better than anything I’ve used since.
  14. Thank you. I made the bad assumption that we were talking about the 330ES. I thought OP was saying that the GTX was receiving both TIS-B and TIS-A traffic.
  15. I don’t think the GTX 330 has a TIS receiver, and the Mode S is only broadcast, so you must have some other receiver for TIS-B? In any case, your TIS-B receiver includes traffic that is not broadcasting ADS-B out. If they have a discrete transponder code and they’re in range, you'll see them.
  16. I’d never heard of this before, but seems like an interesting idea. https://www.overhaulbids.com/
  17. No, sorry - I’m a Google Fi subscriber. The unusual thing about Google Fi is that the data SIMs are completely free, but they do use the same data from your phone plan. I have four different devices on my Google Fi plan using data SIMs and they add zero cost to my service. Most other mobile carriers charge a fee for your iPad, watch, hotspot, whatever.
  18. I don’t think they make this particular model any more, but you should be able to use any T-Mobile compatible hotspot. There are some on Amazon for under $100. I’m a Google Fi subscriber, and their data SIMs are completely free - I just put the Google Fi SIM in the hotspot, and it uses almost no data. That little setup I have looks cheesy, but it’s actually nice to have the hotspot be separate from the WiFi plug, since you can change out either one if you need to. And you can have as many WiFi devices as you want in the hangar, all connecting to the same hotspot.
  19. My DIY solution was just a cellular hotspot with a wifi plug. I used a Google Fi data card (free) and it cost zero dollars per year to run. (County outlawed anything plugged in while unattended, so my DIY solution is sitting in a pile somewhere, but still.)
  20. Go with a cellular solution. Trying to use FBO wifi from across the field is going to be an exercise in frustration..
  21. This is the right answer. You can’t do this math without driving yourself insane. Get the plane you want, improve it in whatever ways make you happy, and enjoy the ride.
  22. I think it’s a lot of work, and most people end up doing a core exchange for a factory A3B6 engine. I have no idea whether you would shorten the time to overhaul by doing all of the A3B6 conversion work at the same time. I’m flying an A3B6D myself and not overly concerned about the dual mag. It has a good service history and doesn’t seem to cause many people problems if it’s maintained correctly and torqued properly.
  23. There’s a bunch of threads on MS about the conversion and several MSers have done it. Here’s one to get you started https://mooneyspace.com/topic/15898-m20j-io-360-a3b6-conversion-experience/ https://mooneyspace.com/topic/25885-io-360-a3b6d-to-a3b6-conversion/
  24. Looks like there are some J ads on Barnstormers that fit your basic requirements https://www.barnstormers.com/category-20607-Mooney--M20J.html
  25. The later pre-MSE Js also have the rounded windows and 2900# gross weight etc.
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