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  1. I'm interested in the KX170B.
  2. Before bringing in the MapMX WAAS GPS data via RS-232 from a GTX 335, I tested the internal G5 GPS antenna for position sourcing in a M20F. It appeared to function well during a local flight. I'm uncertain if the G5 would automatically revert back to the internal antenna if the external WAAS antenna source failed.
  3. It's my understanding (based on conversations with a local avionics shop that sells a significant volume of Garmin equipment) that the certified and experimental versions are indeed the same. The certified version does comes with an extra fancy black envelope with the STC card though.
  4. While there are nicer ADSB options out there, the GTX 335 is a nice step up when compared to spinning knobs on older transponders. The pre-cut right panel may be the least stressful option if you're planing to keep the Tach and MP in the same position. It might also be useful to plan a clever way to easily delete the TC and intercom holes (without having to cut another right panel) in the case that you later decide to update the audio panel and re-do the left panel.
  5. It doesn't seem likely that hours flown will be very high this year. Is it possible or likely that claims not attributed to natural disasters will also decrease?
  6. This appears to be the beginning of the "we don't really want your business" quotes. Many will simply write the check thinking that their carrier will continue to stick by them since they stayed loyal to the carrier throughout the years. Once the carrier that they've stayed with for many years exits the market they're in or simply declines to write them a policy, then what? Insurance carriers are in the business of assessing risks and projecting margins.
  7. Bueller? ...Bueller? ...Bueller?
  8. Hopefully people will read this so they can understand that these are only proposed guidelines that are backed by no authority.
  9. This analogy is about as close as anyone could possibly get to describing this whole debacle.
  10. Since I'm flying out of the Midwest, I could reasonably travel to most places within the Eastern half of the US.
  11. If the government shared the actual lock-down plans, most people wouldn't accept them. Two weeks is probably the maximum amount of time that the government believes most of the public will willingly accept without creating a conflict. Rinse and repeat.
  12. Everyone that wants to hunker down due to health concerns should be allowed to do so. Likewise, those that think this is complete display of fascism should be allowed to return to normal life without the added burden of supporting those that want to stay hunkered down. We are talking about the United States. If people like the way China or other countries are dealing with this, then they should move there instead of trying to change the American culture to reflect other parts of the world.
  13. To be fair, I did state the following. Perhaps I didn't make myself clear though. War is such a strong, well-defined, and specific word. There is only one context for it and the results are never favorable for anyone involved. It's a very rigid word that has taken many lives in the past and I personally have a great deal of respect for the implications that the word war brings. It's my opinion that some words cannot be bent or modified to put a narrative into context. However, this is just one persons view. Perhaps I'm wrong.
  14. What does "like a war" mean? You may choose not to answer and that's fine. However, this is an honest question.
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