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took a few fridays b/c of weather, but finally got the sign off.  Now I'm going to start my Instrument training.  If you hear 6099Q on the radio, watch out, I'm probably dangerous up there.  lol.


If I actually hear you on the radio, you're one step closer to being safe than some of the yahoos up there.  I hate turning base and finding unexpected (unannounced) company.


Quote: jax88

If I actually hear you on the radio, you're one step closer to being safe than some of the yahoos up there.  I hate turning base and finding unexpected (unannounced) company.


well, I got my first official solo time in the mooney.  I love the way it feels.  very responsive feel in the yokes.  landing really isn't bad if you catch it at 70 knots.  I tend to start my flare early (bad habit I can't seem to break), so ground effect had me gliding for longer than I'd seen in the cherokee.


Yes, I've learned to enjoy the glide in the Mooney. My boss also flies (RV4) and I always remember the mantra he gave me when I was getting started: "just hold what you got." 


Rules for pilots with a new complex endorsement:

1: Don't forget to put the gear up after take-off

2: Never, never, never land without putting the gear down first.


on downwind.....put the gear down,

on base..... did I put the gear down?

on final..... check if you put the gear down.


Quote: Cruiser

2: Never, never, never land without putting the gear down first.


on downwind.....put the gear down,

on base..... did I put the gear down?

on final..... check if you put the gear down.


Congrats on the complex.

I check gear down three times, and put it down on downwind abeam the numbers. Check it again on base, check it again on final and again on short final. If you put it down at downwind then it does not distract you when on final when you are nailing the speeds so you don't float.




You only need to remember GUMPS:

G - Gear

U - Undercarriage

M - Man, did I put the gear down ?

P - Put the gear down

S - Shit, the gear is down, isn't it ?


Lots of guys swoop into the pattern and put the gear down on downwind. That way they can say they have arrived at the airport as fast as they possibly could and it looks cool to those on the ground when you turn from the 45 to downwind and drop the gear at the same time. However, there is nothing wrong with putting the gear down earlier, like on the 45, or even on approach to the airport. I use mine as speed brakes. I don't have the luxury of a home field located on a flat plain with no class B airspace to contend with. My typical approach consists of scooting under the class B and over some hills and then dropping down pretty quickly. I find that using the gear helps me get down to pattern altitude quick enough and at the same time, get down to pattern speeds. Until you are super comfortable with your plane, I recommend dropping the gear before you even enter the pattern. It slows things down and gets the most important task, other than landing the plane itself out of the way early.

Congratulations on the endorsement BTW!

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