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About dcastor

  • Birthday 06/25/1976

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  1. I know the Bravo and Ovation were significantly different. The Bravo is more like the M20J, but there are some minor differences…the armrest is larger to accommodate an O2 gauge mounted inside. Early M20Js have a different ceiling panel based on redesign of the air vents. …and then there is the round windows vs square.
  2. All, I began the process of replacing the interior plastics of my M20M earlier this summer. I pulled 4 panels and brought them to Vantage Plane Plastics. They said they were willing to make molds of my panels to produce replacements, but on arrival to their factory, they said they already had molds for most of my parts. When they sent me the replacements, they were close, but didn't fit. I suspect the round window panels were for an M20J/K or something. Now they seem unwilling to make additional molds for my airplane. So, I intend to produce my own. I will start small pieces vantage also doesn't produce and scale up. Parts will be molded in a plastic that meets the requirements of FAR part 23. Here is a mold for the first piece, it's a cover for the luggage door inside release. Will post updates as I go, let me know if I can help you with similar pieces. Dave Castor
  3. I just moved to NE Florida, KFIN area. As far as I know, no maintenance available at the field. Anyone have good experiences with mechanics in the area? Thank you!
  4. Asked for a quote for a JPI EDM-900 into my Bravo and the quote came back north of 17,000. Ugh. 80 man-hrs to install. Really?
  5. I have a TKS system in my Mooney Bravo with an ice light. The wire leading to the ice light has pulled out of the back of the connector. I'd like to get some replacement contacts, but having trouble identifying the type of connector. Anyone have a guess?
  6. Is this a Mooney part original to plane or did a previous owner add it?
  7. I'm seeing a lot of broken image icons. Images that users have included in their posts, but don't seem to work. As an example, I am looking for Mooney tug ideas and found a thread labelled "show your tug". Most of the images in that thread are not visible. Was there a change to a new server that broke these images or some sort of data cap we've hit and the hosting company is blocking images? Sorry if this is a repeat question, I did look to see if something like this was previously asked and found nothing. David Castor
  8. dcastor

    TLS Bravo Power Settings

    Have you noticed low voltage warning on either alternator when throttle is at a lower setting?
  9. dcastor

    TLS Bravo Power Settings

    Appreciate the post. Is there a limitation on how long full power should be used? I'm not one to push the engine hard, but flight instructor asked me because a Bonanza he flew with a turbo had like a 2 minute limitation. Thanks!
  10. I am installing a newly upholstered set of seats and when removing the rear bench seat I found these massive steel springs under the lower seat cushion (see photo). I think I remember reading somewhere that the foam used these days is better and the springs can be removed...any other opinion? I'm leaning towards removing because when I took the bench seat out the springs were folded backwards which caused scratches on the aluminum. Dave C
  11. My SVS control was at one time I attached to the side of the footwell near where your A/P is, then moved by a previous owner to just below the yoke. I don't thonk you need to modify the cable to make it work. I suppose the big concern is introducing slack on the cable that allows the cable to move and reducing effectiveness of the cable.
  12. I talked with aircraft engravers a long time ago. I figure if he can't engrave on the plastic we use...then it should be possible to use the same mold with a different plastic formula. Alternatively, I've also been looking at options for hot stamping (like the originals). Dave
  13. Shrobby, I built a 3D model and sent it to an injection molding company. They had some concerns with the moldability of the design, and suggested some modifications. I intend to make those changes. The cost of making a mold is about 5k, so I think we would need to have a commitment for at least a few hundred of these covers to make the cost worthwhile. I don't know if tge demand is high enough for that. Definitely not high enough if there are more than one of us producing the covers, so thats why I don't want to share my model. I did share a version formatted for 3d printing and I think it has been used to produce many of the 3d prints you see in this thread. Dave C
  14. I had a similar problem, found a short between the mic and phone jacks that only occurred when headset was plugged in. Try a different headset to make sure its not a in your headset. Dave C
  15. That's good news, but I would like to see them improve the accuracy of the parts...I read about a guy who ended up returning at least the headliner because it wasn't an accurate reproduction of the parts in his plane. I'm all for updating, but as an example they eliminated the recessed areas where stall/gear warning horns are supposed to go. Offering a couple of colors would be a nice improvement as well. Dave C
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