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  1. Gee Bee Aero, can you share the number of the Lycoming Bulletin that specifies Teflon hoses? Lycoming Service Instruction 1274B seems to indicate that Lycoming switched to Teflon hoses (just) to eliminate the shelf-life limitations. SI1274B Fuel Hoses, Silicone Coated, Service Replacement.pdf
  2. Here is a link to a recent revision (-28) to the Parker Manual referenced by Shadrach, just in case. https://www.parker.com/literature/Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division/AWB Static Files for Literature/AWBCMM0001.pdf
  3. Just be aware that ASG 7 meets MIL-PRF-23827C Type II, and should not be mixed with Type I greases (e.g., ASG 33, Mobil 33, Royco 27), per the spec.
  4. Here are two cross reference charts that I find useful when dealing with MIL spec numbers frequently used in aviation from EMTC.AERO. Greases: https://emtc.aero/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Mappe2.GREASE-XREF-1.pdf Hydraulic Fluids: https://emtc.aero/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/HYDRAULIC-FLUIDS-CROSS-REFERENCE.pdf
  5. The January 1966 edition of Flying Magazine has a Mooney Ad on Page 2 showing a 1965 M20E. Search Google Books for Flying Magazine January 1966, if interested. https://books.google.com
  6. The KNS-80 Airplane Flight Manual Supplement (Revision D) can be downloaded from the Mooney.com site. Click on Technical Publications, select your Model type (C, J, K, M, etc.), then select AFM Supplement under Categories. About half way down the page is the King KNS-80 RNAV System document. Section 4.3 discusses the battery replacement.
  7. To answer DXB’s question #2, WingX has a feature to display MVAs that may be of interest. Tap on an airport in the area of interest, tap on “MVA – Not for navigation” at the bottom of the menu, and select the MVA depiction for the area of interest. Below are a couple of screenshots from WingX. I can’t speak for its accuracy or benefits, but I will add it to my pre-flight planning. WingX MVA Depiction.pdf
  8. I am just wondering, but was the plane leveled per the Service Manual?
  9. For the case of the Hartzell alternator(s), the STC references a belt part number. See Note 1 of the drawings in the STC. See page 18 for the SAL12-70 drawing. https://planepower.aero/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/STC-SA10682SC-AFMS-002-14-0000-PP.pdf
  10. You may also be interested in downloading Parker’s Cleveland Wheels & Brakes Catalog (AWBPC0001-25) and the Technician’s Service Guide (AWBTSG0001-21). Just search the web by document numbers.
  11. Check the Downloads section.
  12. DZUS quarter-turn fasteners. Need to determine what retainer is/was holding the fastener/stud and the (stud) length. Aircraft Spruce has them, as mentioned above. You can download the product specs from southco.com. https://www.southco.com/en-us/d4
  13. Part # 600064.pdf
  14. I can't speak for the ones you listed, but just in case, I used BA-706-M door seals from Brown Aircraft Supply some years ago. http://www.brownaircraft.com/product-p/ba-706-m.htm It may be the same (mat’l/shape) as the seals sold by the suppliers listed by you, above??? Seal cement is extra - not included.
  15. For reference information, search the web for Textron Lycoming Special Service Publication SSP-885-1 - Engine Mounted Oil Filter Kits And Replacement Filters.
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