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  1. I have a spinner w bulkhead. Let me check if the one pulled from my E model with lo presti mod will fit. I'll send you the part number when I return Tuesday.
  2. Just returned. My mission was successful. The tap has an awl at the other tip and once I removed the trim, I stuck the tap in and turned it in both nuts making certain they were free of burrs. Once this was done, I reinstalled the trim, fastened the one that was already in the the one that fell out. It's tight and the nut wasn't stripped. Thanks again!!
  3. Thanks, on my way to the airport and I'll check it out. I'll let you know what I find.
  4. I have a 1966 M2OE that had the upper screw pulled out after my BFR. I inspected the original screw and it appears stripped as the tip is blurred. I have a 10 / 32 tap that I inserted into the hole were the old screw was and could not locate the receiving nut. Anyone have any ideas how I can find or replace the receiving nut?
  5. Would you happen to still have the thermasistor AN5546-1 you pulled 2 yrs ago?
  6. Common failure. This happened to me 3 years ago. The cable broke at the bend point on the vent flap. Instead of replacing the cable I reconnected the cable to the flap and made certain the cable wasn't weaken when folded over. The most difficult part of replacing the cable is properly sizing the length. Sometimes the cable binds in the shealth, you can prevent this by making sure you file the end leaving no burrs. The cable I purchased online and cost about 15 dollars. Enough to do 4 airplanes.
  7. I'm looking for a fuel totalizer for my 66E
  8. I agree with Raptor, my 66 E I use the option of 25/25 or full throttle. I am not limited by harmonics or rpm. My mechanic who has years of Mooney experience prefers full throttle until altitude for continued climb or cruise is met. I pull back to 25/25 once established in climb out of traffic pattern if going away.
  9. Looking for a fuel totalizer with transducer for my 66 E model

    1. Jerry Pressley

      Jerry Pressley

      have the transducer, let me look for the totalizer

  10. Will these fit an E model?

  11. I just checked out a 1966 M20C for possible purchase. I noticed a drop in compression in #3 over the last 3 years as reading 73, 70 this 60 this year. This really caught my eye. The engine has right around 1500 TSOH. The others are steady in the mid to low 70s. The seller and I talked about it and was told he had it scoped and was willing to offer pics. This however doesn't correct the drop in compression. We both believe its a dirty exhaust valve that can be corrected with a cleaning and possibly new rings. My question is how much would this cost and what recommendation can be made by those reading this with regards to purchase price vs. walking away? Comments are appreciated.
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