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Mark89114 last won the day on October 1 2021

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  1. I am 29-0243 Ovation. I was just trying to provide some info, which may or may not have been of value.
  2. No advice on the socket issue, but I had to replace mine and the same problem sort of. Details are a little fuzzy so bear with me. The wires were too short and inaccessible so we had to run new wires further downstream in the wing. Now it is coming back to me....the canon plug was failing and is inaccessible, looks like factory hooks it up and then rivet the wing tip in space, we simply moved a new canon plug down further in one of the access holes. I agree seems ridiculous to buy a new light set up for a $15 bulb mechanism.
  3. Just a reminder to check anytime somebody tows our Mooneys. I specifically mention this to line guys and get either a i understand or a blank stare..... The FBO really overworked this somehow. So far they seem to be accepting reaponsibility but now the repair process starts. I am guessing this would have failed anf a much bigger problem.
  4. I literally have no idea what the cost could be for a repair. An EIS is going to cost $15K (I have no idea) but I think that is a fair number. It is where and how you want to spend your dollars. Either way it is going to cost a lot of money.
  5. This is the company I talked to only 4+ years ago. He said it is just a rumor that they don't repair them. Your mileage may vary. Mine started magically working again. So never did a follow up. Please let me know how it goes. Kind regards, Mike Paulsen Sales/Customer Service Mgr. Repair Center Radiant Power Corp. a HEICO company 7135 16th Street East, Suite 101 Sarasota, FL 34243 Email: mpaulsen@rpcaero.com
  6. Don't question why....it is for the safety of the children.
  7. I think it should be about 25 knots, 1 AMU per knot pickup? I suspect any speed increases might be due to the fact that the airplane gets rerigged, maybe better, maybe worse?
  8. Nice repair. Looks good to me. I too also don't use the yellow and red cans as pictured for any type of fuel. That would clearly be dangerous.
  9. I had the same problem, occurred on both PTT and both COM's and even a dave clark portable PTT. I replaced the PTT's, had the intercom unit sent back to PS as they led me to believe it was sticky relay in unit. They went through it and only replaced a few diodes, but they didn't find anything wrong with relays. Problem hasn't occurred again so I legitimately don't know if anything I did intentionally fixed it, but the simple act of removing and resetting it might have been all it needed.
  10. I like the thread theory, maybe off the oil filter?
  11. My ovation I wouldn't want to change a CB unless on the top row, the others are buried in a sea of wires that you can look at, but would be damn near impossible to gain access. The funny thing is it looks like it has a hinge to allow panel to open, but there is no slack in the wires. I have no idea.
  12. Ok, it isnt a new airplane. Stray dog wandered into the plant and the GF decided "we" needed to keep him. No chip and no postings on the interwebs. My brother has always been clever about his dog names "pending" was his first dog, pending approval, second and current is "caution"...not sure of what. So this one is named Mooney.
  13. All of it...... My friend had his ovation painted by the guy town in Florida, Hawk I think? With new windows, reasonably fancy paint scheme he was out $30K.
  14. I think they are just super duper fussy for some reason....hardly a real answer. Mine leak sometimes, using the real gasket brand, following the instructions, etc. Sometimes they leak and sometimes they don't. The ones that leak, I just tighten up the screws a bit and revisit, if that doesn't work, remove and clean them. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I haven't found any rhyme or reason. Mine have been trouble free the last year or so but this posting will probably cause them to start leaking again.
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