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Found 12 results

  1. This may have been done before and if so, I’m sorry, but I’d like to put a “pinned” topic together listing those CFIs who are willing to do Mooney checkouts for potential new owners. Breakout the thread by geographic areas, refined by type, or some other easily logical and searchable way. I have been contacted to do training for folks from MooneyFlyer or somewhere but what is usually not known to the new owner is the insurance requirements for time in type.—one in my case needed a Bravo time instructor for instance and I have none. I got to thinking hell I don’t know anyone near them to refer them either. So they are searching in unfamiliar territory adding to the stress of taking delivery. I’d like to see something to ease the transition during an already difficult and stressful time by having a single place to find their Mooney CFI. UPDATE INITIAL LIST OF CFIs with the info I’ve been provided so far. I’ll be making a more user friendly version soon. This is just so folks don’t have to search the entire thread to find someone. If you want to be added please let me know and if you want to include more contact information please let me know that as well. I'm planning on getting info from Mooney Flyer to be included and make sure to not have duplicate entries. Mooney CFI_June21.xlsx
  2. I need a CFI with Min 500h flight time, Min 100h retractable gear, and 25 hours in a Mooney m20c or similar. The insurance company ask me too Plane is at KDWH let me know if someone is interested or you know someone who will thank you
  3. The FAA just published a national policy N8900.463 stating that a complex airplane is no longer required for the commercial or CFI practical test. The total 10 hrs of complex training for the commercial, however is still a requirement along with a complex endorsement but the practical test may be conducted in any airplane
  4. Hey Everybody, I've been reading all of your post for quite sometime now and have never made a contribution to any post. With that said I want to thank you all for your many years of wisdom as this forum has been an extremely valuable resource in finding my very own 1970 M20C, which will be my first airplane purchase. I'm looking for a CFI with Mooney experience to fly with me from VA to Southern Utah. It needs to be someone with some Mooney time because It would help lower my insurance, and I need a CFI to sign me off on the complex time. I'm a 400hr CFI/CFI-I in helicopters, but I just started working on my private pilot add-on in SEL. The Trip would take place in Late July or Early August. I might even have my PPL by that time.
  5. Good Day, Florida Mooniacs! Anyone in Florida looking for transition training, recurrent or re-fam training, or even a simple BFR in type should give Mike Elliott of Tarpon Springs a call. I recently took delivery of an M20K from Daytona Aircraft Services, and selected Mike for my transition training; my selection was truly a blind selection, having found Mike from LASAR's list of Mooney instructors from halfway across the country (I'm in Utah). I'm glad Mike was closest to Daytona, as the only basis for my selection was geographic proximity. Hopefully this review will give Florida Mooney pilots something to consider aside from geographical proximity alone in fulfilling their instruction needs. Mike is professional and very experienced, with invaluable perspective in all things flying and Mooney. At the same time, I also found him to be jovial and of very positive personality, which helped ease of the pressure to learn flying a 231 in a completely new place prior to flying my new-to-me airplane home. He will travel; based out of the greater Tampa area, Daytona was a trek but no sweat for Mike, and he was in Pensacola prior to training with me. I enjoyed my transition training and feel I made a friend in the Mooney community. I had a great experience with Mike Elliott and strongly advise anyone looking for instruction in Mooney aircraft to consider him. He's a frequent poster here on Mooney Space, I'm sure most if not all have seen posts from him, and is easy to contact at mike@aviating.com Fly and Be Safe, James Lee 'One Whiskey Hotel'
  6. Hi, I'm looking for some Mooney specific training in the Chicago land area. Does anyone know of any good CFI's that I can get some training from? I have my PPL and need to get my complex endorsement. A CFII would be a plus as I am looking to get my instrument rating as well. Thanks! Paul
  7. Hello, I wanted to take a minute and introduce myself. I moved to the Daytona area a year ago. I am based at KOMN. I spend most of my days at the field instructing and working on my planeand making airplane noises. I am a CFI,CFII. MEI here. I Currently own a 65 M20c. I bought this neglected bird a few months ago. It sat outside untouched for a few years. But the overall numbers were good all low times. And the previous owner did the major (engine,tanks) repairs before he had some medical issues. I had to send out the carb it was clogged. A few days later I had her running. That was a major hurdle. Then it was onto the next item. I have a fresh panel being built. It will be sporting a Garmin 430, Stratus ESG, dual cdi, ps engineering audio panel and a jpi 900. Keeping the steam gauges till a later date. While that work is being conducted. I took on the daunting task of replacing all the firewall insulation. The plane had the eyelids removed and placed on with a few screws. Water manage to get in and sit on the floor. Luckily no carpet installed. I should have taken the hint from the upholstery shop on the field. What a pain. But now all that is done and man what a difference. In the next few weeks it should make its first flight in 2+ years. Well that's just a little about me. I look forward to bouncing around here for a while. So if you see me on the field stop say hi. I would love to talk. Jason
  8. Hey Everyone, Just put a deposit down on a Mooney I am looking to buy. So naturally I thought this would be the place to find a CFI to get some training on it. The aircraft is based at PDK currently. It will need relocating to 20GA. (hour drive west of PDK) I have not gotten the insurance requirements yet for it but I am sure I am looking at 10-20 hours of instruction. The co-owner of the plane will also need it so good opportunity for some time. This will probably be the week before Christmas for the ferry flight. And then instruction the week after. Some info on the aircraft, 1962 20C, manual gear, Garmin 430, STEC-50 auto pilot. Send me a message if you are interested.
  9. Hello, all - Need a Mooney-experienced CFI for my BFR near Atlanta. I'm available only on Aug. 8th, 9th and A.M. of the 10th. Long-body experience would be best. Michael O'Neal would be a great choice, but I cannot get my plane over to KPDK. Plane is hangared at 20GA in Villa Rica. Any suggestions? Chuck
  10. Hello, all - Need a Mooney-experienced pilot to ferry my Bravo from 20GA to McCollum Field to get avionics repairs. (My BFR is expired.) Also need to do the BFR, obviously. I tried Jim Stevens, but he won't be available when I'm in town, Sep 26th & 27th. I'm working out-of-state in Philly, so I have only limited opportunities to do things with my plane. I *could* get a BFR in, say, a C-172 here in Philly, but I really need to fly in my own plane. I've been out of the cockpit for over 2 years. Anybody know someone?
  11. I need a plot with 500 hours total, 100 hours retractable, and 25 hours (make and model - M20) time to ferry my M20C from Midwest Executive at Lee's Summit (KLXT) to TechnicAir at Kansas City Downtown (KMKC). For insurance purposes, I also need a CFI with the same minimum experience to provide 5 hours of flight instruction to me in the same aircraft. Can anyone help? Thank you, Bobby rakes_bobby@hotmail.com (573) 337-3447
  12. I'm going to try to get my CFI in my M20J. I'm starting to practice maneuvers , specifically Steep Turns, Steep Spirals, Lazy Eights, Chandelles, Eights on Pylons, and Slow Flight (clean and dirty). Can anyone suggest, as a starting point, power (prop setting and manifold pressure) that works well for these maneuvers ? Thanks!
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