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    Blair, NE
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    Bow Hunting (Big Game)
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    '92' M20J MSE

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  1. Dad wants FIKI and Turbo....Momma wants more back seat and (gasp) a parachute!
  2. My mission is changing (upgrading) and N44ZT is on the market. I fly her regularly (100-150 hours per year), I defer no maintenance, and she's fresh off her annual. She's ADSB ready, has numerous upgrades and is an IFR machine. Contact Performance if you're interested! https://www.controller.com/listings/aircraft/for-sale/31473371/1992-mooney-m20j-mse
  3. If you are still looking, Performance just listed my 1992 M20J MSE. I fly her 100-150 hours per year and defer no maintenance. She's an IFR machine, ready to go. My mission is changing so I'm looking for Turbo and FIKI. Take a look on Controller and let me know if you have questions. N44ZT
  4. Thanks, Marauder. I asked my Avionics shop to check into having Aspen send me replacements if I commit to a MAX upgrade as soon as they are out. Crossing my fingers. ;-)
  5. Hey all! Looking for ideas to help diagnose this one: I have a intermittent but persistent problem with the Autopilot/Nav in my M20J. I have an Aspen PFD with EA100 coupled to a KAP 150 AP and 530W. Not sure it's important but also have a GTX-345 with ADSB-IN/OUT and Garmin Flightstream Problem showed up on a flight to Chicago from Branson last week and has displayed on each of the last 3 flights since that one. When: At cruise, between 30-90 minutes into a flight (happening sooner during each subsequent flight). What: The heading begins to drift to the left with AP engaged and GPSS engaged on the Aspen. When it starts to happen the 530W gives me a “set heading to XXXdeg” alert. Take the GPSS off and the AP will not following the heading bug. Cycling the ASPEN, 530W, EA100 has no effect. After hand-flying for a while, the heading function may come back but GPSS will not engage and plane will eventually roll to the left and fails to maintain heading. Problem resets for initial phase of next flight, then returns. Grateful for any ideas or next steps to help solve this one. Hate to start replacing equipment to resolve.
  6. I have this Stratus 2 (Not 2S) for sale. No longer needed due to ADSB out panel upgrade. It was refurbished by the factory last summer due to faulty charging port. I no longer have the original AC charging plug but one is available on the Apparel web site for $15. I've been charging using a deference 2A charger and the 2A cig lighter in my Mooney and both work great. $500 and it comes with the RAM suction mount shown. PayPal preferred. Private message me if interested.
  7. I'll be watching this one closely. Now that there is music this is a viable alternative to the G496 I have yoke mounted to give me better (perceived) radar than ADSB. What's I'm wondering is: Will I be able to display ADSB traffic and SiriusXM weather simultaneously with Garmin Flightstream and the SXAR1 bluetooth connections? Will I be able to stream the music from the SXAR1 via bluetooth to my PMA8000G audio panel?
  8. I'm late to the game here but I'll share my story in the hopes that it helps. I don't think I'd do things differently unless I didn't do it at all! ;-) I fly pretty much exclusively for business travel. I started my journey 5 years ago at the age of 45 with the intent of using it for business travel. I now fly my 1992 M20J 160-180 hrs per year and have over 500 hours in it coming up on 3 years. I live in the Omaha NE area and fly to Chicago, Minneapolis, Des Moines, and Kansas City most of the time. Weather knocks out every 4th-5th planned trip or I'd fly every week and exceed 200 hours easily. My local (5 minutes from home) FBO provides me with heated hanger, fueling, and pull in pull out. This saves me some time but it's running $300/month for the service. If this wasn't available the time for a 250 mile drive wouldn't save me much. Most of my trips are longer. Here's what I learned along the way: 1) You buy (and you definitely buy) ultimate flexibility and save time vs commercial air and driving 2) You trade that time savings against an investment in furthering your flying education and planning. Be a student of the game to stay safe! 3) You MUST have an attitude of "I don't have to be there" to be safe. Don't fly or go early or leave late to avoid putting pressure on your trip. 4) Despite a mentor who gave me all the details involved in getting through the training it still took much more of an investment in time than I thought it would. I kept my day job so the private pilot took me over a year and a little less than another year to pass my IFR check ride. 5) I wouldn't start my training in a Mooney (but it's not impossible). I did most of this training and started my business travel in a flying club that had a C172, C182, and a Piper Arrow. This allowed me to learn as I advanced through the more complex aircraft...invaluable experience. 6) You should commit to the plan for using it before you start spending time and money. Too many get through the training then stop flying or don't fly regularly....what a shame. Business travel is a great way to make sure you use it. 7) It's very cool to be part of the flying community. You will gain flexibility and it will definitely cost you but the cool factor is priceless! 8) Don't defer maintenance if you are flying for business, you don't want to get stuck somewhere on an issue that could have been avoided. Budget accordingly: Speaking of money. Here's my breakdown for my 2016 expenses to give you an idea of what operating cost for 160 hours looks like. I fly quite a bit but even a 1992 vintage Mooney has parts that age that need to be replaced as you go regardless of hours flown: $8,500 Maintenance including $5,200 Annual $7000 Fuel (I run 145kts LOP at 8.5-9 gal/hr) $3,600 Hangar (you could save some money here but spend more time) $2,200 Insurance (pretty much the same as when I bought the Mooney with only 120 flight hours but 20 hours of retrac time) $750 Subscriptions (Jeppeson GPS charts, Foreflight, etc) $450 Upgrades (I added Rosen visors in 16...love them!) You'll want to add some things over time but you don't have too....except ADSB-out if your plane doesn't already have it) Total Operating Expenses - Approx $22,000 and $138/flight hour (I'm not including interest expense or Engine Reserves.......I've got another 6 years on this engine at this pace so not thinking about that yet) Big disclaimer....this is my experience an opinions based on that experience. I hope it helps others looking to fly for this reason
  9. Love my Mini mounted with the RAM Claw yoke mount. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. 500fpm unless ATC leaves me up too long. Try to keep in under 1K to make sure I can slow the speedster down without unusual measures. ;-) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Jokes on them, salty! I would have done the install without the rebate. Ha!
  12. OMG, boys and girls- Check out this timeline. I can't believe I'm complimenting a government agency but this is beyond my wildest expectations: 2/27/17 Pick up my M20J with it's new Mandate compliant Garmin GTX345 3/4/17 Fly some approaches with my buddy in Class C airspace with the goal of meeting the ADSB validation flight requirements 3/4/17 Later that day I fill out the online form for the validation flight 3/6/17 Email arrives from FAA with my ADS-B Performance Monitor Public ADS-B Performance Report - I pass! 3/6/17 Later that day I fill out the form providing my Reservation # and Performance Report number requesting my rebate 3/9/17 FAA Cuts $500 rebate check through their banking partner 3/13/17 (Today) I receive my $500 ADS-B Rebate Check 2 Weeks from shop to check....can you frickin believe that!!!!
  13. SamFox- I picked up my Mooney from it's Install two weeks ago. I'm now running a GTX-345 with FlightStream 210 connected to a 530W. I have a PFD-1000 but don't have it connected for ADSB Display...by choice. When I first picked it up, I was only getting AHRS and GPS positioning over Bluetooth from the 210....for both Garmin Pilot and Foreflight. After a software upgrade to the Flightstream earlier this week, Foreflight and Garmin Pilot are picking up Traffic and Weather as well!! After 4 flight hours with the new software I can report the installation is working great! I was previously using a Stratus and now am getting much more traffic as I had heard I would. Traffic and weather are also displaying on the 530W. I'm only using the Bluetooth connection from the 210 and that appears to be the way to go. You can disable the 345 bluetooth or leave it up and running. I'm not connecting to it at all. Any questions, let me know. Brian
  14. Hmmm...I think the 8000 has all of that except the display, right?
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