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wishboneash last won the day on August 24 2013

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    :KLVK, CA
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    '78 M20J

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  1. Will do. Thanks... Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk
  2. Hi I am interested in your Flightstream 210 and the Airspeed indicator if you still have them available. Thanks.
  3. Sent you a direct message. Thanks!
  4. Hi I'll take it if it's still available. I am at KLVK. N201LW Sriram
  5. I would recommend Executive Autopilots in Sacramento (KSAC). They fixed my Century IIB about 8 years ago. Good luck.
  6. Apparently JPI had replaced the fuel board and the motherboard (besides the display) and brought it up to current standards/versions. That explains loss of all calibration data and hence the fuel level related errors. I "recalibrated" both tanks (mock re-calibration using old data) and the errors are gone. I had to update total fuel (main/aux) since those were default values and also updated the CHT warning limits which had been lost. I will do a full re-calibration as per the service manual and that will be the end of it.
  7. I got the unit back a few days ago. The repair charge was 1/2 an AMU for the display replacement. Unfortunately, I get a fuel sensor error on the right main on plugging back in (ERROR R-MAIN). I had NO issues with the fuel level sensors (which are analog, not CiES) earlier. I checked the resistance on both tanks and I am getting very odd results. This is on the P5 connector. The ground line (black) which are shorted together from both sensors is 1.1k ohms to chassis ground and the resistance from signal (white-L, green-R) to ground is over 56k ohms for both tanks! Hopefully I am doing this right. Isn't it in the 0-300 ohm range? Fuel level is about the same on both tanks and fairly low (didn't dip stick measure). I can't do much until after the holidays so troubleshooting suggestions are welcome.
  8. No, I don't believe so, it isn't too hot yet here and battery/charging system all fine. It won't go past the splash screen, so I am guessing some hardware/software issue that perhaps failed some initial checks.
  9. After 8 years or so of ownership, my EDM 900 has failed. Not the display itself, but it doesn't "boot up" after powering on. The JPI logo shows up for a few seconds then the whole thing shuts down. I guess the plane is grounded. Will have to send the unit back to JPI I guess and see how much they charge to get it fixed.
  10. I'd probably let go of the Shadin if I were you. You will not have the LOP/ROP functionality without fuel flow in the EDM 900. The logging features are always nice to have such as to keep track of trends as you can download and study them later (also check GAMI spreads using the EDM software).
  11. I have a temperature controlled fan/heater which sends in warm air from below the cowl flaps. The engine is at a fairly constant temperature of 18-20C. The probe is placed inside the air intake on the top of the engine. I also place a blanket on top of the engine to provide some insulation. The heater only comes on when necessary so there's no unnecessary heating on warm days.
  12. I have had the Icom A22 for over 25 years. I think I have rebuilt the battery three times. Still going strong.
  13. Wow, I can see some confusion with this "extended downwind" terminology. Perhaps, in this situation, landing Rwy 27 left pattern, saying you are 2 miles west of the field entering downwind will clarify the situation as opposed to being 2 miles on an extended downwind to the east. Better yet, at a busy airport it's best to avoid the downwind entry and do the standard 45 entry. At Watsonwille (KWVI), this has happened to me many times and I always fly the 45 entry into this uncontrolled field as it can be extremely busy on a Saturday morning after the fog lifts. Coming from the north to land Rwy 20 (left pattern) can result in some interesting manoeuvres especially with terrain to the north.
  14. Thanks for running the experiment. Both my handheld and the panel radios pick up the noise on 121.6MHz, not all the time but most of the times. It happened with the D2 unit as well which I returned a couple of times and finally "upgraded" to the D3 which has the same issue. I give up
  15. Hi, would you mind tuning your panel COM radio to 121.60 and see if you pick up any interference from the D3? It usually happens around the time the splash/disclaimer screen shows up. I had forgotten about this thread, but I did repeat the test with an RF spectrum analyzer (SA) and saw a signal show up at 121.6MHz. It wasn't very strong signal but it was enough for my GTN650 to pick it up. I had taken a video of the SA screen as I turned on the D3 but unfortunately I can't seem to find it now. Will try to repeat it sometime. There were a bunch of other frequencies that popped up on the SA, but none that I have run into while I have been flying. 121.6 is ground at Livermore and it is definitely annoying when it happens. To avoid this, I turn on the D3 after I am in the run up area. Dynon hasn't been of much help in resolving this.
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