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  1. Today, August 10, 2018, "escrow" closed on 95V. She is no longer mine. However, she is in good hands . . . she has a new family. Tuesday I will ferry her to NorCal where her new owner will prep for his trek home. Thank you all for your interest and inquiries, this sale has been an enjoyable experience! Ron
  2. He flew out from east of the Mississippi to see the plane last Friday. He visits Mooneyspace, I'll let him chime in if he wants to share more.
  3. 95V has sold, pending a pre-buy inspection. The purchase agreement has been signed and both parties are satisfied... at least I am. So, thanks to Mooneyspace for finding my buyer. The only listing or mention of my plane for sale has been here. I had lots of calls and several offers and she sold quickly. If someone wants a Mooney, they’ll be checking Mooneyspace. The buyer is a wise, young family man who will make good use of 95V. I’m really enjoying myself and appreciating his enthusiasm for this Mooney. It is rewarding to know she’ll be well taken care of. I appreciate all the advice shared here and will visit often just to make certain everyone is still getting along. I never shared much, but valued the advice so many of you have provided. Thanks and blessings to you all, ron
  4. I’m ready to list for sale my 1976 M20F. I’d appreciate any serious shoppers to look at my website for details. I’ve gone to great efforts to be completely transparent. This listing on Mooneyspace is my first listing “for sale” anywhere. I hope she finds a good home. M20F95V.com/ TTAF: 5490 as of 7-3-2019 SFRM: 1596 hours, Installed 2002 and averaging 100 hours per year. Prop: 1596 hours Hangared: Fullerton, CA KFUL Last Annual: March 2018 Comps at Annual: 77 79 76 78 430WAAS, KT 74 ADS-B Out Compliant, STEC-20 with GPSS, P2 AAS System, JPI 700, AOA, Leather Interior, 201 Windscreen, lots of Lasar mods, new donuts, well-maintained. And, more. $68,000 Ron
  5. I'd like to thank several for offering some very wise advice here and in personal messages that I will incorporate into my site in the next few days. This is a great bunch of people! ron
  6. My apologies to MATTS875, I didn't mean to distract from his troubles. ron
  7. mooniac15u: I never object to unbiased feedback and appreciate your comments. Thank you, ron
  8. Mooniac15u: Probably very true, but this was therapeutic for the seller. I've tried to be completely exposed, and hopefully, no surprises about anything. ron Marauder: Thanks for the encouragement, but we’ll have to find out if the buyer can pry the keys out of my cold dead hands. Steingar, Gary did my plane, a good friend who has been professionally doing planes for 30+ years in SoCal. He is very busy and hard to schedule new clients, but PM me and I’ll get you a phone number.
  9. Seller’s remorse, grief, separation anxiety .... This comment hit me directly between the eyes this morning. I’ve been wrestling with selling my plane for a few months and have been putting together a website for that day. And, each morning I wake with the same arguments. For my situation it is time. But, does life really go on after an intimate relationship with a Mooney, my Mooney? (My grandkids call her Alana Charlotte.) So, shall I post her now? Here’s the site: http://m20f95v.com/ Reality check and comments welcome. ron
  10. And I thought that this was for checking if your landing gear was down and locked.
  11. I can get you home if you decide to drop it off at FUL. ron
  12. Mike, I've got the ITT actuator with the serial number that does not require the inspection, but Mike Busch recommends it be performed anyway so I've had the part II inspection twice at General Aviation KFUL. I don't know about the moly, but prior to the first inspection they spoke to Mooney and followed their instructions. I have also had conversation with John McCarthy at Crown Aviation at KMYF. Although I have not been serviced there, John and his tech shared some valuable information and appeared very Mooney knowledgeable. They are an MSC. Initially, I too was apprehensive. My plane has had a recent annual at an MSC, but more recently for convenience at KFUL. If I were in your shoes, as a new owner, I'd consider Crown even though there are many good IAs in the area.
  13. Fernando (prflyer) has accepted my offer. He'll be getting the book, a little piece of our history. ron
  14. I have a pristine hardcover signed by Ball and many others. I'll mail it to prflyer if he is still interested, or to someone who will appreciate the book. Just give me a good reason and it is free. I don't think I could get it to the Summit in time.
  15. I've had the KT74 linked to my 430W since January 2015 and no problems.
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