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    Flying, Hunting, Fishing, Sports (bball, track/field)
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    M20F TN

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  1. I have a hose I bought from True Value. I believe it is 5/8s but will have to check it tomorrow.
  2. That's what I've been doing! Just annoyed me that it didn't work. Saw the opportunity to make it right and I'm trying to do just that. MKTurbo, I ordered the wire from McMaster Carr, but they canceled it sue to export laws and me not being a trusted large order customer... Weird, maybe because I'm so close to Mexico? Not a big deal. Ordered some mower cable!
  3. Thanks guys. The problem with trying to call is I'm usually at work and unable to make a call from base. Verizon doesn't work very well out here... On the other hand, sitting in the tower with only two aircraft airborne, gives me the opportunity to ask you guys!
  4. N601RX, Thanks for the tip. I'll look into it! -Raygun
  5. Fellas, My plane is in annual and I'm attempting a light refurb on the interior. Since the panels are removed, I'm looking to fix the broken flap cable. The cable broke where it attaches near the flaps and now the flap indicator is forever stuck at T/O flaps. The cable is .058" diameter and approximately 8ft long. I need help finding a replacement inner cable or suitable ersatz inner cable. The only inner cable I could find on Aircraft Spruce is inner Bowden cable, but that is .078" and I don't think I'll be able to shove that through the outer cable housing. I emailed Don Maxwell last week for guidance, but have yet to hear back from him. I also emailed LASAR today, but wanted to check with you guys to see if any of you have a source or at least some recommendations. Thank you in advance! v/r, Raygun
  6. Alliance has always treated me well when I take a T38 in there. I haven't flown my Mooney there yet. Just watch for the displaced threshold when landing to the south. Otherwise KAFW is pretty easy and well managed.
  7. Rags, I get similar KTAS numbers as you, just a few kts slowe with a N,E,S,W method. I'll have to try the three leg method at your altitudes to compare. In addition, I rarely get my KIAS over 128kts in cruise. I think I may have a few knots of error in my IAS as well. Let me know if you want to get together some weekend to go up and compare numbers. - Raygun
  8. Longest Mooney trip in a day - 750nm split in two legs. Flight time 6.5hrs. Longest flight - 9.3hrs. Europe to NC in February (F-15E). Four piddle packs required!
  9. Good question. I'll need to dig into the logbooks to see if it's in there. I was unaware of the instrument make and model.
  10. Thanks! It's the second throttle. Unfortunately, the Rajay isn't producing much MP. You can see it only gave me an additional 2" @10k when I should be able to get up to 27"MP per the ops limits. Yet one more thing to have fixed. The joys of owning an airplane!
  11. Raygun15E


    Initial photos
  12. Awesome! A civilian version of JHMCS. The SA gained from tech like this is amazing. On the flip side, it's easy to become addicted to it and not listen to the radios as well. It would still make flying easier in complex and busy airspace.
  13. Count me interested in the neutral/beige. That's the color I've been mulling about using when I have the interior redone in the next year or so. Do you have any of those left?
  14. David, If you're south of Kerrville, then you might be seeing the jets on the Centerpoint One Arrival. Centerpoint (CSI) is located just SSW of Kerrville, TX. Jets cross Beney (CSI105013) at 10K. -Chris
  15. My first attempt was at night somewhere over Iraq... I recommend doing a test run with a piddle pack at zero knots and zero AGL. Then daytime before attempting with no light! There's a Dos Gringos song that captures the dilemma perfectly. Mike you're crazy, but we love living vicariously through your trips!
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