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Bill Dunn

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  1. It's not a problem it's just limited to who can have it in their plane. The FAA is all about paperwork. The experimental world gets all kinds of cool gadgets before everyone else, this could be one of those type of things. Like I stated I quickly skimmed it, they may have STC's out for it but I'm saying I didn't see anything.
  2. there are differences but I am not sure what they are. that TQ is how much your torque the pulley to. you shouldn't need to adjust that.
  3. you guys are worse than my jeep club forum about getting off topic haha!
  4. KS270 is the correct servo and there are different models of it (-00,01,02, etc.) I don't know who would do it in aussie land but someone should be able to rebuild it. they still make some of the parts.
  5. it almost sounds like it could be the tach feedback in the servo. I had a beech in the shop that had an oscillation in the roll and that was the cause. did you avionics shop hook the KFC 200 up to the KTS150 test set and make the gain adjustments? there are a ton of things that come into play. If I were to bring it in our shop I would hook it up to the test set and check the voltages everywhere while performing the alignment procedure.
  6. I would have to agree that it is expensive and for your situation I think you went the right route.
  7. The KT 74 would be a great option. I think it is a bit cheaper than the GTX330. Either way you have to change the tray and connectors. The KT74 is a trig transponder with a new fave so it is a proven box.
  8. KS what app do you use in flight? just a heads up guys most of the ADS-B boxes come in different variations like "in" only, "out" only, and "in/out". so if you have a WAAS 430 and GTX330ES you could get a GDL88 that is "in" only and with that and the flightstream I believe you could display traffic and weather on the 430 as well as the iPad. although I just looked on Garmins site and I don't see the "in" only version of the GDL88 I could double check with our install manager to be sure. I know that freeflights box has all 3 versions (it makes it a PITA to quote haha!).
  9. the XVR currently works with Wing X Pro iFly ADS-B view by freeflight ekneeboard Avare (android) they have about 6 more that are pending and they are open to suggestions. I had a customer request a quote on the NavWorx box and that was the first we had heard about it. when I contacted them it seemed like that unit is very similar to freeflights.
  10. don't forget you still have to buy the flightstream as well....
  11. be careful what you buy. make sure it is STC'd for your aircraft. I skimmed their install manual and didn't see anything about an STC, that means you would have to pay out a lot more money for a DER and field approval from the FAA.
  12. I wish I could look at it in the shop but the fact that your GNS430 deviation display matches the HSI tells me something is wrong with the 430. the 430 puts out what ever information you see on it to the HSI then the HSI sends that info to the AP. I think you have an issue with the 430.
  13. I am glad you got it. I would love to give it out but like I said its not my call.
  14. the upgrade is somewhere in the 3k range, most shops do not make any money off of it besides the antenna and coax installation. We bill 40 hours of labor for a GPS/NAV/COM which is just under 4K and Pennsylvania is tax free.
  15. Yeah I would say you need to go to an integrated audio panel. It will be the same size. Look up a PMA 6000 audio panel and have your local shop put it in.
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