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  1. I have a damaged M20C built in 1965 with a good engine, it can maybe your solution.
  2. GFC500 is about $10,000 for the hardware and 3 to $4000 for the install. Hardware includes GFC500, 2 brushless servos, and 1 G5 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. They did list 2 years ago they will work in the next twelve months. Now on the good note, Garmin finally updated their page in March, and another one on June 14th. Scroll the page down and you will see the update list dates. They maybe realize it’s good marketing to keep customers informed on their progress. [emoji4] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I am interested for one of them Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  5. I will stay away of the 36 seconds because of wind factors. You can imagine the difference of ground tracks from wind calm and 20 kts tailwind conditions. You may not be able to reach the runway if you get a sudden power loss when turning base with 36 seconds and 20 kts tailwind. The 20 kts will become crosswind and headwind trying to keeping you away of the runway. I suggest you practice in strong wind conditions.
  6. Thanks, I checked with them and it looks like it will work. I will post some pics when the upgrade start.
  7. I have a 1965 M20C equipped with a Brittain autopilot with heading, cap, track, and loc selection knob. At this time the auto-leveler does not work but I plan to fix it. I am upgrading my aircraft with a GTN650, GMA350, and a course indicator GI106A. The GI106A comes with a VOR/ILS or VOR/ILS with course datum for an extra $500. Does anyone known if a Brittain autopilot can interact with a GTN650 and a course datum to intercept a course?
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