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OP ED-"Little Timmy Wants to Know Why Nobody Likes Airplanes Anymore?

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Andy...this is where you have deep conflicts with arrogance and fabulous ignorance, all tied together with unbridled impulse control. It has nothing to do with our "moral superiority" or even our "virtue". It has everything to do with our interests.


You really think I'm that dumb…Oh John…There is an old adage, don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining. Of course that it's about "our" interests. And when I say, "our", I mean the world wide elites. It's one thing to support it and know what you are doing, which is sending young man to die for dollars, it's another, to believe we're doing it for democracy or some higher moral purposes we always try to gift wrap it with…and sell it to Scott and the like…

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I know the history, and we can be pretty sure that American help would be unwelcome even among the progressives in Iran. But the West is a big place, and guys like Mousavi need all the friends they can get. Unfortunately, when they called in 2009-2012, the West didn't answer.



Bo, If you think our subversive efforts in 2009 had nothing to do with us, you are mistaken. Obama had a "moment in time" ( a phrase he loved to use with Obamacare) and he had the wherewithal to not use it. Now look. These people are now 270 million, they influence an entire region, have meddled in far more than we have and in short order, they'll have the bomb.

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You really think I'm that dumb…Oh John…There is an old adage, don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining. Of course that it's about "our" interests. And when I say, "our", I mean the world wide elites. 


Well then speak the language. And quickly buy a diesel Passat and an extra Prius for the garage. You know I don't think you are dumb....misguided, a bit lost...but not dumb. I wouldn't mess with you if you were dumb. As my father always said, "son, I wouldn't give you shit, if I didn't love you".

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Well then speak the language. And quickly buy a diesel Passat and an extra Prius for the garage. You know I don't think you are dumb....misguided, a bit lost...but not dumb. I wouldn't mess with you if you were dumb. As my father always said, "son, I wouldn't give you shit, if I didn't love you".


But then where would the fun be…You're still a lot more of true believer than I am…I truly don't care, have not voted in a single election in my entire time here in US of A and equally contributed to whomever is running in my home state and my chosen self-interest PACs…I support the Democrats slightly more because I believe I'm considerably less likely to lose my head in a revolution if the great unwashed masses are at least minimally fed and educated. It's the only reason why I am against FOX. It gets good portion of the masses too agitated for my tastes and they have too many fucking guns…And ACA has been good for my insurance related software business…It just so happens that I am not a third generation wealthy American, so I have no interests in the "war" business. If I did, I'd be all for it too…I do have interests in crop insurance, hence my support for subsidies, food stamps and such…war competes with these...


And now honestly tell me than if you moved an average American to France or anywhere else in Western Europe, they would not be all over themselves for the first time realizing what freedom is, for regular peeps, that is.

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This is fool hearted, Bo. If you think our subversive efforts in 2009 had nothing to do with us, you are mistaken. Obama had a "moment in time" and he had the wherewithal to not use it. Now look. These people are now 270 million, they influence an entire region, have meddled in far more than we have and in short order, they'll have the bomb.


Western-backed meddling is certainly what Khameni accused the protestors of in 2009. If that was true, it was pretty incompetent meddling, because the fundos regained control in a heartbeat, and have clamped down on reformers ever since.


I say it was a missed opportunity because a significant majority of Iranians, particularly the young and educated folks, don't like their fundamentalist leadership any more than we do.  Iran isn't Libya, Syria, Lebanon or Iraq. Unlike most of the Middle East, it wasn't a fake state drawn with straight lines by the West. It has a history which goes back to ancient Persia. Unlike Libya, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq, the reformers are broadly based, among people identifying as Iranians, not as tribal factions with grudges against their countrymen. 


Don't believe for a minute that 270 million Iranians are lined up to do battle against the West. Their fundamentalist leadership certainly is, but some smart diplomacy and support for internal reformers could change that. Instead, we are fueling the fundos in their religious war against the"Great Satan" and our regional proxies.

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I say it was a missed opportunity because a significant majority of Iranians, particularly the young and educated folks, don't like their fundamentalist leadership any more than we do.  Iran isn't Libya, Syria, Lebanon or Iraq. Unlike most of the Middle East, it wasn't a fake state drawn with straight lines by the West. It has a history which goes back to ancient Persia. 


So Iran gave us Algebra and really nice rugs, but they also have a 700 year history of behaving like animals. Obama made a White House comment recently that some how got out. I can't remember or quote him accurately, but he basically said in a rather pro Islamic and romantic way, that "they can be great". This is deeply disconcerting.

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It's the only reason why I am against FOX. It gets good portion of the masses too agitated for my tastes and they have too many fucking guns…



x2 on Fox and agitated masses...that's some scary s@#t they spin. But one can never have too many guns. My wife just took off hunting with her girlfriends, and took my favorite little semi. Now what am I going to go out and shoot ptarmigan with today? Could use a shotgun, but that's got no class.

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So Iran gave us Algebra and really nice rugs, but they also have a 700 year history of behaving like animals...


One could say that of most great powers, both secular and religious. You were dead on when you talked about acting in accordance with "our interests". What has always been hard is figuring out what "our interests" really are, and how to best achieve them.

Being Team America: World Cop hasn't worked out so well, so perhaps there's a better way.

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One could say that of most great powers, both secular and religious. You were dead on when you talked about acting in accordance with "our interests". 

Being Team America: World Cop hasn't worked out so well, so perhaps there's a better way.



You bet your butt. Nobody is going to be idealistic anymore. You are aware that Repub's are just going to come out and just say it, right? Now if Saudi Arabia can choke oil laden, Iran in one month and instantly affect their wealth and currency, what do you think they or the Iranians can do to us? What does it cost to fill up a 500 gallon heating oil tank in Canada at $5.00 a gallon in the dead of winter? No wait, I can do the math.


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Now if Saudi Arabia can choke oil laden, Iran in one month and instantly affect their wealth and currency, what do you think they or the Iranians can do to us? What does it cost to fill up a 500 gallon heating oil tank in Canada at $5.00 a gallon in the dead of winter? No wait, I can do the math.


Not as much as it did last year, that's for sure. We don't have fuel oil tanks in my part of Labrador - big hydro projects in our neighborhood keep our houses humming on electric heat at about 0.03/kWh.


Funny thing is that Iran, Canada and the USA are all net exporters of oil these days - we just can't produce the stuff as cheaply as the Saudis, so they are dumping it onto the world market, which has dramatically cut the price and knocked out some of their higher-priced competition. 


The fact that they can do this at all seems like a good argument to re-invest the trillion/year spent on "defense" in good o'l North American know-how so that we can get big parts of our economy off oil entirely and get our boys and girls out of harms way.


Then the Saudis and a lot of other of our unsavoury "friends" can go back to being in charge of sand dunes and religious sites.

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The Saudis are now surrounded by Iran (Yemen, ISIS, UAE Islands and Oman now in the mix).....they are about to renew our mutual friendship. They will likely manipulate crude prices to affect our political process in 2016. Funny how the world, geo-polical process works. I don't think the Saudi's will have Hillary Clinton's interests in mind. Pucker-up, gas prices will be going up in six months on a steady hike to $5.00 in 2016. A little "time-out" to flush Iran with cash, help the Chinese and make the democratic party look like screw-ups.

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The Saudis are now surrounded by Iran (Yemen, ISIS, UAE Islands and Oman now in the mix).....they are about to renew our mutual friendship. They will likely manipulate crude prices to affect our political process in 2016. Funny how the world, geo-polical process works. I don't think the Saudi's will have Hillary Clinton's interests in mind. Pucker-up, gas prices will be going up in six months on a steady hike to $5.00 in 2016. A little "time-out" to flush Iran with cash, help the Chinese and make the democratic party look like screw-ups.



Don't forget Iraq, being it's more or less an Iranian client state, thanks to some great foresight from Dick and Donald. There should be a cartoon called that. Donald says something dumb, and Dick drops to the ground and grabs his chest...


Has it ever occurred to you that our entire interest in the region is oil. That's all. Nothing else. Nobody on the high levels of government here could care less about the second coming of Christ and the need for Jerusalem to be around to fulfill the great book, but once again a handy excuse to keep crazies in the check. Every Christian station in the country is always blabbing about Israel this, Israel that. Keeps Daver supporting his tax money going to the middle east.


And like it or not, Iran has become a major regional player, and we will strike a deal with them, come hell or high water and there is nothing Saudis and Isrealis can do about that. You know we're doing something right for our interests in the region when both Saudis and Isrealis see eye to eye and are against us.

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And we could quit handing our taxpayer money out to obliviously disingenuous countries like Pakistan, or blatantly obvious terrorist groups like Hamas, (only could Obama sneak that one in) ... and why give money to Eygpt? Why anyone at all? We need to get busy on building our Socislist utopia here in the US

And why give money to Israel, or Pakistan, or Afghanistan?

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Don't forget Iraq, being it's more or less an Iranian client state, thanks to some great foresight from Dick and Donald. There should be a cartoon called that. Donald says something dumb, and Dick drops to the ground and grabs his chest...



Oh......and now, since the withdrawal????



Has it ever occurred to you that our entire interest in the region is oil. That's all. 


Clearly you did not read my last two posts.



Every Christian station in the country is always blabbing about Israel this, Israel that. Keeps Daver supporting his tax money going to the middle east.


This is liberal psycho-babble, anti Christian, left wing mockery that would never be considered against Islam. Just wait until the tower tolls for morning prayers in Council  Bluffs. I'll buy you a rug for Hanuuuuuuuuuh....wait, I mean the Hajj.




And like it or not, Iran has become a major regional player, and we will strike a deal with them, come hell or high water and there is nothing Saudis and Isrealis can do about that.


No they haven't and any deal will be empty, not unlike the China Climate deal. You remember Jimmy Carter and Camp David, right? Yeah..how did that liberal wet dream work out?  Iran has used this deal to flush themselves with cash, so they can go cause trouble in Yemen and other places. They will not abide by any kind of nuclear regulation. They just completed a new ICBM base. They have no reason or gumption to abide by any accord.




You know we're doing something right for our interests in the region when both Saudis and Isrealis see eye to eye and are against us.


But they did for decades which proves my point. They both hate Obama, won't deal with him and see his policy failures for what they are.

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You cannot claim that Iran has the Saudis surrounded and at the same time claim they are not a major regional player.



Oh yes I can.......Because criminal behavior stirs the pot, doesn't mean they have power. They wouldn't be seeking the bomb, if they had power. One month of a Saudi oil flood has devalued Iranian currency and choked their coffers more than a year of the P5+1 sanctions. That doesn't strike me as a powerful nation, but instead, a vulnerable bully of a religious theocracy.


Name me one benefit of a strong Tehran. They don't have enough oil. So that's out. Could it be that you dislike the very country that affords you your wonderful life, so much, that you feel a strong Iran is fair and just? They have spent decades funding terrorist activities in every corner of the world. If they were such a player as you say, they'd crawl out of the gutter and move policies that help their cause. But they don't. They are criminal and usurp the obligation of world law abiding behavior. They are a notch above North Korea...and guess what buddy...they ain't changing.


At some point along the line, somebody didn't teach you anything, because like so many of our citizens who are anti-American, you'll believe anything.

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Oh yes I can.......Because criminal behavior stirs the pot, doesn't mean they have power. They wouldn't be seeking the bomb, if they had power. One month of a Saudi oil flood has devalued Iranian currency and choked their coffers more than a year of the P5+1 sanctions. That doesn't strike me as a powerful nation, but instead, a vulnerable bully of a religious theocracy.


Name me one benefit of a strong Tehran. They don't have enough oil. So that's out. Could it be that you dislike the very country that affords you your wonderful life, so much, that you feel a strong Iran is fair and just? They have spent decades funding terrorist activities in every corner of the world. If they were such a player as you say, they'd crawl out of the gutter and move policies that help their cause. But they don't. They are criminal and usurp the obligation of world law abiding behavior. They are a notch above North Korea...and guess what buddy...they ain't changing.


At some point along the line, somebody didn't teach you anything, because like so many of our citizens who are anti-American, you'll believe anything.


Show me what you know. Iran has second largest proven reserves in the world of conventional sweet crude. Saudi Arabia has Iran outspent, probably 10 to 1, when it comes to funding terrorist activities. Iran is actually a fairly open and free society, that allows women to drive, more or less dress how they want, pursue higher education and careers. John, do some research before throwing more Fox news bullshit out there. They are not North Korea. Our "ally", Saudi Arabia, has a permanent class of "slaves" who's passports have been confiscated. Does this look like North Korea to you, or a capitalistic country where everyone tries to make a buck. And an average Iranian loves Americans, same cannot be said about average wahhabist. Saudis are #1, $ for $, sponsors of terrorism and there are clear reports indicating they were behind(at the highest levels of government) the Iraqi uprising. Once again, don't give me you shit. There is not one set of clean hands down there, and more they fight between one another, the better off we are. That appears to be the Obama foreign policy and I tend to agree with it. We benefit directly when they are busy with one another, fairly evenly matched.



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Enjoy, thanks for wiki leaks. Of course, the Saudis are not a big fan of Hillary and Obama. They have been calling them out on their bullshit for last 6 years. ISIS was a Saudi baby, till it grew up and got out of hands...




And of course, last but not least, whenever a conservative throws known bullshit around to be accepted as truth, they add:


"why do you hate America so much". I have no dislike for America, I have a dislike for certain policies. If we wanted to rid the world of terrorism, we've been sending drones to all the wrong places. 


Comparing Tehran to Pyongyang, makes whatever other point you're trying to make, weak and ridiculous.

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Show me what you know. Iran has second largest proven reserves in the world of conventional sweet crude. Saudi Arabia has Iran outspent, probably 10 to 1, when it comes to funding terrorist activities. Iran is actually a fairly open and free society, that allows women to drive, more or less dress how they want, pursue higher education and careers. John, do some research before throwing more Fox news bullshit out there. They are not North Korea. Our "ally", Saudi Arabia, has a permanent class of "slaves" who's passports have been confiscated. Does this look like North Korea to you, or a capitalistic country where everyone tries to make a buck. And an average Iranian loves Americans, same cannot be said about average wahhabist. Saudis are #1, $ for $, sponsors of terrorism and there are clear reports indicating they were behind(at the highest levels of government) the Iraqi uprising. Once again, don't give me you shit. There is not one set of clean hands down there, and more they fight between one another, the better off we are. That appears to be the Obama foreign policy and I tend to agree with it. We benefit directly when they are busy with one another, fairly evenly matched.




Sure... I can do a selfie of my armpit if you'd like. Maybe snap a quick photo of a Florida cesspool if you'd like. Looks great. Plan your next vacation there. You might have to check your smart phone in a locker at the airport. Again, you gauge their worth by them not being a problem.......a pitifully low bar.

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Sure... I can do a selfie of my armpit if you'd like. Maybe snap a quick photo of a Florida cesspool if you'd like. Looks great. Plan your next vacation there. You might have to check your smart phone in a locker at the airport. Again, you gauge their worth by them not being a problem.......a pitifully low bar.


Once again, your typical reply when presented with facts. Officially out of this thread. Talk to you in November 2016, when you will see not a single one of your predictions come true. What's going to be your excuse then?


Funny, you'd support uprising in Tehran but when your fellow citizens do the same, you call them thugs and criminals. Bet you we have a lot more people locked up here than they do in Iran.

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What I find crazy is the belief that the best way to fight the regime in Tehran is through military threats.


All that does is play into the "Great Satan" narrative the ayatollahs use to hold on to power. Economics creates far more leverage. The West crashed their currency in 2012, although it came too late to support the progressives who were very close to effecting an internal regime change. The current global oil price is also taking a heavy toll on their economy. I doubt that anyone in Tehran will ever wear an "I love America" T-shirt, but as Andy notes, we aren't talking about brainwashed, starving and globally isolated North Koreans. Many young Iranians are worldly, well-educated, and fed up with the fascist/religious regime that runs their country.


Unfortunately, our policies--including unwavering support for the brutal, fundamentalist religious sect that runs Saudi Arabia, and let's not forget to mention the Israeli right-wing--help to keep the ayatollahs in power.

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