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Mine came already installed when I bought my J. Nice installation, and I really like the Ram Air design, but I wouldn't spend the 15,000 plus installation for it. Fit and finish are excellent and I am glad to have it.


That's the main reason to get one of these cowls, the ram air. It's finally ram air done right. The concept does work, it's just often done poorly. If I came into a huge windfall of money for some reason, like winning the lottery, or something, I would totally do this to my plane. Other than that, sadly the only logical reason to spend this much is if you're dream is to build the most efficient Mooney and that I believe would be the M20E with one of these cowls on.


That's why I say, if you can find a used one for sale with this mod, like the one in this thread, buy it!


Was the Lopresti cowled bird faster than yours, Byron?



Definatly so, but it had not only the LoPresti cowling, but every LASAR mod available as well. Plus powerflow Gen II exhaust, LASAR door pin kit, inflatable door seal.  All of it.  Original factory paint and a 1500 SMOH engine. We didnt rag on it, but he says its a 167 knot true airplane LOP, and with the Aspen showing TAS, I'd believe it.  Apples to apples, its 10-12 knots faster. He said the cowl was worth 4 knots.


I did notice the fit and finish of the cowl was lacking. It was wavy and didnt fit the airplane's boot cowl very smoothly.


I'm posting several more photos of my LoPresti cowl installation as some had indicated that fit and finish are not good on current units. This one was done about 5 years ago, and I am pleased with the quality, fit and finish. The Power Flow exhaust system makes for a tight fit, but they do work together.




I'm posting several more photos of my LoPresti cowl installation as some had indicated that fit and finish are not good on current units. This one was done about 5 years ago, and I am pleased with the quality, fit and finish. The Power Flow exhaust system makes for a tight fit, but they do work together.


Seriously dude, you have a rubber mat your nose wheel sits on in the hangar?? I so want to buy your plane when you're done with it! I could lick that cowl with no fear of germs! ;)


I think if you saw my plane, you'd throw up.


funny in a nice way. Actually I have aluminum plates under all three wheels. The hangar floor is carpeted because the actual cement floor is cracked and a bit uneven and I was advised that the floor was in too bad a shape to lay down a smooth epoxy finish I had filler material laid down to try and smooth the floor, but the material used has remained a bit rubbery and soft which was not apparent when the carpet was laid down. The aluminum plates stop dents into the carpets. Also these plates help me position the airplane where I want it in the hangar. My lease on the hangar requires me to remove the carpeting when I turn it back if the lessor doesn't want to keep the carpeting. Crazy project, but it does dampen sound a bit and laying on my back under the wings or belly is almost comfortable.


I flew in a LoPresti cowled 201 a couple weeks ago. At 4000 feet it would add 1 inch of manifold pressure. It went to 27", which, on that day, was 1' above ambient pressure. He routinely flies it at FL180 and FL200. At those altitudes it adds 1/2", which is still a few horsepower above what it could make assuming no intake tract losses. 1/2" of MP is a lot when you only can develop 10-12" at those altitudes. It does nothing for takeoff and climb. It needs airspeed to function.


WOW!! FL180 & FL200 in a J!!! I take mine up to 16-17500 when Im over the rockies its a bit of a slouch... Does he fly endurance?  That is cool id like to hear more about your buddy 

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