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Everything posted by PMcClure

  1. I had the same issue and resolved as follows: 1. Took A/C to TCM who calibrated fuel flow. 2. Finally overhauled the servo. The calibration help a lot but the servo solved the problem.
  2. I had a scare today with the rental car. Stopped to get gas and somehow the door locked. I thought the keys were in car but instead were in my pocket. But it took me 10 minutes to figure that out! Duh... Then we got back to the hangar and my son says he left his keys back at grandma's. His truck is in the hangar. But I carry spare keys in my car so we were good. He latter found the keys in his pocket. Double duh! I keep a spare set at home. But keeping one on the plane sounds like a good idea. PS - I have successfully copied my 2002 keys. I did have to go a couple of places to find the correct blank.
  3. I went VFR from Alabama to Denver in the middle of the summer. It is very doable. Leave early and be flexible. If you do that, you will be fine. Start to get worried if you are feeling you have to be somewhere at a certain time for a certain thing. Enjoy the trip and realize the journey can be more fun than the destination when you have a Mooney!
  4. The Bo has a similar restriction on slipping with a certain amount of fuel in the tank. Also, the POH says not to take off with less than 9 gal (?) in one tank. I don't know why, by the Bo slipped well and this was a comfortable strategy to deal with a crosswind. But with both my F and R, the crab and kick method works very well for me. I don't use the slip on final to bleed off speed. For normal every day landings, I am not trying to make the 1st turn off. I target smooth touch downs and whatever length it uses, that is what is uses. Passengers appreciate this and so do my brakes and tires. As most RR I use are 5000ft plus, it is not a problem. Even if the slip is not a recommended procedure for final approach for long bodies, I think we should still practice the slip (at altitude) for emergency procedures. That skill may be needed one day to put down in a short field in an emergency.
  5. I can speak from experience on this one as well - the F model will fly nicely with the baggage door open. Had this one happen on take-off,kept speed under 100mph and came around the pattern and landed. It bent the skin near the hinge, so there was always a reminder to test the door before getting in the plane.
  6. Due to wear on the latch, I had the door on my bonanza pop open 3 times, including once at cruise. That one got my attention at 180knots. My son was asleep, leaning against the door when it popped. My son screamed like a little girl (he is a 220b champion wrestler, so I still get to give him a hard time about it). It sucked all the loose paper out of the cabin, including charts and check lists. We diverted uneventfully and closed the door. There is a procedure in the M20R and Bonanza manual to close the door in flight. You are supposed to slow and slip the plane. But i never could get it closed at any speed, even with the help of a 220lb wrestler or fighter pilot as a passenger. Best to land and do it on the ground. Now I secure all necessary paper and pre-made the decision to land unless I am in low IFR in which case, I plan to continue the climb, then decide to continue to destination or divert.
  7. The charts in my F had a "Maximum Duration Setting" for minimal fuel burn. I don't remember the settings but I recall that the duration was almost 10 hours. Maybe your POH has something similar?
  8. I heard the drive to the slopes was more dangerous than actual skiing.
  9. Curious who you called and how that discussion went? Some of you may recall that my F model had the tail number from the Buddy Holly Bonanza. I had a few double takes with controllers who knew the history of the number.
  10. My plane has been upgraded to a Acclaim by ATC more than once. Most recently on my trip to Charlotte. I guess they just can't believe a non turbo plane can hit 185knots https://flightaware.com/live/flight/N1051K/history/20150504/1913Z/KASN/KUZA I just wish it was that easy in real life to add a couple of turbos to my bird!
  11. Reading this report, I see it was not an engine out but a W&B issue. Overloaded, aft CG, early rotation. Proving even CFI's are human. The parachute is another tool to have and a good one, but even it won't overcome stupid pilot tricks and engine failures on take off. It certainly would help with fuel exhaustion at cruise.
  12. If you topped off on Jet fuel instead of AVGAS, wouldn't you notice the yellow color and diesel smell? I saw a view of the prop in the fire. It looked like it was making some power when it hit the ground.
  13. Will a little humor help? Too bad we can't get the log books signed with this repair!
  14. FYI - getting quotes from $2300 to $3300 for complete overhaul of exhaust on M20R. That is for worst case, complete overhaul of stacks and muffler. Plus 6 hours to remove and replace.
  15. Anyone know about Acron Muffler? I am getting quotes on my M20R. I have a small leak at the stacks but want to send out everything for overhaul if I am pulling them off. Acorn quoted higher on the muffler but lower on the stacks (with exchange vs overhaul).
  16. My CFI landed there in a single and told me about his experience. He said he would not do it again for the reasons Mooneymite mentions above (and he had over 5,000 hours. PDK would be a good option.
  17. Northbound was also bumpy on Monday up until 10,000'. Coming home was one of those magical days of clear smooth air with a tail wind and flying into the sunset. I wish they all could be like that. I fly around ATL quite a lot and find they are getting very greedy with air space outside of Bravo. I usually file via Nello or RMG on the north side but they keep trying to push me further and further north. The heavies are coming in on a 45 from the NW but are still 15,000' or above at RMG. I don't understand why they are concerned about a light traveling 180knots at 8-9,000. Lately, I find my self flying low under bravo or not taking FF on days like yesterday. On IMC days you never know what you'll get. I have been cleared right through Bravo or been thrown up into the mountainous area in IMC. Yesterday, I just didn't want to bother with them and opted to take advantage of the conditions and have some fun.
  18. KFQD (Rutherford) is a nice little country airport in the NC foothills and has a restaurant attached (check hours). I was in for business in Forrest City and arrived from KUZA (Rock Hill) earlier in the day, after checking in on my mother and another customer in Charlotte. It was my first stop in KUZA, which is also a nice stop. I flew home to from KFQD to KPLR VFR at 8500. I monitored ATC but did not file or request advisories so I have no record. Running WOT, 20 ROP, 185 TAS and over 200 knots ground speed.
  19. I had some similar experiences in initial IFR training and I am not very prone to motion sickness at all. But loosing your horizon and watching your dials spin around and feeling the seat of your pants not matching up with what you think you are doing can be very disorienting. I suggest you give it more time, take it gradual. Once my mind was able to really match up the instruments and sensations I have not had the sensation since.
  20. Sounds like a guy in bankruptcy. Probably cannot comment. I am in the same boat as triple 8s. Was hoping to upgrade my O2 at overhaul. What is the value of the STC? Can it be bought by anyone?
  21. I occasionally will send texts in VFR flight. And use my cell phone on the ground for clearances, etc... I think it is legal from an FAA point of view and am not too concerned about the consequences from FCC regulations on my cell usage. On my IFR check ride, the examiner stopped my in mid taxi and told me he suspected a cell phone was on in the plane since he heard feedback into the headset. I knew mine was off (this was a check ride!) and showed him. He fumbled in his pocket and discovered his was on. Made for a good laugh and lighter mood. Edit - thanks for the regulation post Ross and Cliffy
  22. Does the FAA have any regulations against GA pilots having a cell phone on or using it in flight?
  23. Illegal? Is that a FCC or FAA regulation, or both?
  24. Update - fuel servo and fuel pump were sent to Aircraft Accessories for inspection. Pump was OK but Servo showed discrepancy. Parts returned and installed and found gusher of a fuel leak from burst main fuel line. Replaced this and test ran the plane. All seems to be OK. Will test flight this weekend, weather permitting.
  25. Been through that with a Bonanza. Autopilots Central was the only shop that could resolve it!
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