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Everything posted by furledd

  1. Did either of you have a slide in Garwin Oil Temp Gauge available?
  2. I have an M20F Sent you a message via email - are these still available??
  3. Do you still have this? Any chance you would separate? I need the oil temperature gauge Thanks Dwight
  4. On the topic of newer parts on older planes I asked several folks if i could put J model elevators on my F model - they are 1) stronger and 2) nicer looking as being corugated vs. the old "smooth" look that shows every little hangar rash wave in it that I have. Even if I went so far as to keep and switch the old counter weights, still because the elevator it was not on the plane when it was new, it's not legal to do it. Of course, never a F model elevator comes up for sale in excellent shape, always the ones I cant use. I am so very tired of the legal spaghetti of a certified plane and making logical upgrades - There should be something in the Constitution about use common sense when making laws Makes me want to buy a kit plane
  5. I have had bottled water roll and block my lockdown before. Luckily didnt break the bottle. Also, right side seat belt because the last passenger didnt fasten the belt when he left the seat. Now its on my checklist! For a while i had a lot of resistance to raising and lowering the manual gear. Turned out when the A&P reshimmed my steering horn to try and correct a shimmy he made it so tight it was dragging hard - you had to be Hercules to get the gear up and down. Turns out, the shimmy was fixed by the service bulletin that I found online - on proper overcenter orientation of the front wheel - my mechanic who did Mooneys plenty before had ever seen that bulletin. Anyway, dont let anyone say your front wheel shimmy is ONLY due to a loose or worn steering horn. Its mainly the overcenter adjustment that affects shimmy, not horn wear. My shimmy went away after that even with a relatively worn horn bushing. Anyway, once we removed the shim and boy what a difference. When lowering the gear it should basically jump right into the down lock with no effort, and raising it right after takeoff should be like closing the door, if all is adjusted right. Even your mother can do it
  6. Ragsf15e: I was told that I could have used the 430W for a source, but Freeflight has a special deal on till the end of the year that gives you the Rangr + internal GPS + wifi for less cost than just the Rangr would normally be, so I took the package. If someone has a standard 430 they would need to upgrade it to 430W (how much is that these days $5k?) or get the much cheaper GPS source as an option in the Freeflight unit. Just got the Mooney back today - finally all the bugs are worked out. Gives me Traffic on the 430W, and Traffic, Weather, and Airport conditions Info (metars and the like) on the IPad. I used the ADSB View Freeflight App and also tried the IFly GPS app and it worked well. It seems there may be a problem with having more than 1 app connected at once though. Every time I connected a second app the first seemed to lose signal. Shutting down to only 1 app got the remaining one communicating again. Like to know if that is always the case ? I also set up eKneeBoard now to connect to Freeflight but just figured out how to do that at home, have to go fly to see how it works. Havent tried Foreflight yet since my trial subscription has expired - I may get a subscription to try that later this month but it seems that Freeflight wont talk to Foreflight as I read it above? I talked to the FlyQ EFB folks at Seattle Avionics (my usual preferred app in the past) and they said communication with the Freeflight is being investigated... but nothing has been announced at this point. Hoping that's coming soon. Also going to try out the Android Nexus tablet next time again with Avare - I tried it briefly a week ago while troubleshooting and the traffic display was really nice! Color coded , more details, good information, so I am up to keep experimenting to see how that one works.
  7. I can add more info on which apps will work, but supposedly IFly, Avare, and their own Freeflight app will all work right now, and a few more in the next few months coming, once i get the wifi working I will let you all know. It cost about $3500 as amillet above says (special price) + 3 days labor + I had to have a digital encoder installed to replace my analog, and also opted for 2 blade antennas instead of stick and ball. I did not get diversity - cant imagine that's needed on a Mooney and its almost $1000 more. Total came out closer to $6200. The Garmin alternative was about $1000 more and I was concerned about the closed architecture at Garmin - you are stuck with only what they want you to use for apps and don't let anyone else tie into their system.
  8. I just did it. 978 transceiver with internal WAAS and wifi module interfaced to a 327 transponder and Garmin 430W. Just picked up plane today, but noted some issues with the wifi module sending the data to the Ipad and my Android tablets (i have each) So its back to the avionics shop early next week to work out the bugs. Its the 4th one that shop has done, and the first one with a 430W. More to report later next week. By then, and spending a day that shop watching and asking questions, i may be a semi "expert" on this - info is hard to find on the internet for sure.
  9. All: Very much read this thread with interest. Ordered latest version of boot from Hector at Aero Comfort in TX and installed this weekend. Overall looks great and gives you plenty of clearance for operation of the bar (thin fabric) Only a couple small items in terms of lengths and boot location were commented on and sent to Hector and hes already made the centering change so there is more material for the back of the slot. I have attached pics of how i trimmed things to fit between the rails and tuck up and under the center console plastic. Note: I have an M20F 1967 model. PS I think as a final touch an o-ring to keep the boot from creeping up the bar will also be good (i need to add it yet) Hope this helps .. Dwight
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