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Everything posted by furledd

  1. Got one on the way from a 66 E model - thanks!
  2. The guy I got them from had them stored in his garage. I saw no hint of corrosion. The paint shop stripped them down and also did not see any corrosion. How would you look inside them i wonder? You are about 4 hour drive from me - 1/2 way would be 2 hours each way for each of us around Champaign to Danville area. You got any Mooney parts or avionics you would like to trade? I need a 52D54 DG as mine is precessing a lot.... Looking for a 7000B audio panel from PS engineering Also any mods like wing root faring, flap fillet, or flap hinge covers.
  3. Took a look at your pictures. My elevator is definitely in better shape than your RH one that took a real hit probably when being pushed cockeyed into the T hangar.. However, several of the other "dings" around your plane look similar to ones on my plane I think every plane, like people, have a few battle scars LOL When i get them back from the paint shop I can send you a pick to see what you think. Shipping could be expensive though, I am in Illinois... any luck on the California connection the other poster mentioned?
  4. Hello fellow F model owner! Unfortunately E elevators , at least the earlier ones at or before 1967, are not the same as F model elevators ... I did a bunch of research on this. And later elevators are pretty much corregated, not smooth, and we are not allowed to use them either on a 67 One way to tell if you have the right ones - if you count the outer rivets on the smooth elevator surface you can see there is 4 internal ribs in an E model (a few of these are always for sale on ebay it seems). But the F model has an additional 4 internal ribs so you will see 8 rows of rivets on each of your 67 F model elevators. These almost NEVER come up for sale anywhere - i have been watching for a few years LOL. So on those barnstormers make sure the inner reinforcement rib number is proper. However, so happens I did get an extra set a couple months ago locally, by luck from a gentlemen who has a ton of parts in his garage. I am getting them stripped and repainted for my 67F, and replacing the ones I have which only have very minor hangar rash in them but otherwise serviceable. Whats the condition of your elevator? Just needing 1? I might have a better one for you between the extra set I have now. They are white. Let me know.
  5. Thanks for the advice sir... 5 minutes after applying some penetrating oil and then a good strong turn and she came loose. Now to find a GE 1813 replacement!
  6. Sorry for the simple question - but i am trying to repair my fuel selector lamp and for the life of me cant get it open. On the gear indicators they rotate to open and close the aperture to change the brightness, this one does this too with internal slots. If i rotate the gear indicators CCW once they get to the stop they unscrew and open up. This one shown I have torqued on CCW to the point of being afraid to break it. Whats the trick to get the bulb out and replaced???
  7. Looks to me reading the forums these are not easy to rebuild. Anyone have a spare working one that doesn't leak like mine? Needless to say my carpet under this is permanently stained and soaked..
  8. Does the traffic watch come with the optional belly mounted antenna and coax in order to get direction and range information?
  9. Thanks - I will check with him..
  10. I searched to try and make sure this topic wasnt already here, but anyone ever consider getting a subscription as a group , and then each get a monthly update staggered throughout the year. As I am VFR only I generally only update my NavData once a year. A group of us could do the same perhaps and save money as compared to a one time update. Just a thought. All you need is to have access to JSUM on your PC and have a Skybound adapter to do it your self. If there is some law against doing that, I guess i plead ignorance on that one but seems like a decent idea.
  11. Checked my 1967 ASI and indeed, it's confirming 105 MPH as max flaps speed (Attached) Seems to eliminate a book misprint as the reason for the difference So, the mystery of what changed to allow a 20 MPH increase on Manual Flaps in 1968 remains unsolved, and if whatever changed can be applied to the older models as an update.
  12. Interesting info Treebobboy So in 1968 something definitely changed as you can lower manual flaps at 125 MPH in more than 1 model Mooney, not just the M20F.
  13. DCflyn: Did you ever find the same replacement for that trim piece? Mine is exactly the same in my 67 M20F and broken into several pieces and needs replacing as well.
  14. This thread somehow got going down the road of landing gear discussion? LOL we digress... Regarding the max flaps speed question, I brought up both PDF's of the Owners manuals for 1967 and 1968 M20F and made sure speeds and units were apples to apples It shows Max flaps operating speed = 105 MPH CAS (1967) 125 MPH CAS (1968) See pdf snagits attached All other significant speeds are identical between the 2 years.
  15. Anyone know where i can get one of these? Never run on to a source for these and mine broke - been running without it which isnt a problem but.... Picture of what i am asking about is attached.
  16. That's a good guess, but the 1968 Owners manual describes the manual flaps operation showing the hydraulic lever and flaps release handle, just like on the 1967 model, so that isnt the reason. But you are right on one thing, in 1968 electric gear became optional, manual gear was standard, just not any electric flaps yet...
  17. There are 2 springs that pull up the flaps and it forces back the fluid to the reservoir when you flip the return handle up and open a valve. I am guessing that the control wire for the return valve is broken, or there is something plugged in the return line. Here is the section in the 67 service manual that shows how it all works. Mooney flap system.pdf
  18. Here's one that might take a little research or history - or maybe there's a thread already on this i have not found? Can a 1967 M20F be updated to allow for white arc being extended from 105 MPH CAS to 125 MPH CAS? I see in 1968 for the M20F that the limitations were changed - this could come in handy at times when trying to get the speed down entering a pattern Anyone know what was changed to allow this? Control rods, flap structure, hinges - spar in wing? Whos got a good Mooney engineer contact? I saw this thread below but it didn't address WHY the allowed speed was increased in 1968 (manual printed in mid 1967 for 1968 models) http://mooneyspace.com/topic/8669-maximum-flap-speed-what-does-really-mean/?hl=%2Bmaximum+%2Bflaps+%2Bspeed
  19. Great thread and great solution DanM20C I ordered all the parts from Superbrightleds.com today (came only to $12 for 2 lights and parts + shipping) Will replace the pots with a couple of maxdim while i am up there. They are $225 each I think at AC spruce but got lucky and got them at almost 1/2 price on ebay new in box this weekend. There is one still left if anyone wants one for way below new cost. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Seaton-MaxDim-Lamp-Intensity-Controller-P-N-9100-001-A-/321565402898?pt=Motors_Aviation_Parts_Gear&hash=item4adecaa712&vxp=mtr
  20. Nice idea! I just posted a topic on heat but mine is too hot not too cold. My M20F seems to stay pretty warm .
  21. Just wondering if anyone has come up with a creative solution to the problem of when you run only the HEAT control, you only need to crack it just a bit and you get VERY HOT air coming in, in fact it warped the plastic in the center vent on me one flight. I found that if you crack the heat control and also open the VENT control you can get a reasonable warm temperature, but am concerned my partners wont be so attentive to this and damage more inteior plastic Anyone come up with a way to create a simple temperature regulator, or at least a way to open the HEAT control fully and have warm but not blazing hot air without carefully mixing it with the vent control? Perhaps bleed in some outside air under the cowl by creating a hole for cooler air in the heat supply hose from the heat box around the exhaust? One other question is on DEFROST - is the only way to get more defrost on the windshield to close all the other vents? In other planes there is usually a separate defrost control, but not in the Mooney - or at least mine. Any creative solutions out there? P.S. Any simple ideas for getting that WEMAC BALL VENT to 100% close - always a trickle of cold air on my knees Ok, maybe you can tell I just took about an 8 hour flight over christmas Dwight
  22. I have a long body M20F Executive 1967 model and it has a fairly well worn seat rail set on the pilot side that the seat does not latch very well. It forces me to put the seat either a little too far or too close to be sure it will remain latched securely. Questions 1. Anyone have any compatible seat rails they might sell? 2. How difficult is it to remove and install the rails? Can it easily be done at annual with the belly plates off? Thanks Dwight
  23. Thanks for the info on the compliance report !!! I just received back an answer from my flight from Northern Alabama to Southern Florida. The FAA reported to me that everything looks good in the report - reliable signal / no issues noted. Everytime the Center informed me of traffic I always had that traffic on my traffic display prior to them telling me about it. Theres a lot of traffic out there you never see thats for sure, and thats just the ones "in the system" Dwight
  24. So far everything seems to be working fine on mine. I am using it with Avare and IFly GPS on my Android and IFly GPS on my Ipad. I did find out you cant park the Tablet support yoke too close to the compass - as the tablet is magnetic and affects my compass Also, I attended the Freeflight onlne monthly seminar with Pete Ring last month. These guys are really supportive and allow you to ask ANY questions. I found out a lot more about the system from that Webinair. For example - No batteries in it that have to ever be changed like the 430W - The system get 978 traffic in a 15 NM puck +- 3500 ft from the ground stations, + any air to air 978 and 1090 traffic as long as its within line of site range - which explains why Chicago suburbs being 60 miles away I see lots of traffic! They told me it could see up to 100 NM this way. You can zoom in of course to avoid showing that traffic - Diversity Antenna on a GA aircraft really is not needed. Its a very remote chance that the wing will block view of a plane if the bottom antenna is installed properly - that saves you $800 on the install + antenna. RBS4159 How did you go about asking the FAA for a compliance report? I am curious as to how mine is reporting. I may be flying 1000 NM next week cross country and would like to see how its working.
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