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  1. Can anyone point me to a source where I can download a Mooney (Preferably a "J") Add-in that is compatible with the new X-plane V12? X-Plane V12 only has a limited number of single engine Makes/Models included in the "out of the box" software download.
  2. Thanks.
  3. It doesn’t seem to be related to altitude, RPM or MP-consumption is higher than it should at all combinations of the three variables. For example, The problem was evident on some recent flights at attitudes of 3000 to 11000 feet MSL, MP 20 to 25 or higher, 2300 to 2600 rpm. Percent power high 50s to 70 (I never lean Above 70% power). All fuels flows were above POH values. Engine data is not readily available-CHTs 320-360 or so, EGT around 1500. Engine data from EDI 700, without fuel flow or % power.
  4. I have a 1996 201 J with an IO-360. I am consistently seeing average fuel flow rates in cruise (2 to 3.5 hour flights) of 12.5 to 13.9 GPH measured both on the FT-100 Fuel Totalizer and from tracking fuel added to tanks/flight time. I fly at best power 100 degrees (f) ROP setting but also get high than book burn rates at best economy 25 degrees (f) ROP. All engine indications are normal as is TAS. Can anyone give me an idea of where to start looking for the cause of the high burn rate.
  5. Does anyone have one for sale or know someone who does?
  6. Looking for Whelen Strobe Power Supply. PN: 01-077329-01.
  7. Thanks to all for the suggestions!
  8. Was just informed by Auto Pilots Central that my KAP 150, which just all of a sudden stopped working is not repairable. Does anyone know where I might find a KAP 150 Mod 3 to buy as a replacement fo mine?
  9. I bought a pair (medium tint) at the last Sun n Fun. Great frames, lenses and tint. Excellent performance with Bose Headsets. Very happy with them. Jim
  10. I know a Joey Sclafani in SW Virginia, any relation?

    1. jsclafani


      Probably not. The only Joey Sclafani close in relation to me was a Police Officer in Madison, NJ and passed away a few years back. There are a fair amount of Sclafani's in the US these days mostly in NY and FL.  

    2. ShuRugal


      Kewl, just thought i'd ask.  Happy flying!

  11. I would be happy to do so but I am based in Fort Lauderdale and my "J" is in the shop. If you can't find anyone in your area and want to make the trip over, please let me know and we can coordinate. Jim
  12. I stopped by the AKG booth for a demo and was similarly impressed with their product. Great fit, feel and sound.
  13. Congrats and best of luck with the plane. I too am based at "W" Aviation @ FXE with a 1996 201 and look forward to running into you and helping each other with ownership issues.. Jim
  14. Ram mount works great. I clamp the ram mount on the "yoke pole" in my 201 j with the mini between the yoke handles and it fits and works greet. Be sure to test while sitting in the pilots seat with the seat properly adjusted to rule out any restrictions to the flight controls.
  15. For sale.1996 International Avionics Navigation Annunciator. Sold as is. Confirmed operational when removed from a '96 201 J to make room for a panel upgrade. Includes, Harness Plugs, Remote Approach Arming Switch plus NAV/GPS & Brt/Dim Selection Switches. Mooney Part Number 337300.
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